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An introduction on how to run and play a role playing game.
Examples of actual game sessions for both fantasy and modern genres.
3Deep is a setting neutral game that allows you to play any character and any race using just one simple ruleset.
This book will support anyone new to role playing games and 3Deep in particular to get started.
Why... [click here for more] |
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$9.99 $9.99
3Deep Combat Card Deck
All your combat rolls at a flip of a card
3Deep has a very interactive combat system, defenders can try and use their shields, or use your combat skill to dodge, duck or dive. As you attack you can roll to attack, roll your damage, hit locations, and for knockback to send your target flying.
If you are using everything combat can get slow. Speed it up with these combat tarot... [click here for more] |
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$19.99 $16.07
Alone in the Dark Second Edition
Alone in the Dark is a set of simple Solo play rules for Blades in the Dark
This version was recently kickstarted (funded in 2 minutes), and has been expanded. 32 pages of new material, a handy reference chapter that gathers all the oracles and tables into one section, new solo game mechanic - tracks.
You Need This Book
All role-playing is improv,... [click here for more] |
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Easier Encounters
Encounters are fundamental to great game sessions and campaigns. This book contains my ideas on combining player goals, character choices, stakes, and consequences for building encounters that build into adventures and into satisfying campaigns.
... [click here for more] |
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Solo Core
Solo Playing 2D20 System Games
I am best known for creating solo tools that fit a specific game and setting. I like the seamless feel of solo tools and game rules working together as part of the same system. So what am I doing writing something that goes against that philosophy? The 2D20 System Reference Document, published by Modiphius, contained all the core rules for the underlying 2D20... [click here for more] |
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Do you want to play FATE?
Do you want to learn how the game plays?
These rules replace the need for a GM allowing you to run the game that you want to play. Solo campaigns can be sweeping adventures limited only by your imagination. This booklet will unleash your adventures.
No experience necessary!
Solo is a perfect way to learn... [click here for more] |
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Solo Sigil
Solo Playing Sigil Based Games
The Sigil System by Stormforge Productions is the game system that powers Z-Land amongst others. It also has an SRD document allowing you to build your own games using the system.
These solo rules use the same Blackjack based d100 system as the core game for the oracle, in fact you only need a d100. Three different ope question tools are offered, you pick... [click here for more] |
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Solo Vigilante
Solo Roleplaying Survive This!! Vigilante City
This solo rules supplement adds solo play to Survive This!! Vigilante City.
They cover tweaks to character creation, provide a yes-no and two open question tools, one based on dice or cards and the other based on bookwalking, using the dice to select random pages within a book which you then skim for ideas, or words to answer your questions.... [click here for more] |
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Strange Solo
Solo Roleplaying Grok?!
Rules light games are often the weapon of choice for solo playing because they allow you to hold most of the rules in your short-term memory and skip many book lookups and rules checks.
Rulings, not rules, also dovetail with the improvisational nature of solo play. Rather than looking up a rule, you can make up a satisfactory outcome to anything not explicitly... [click here for more] |
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The Sticky GM
This book is all about making running your role-playing sessions more dynamic, responsive and simply more enjoyable for you, the Game Master/Dungeon Master/Keeper of Secrets or whatever your favourite game calls it. The game makes little or no difference.
You are just as much a player as those on the other side of the screen, it is just your role that is different. You deserve to have... [click here for more] |
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Trials for One
Solo Roleplaying ICRPG
The Index Card Role Playing Game is an intriguing game for solo players. Right there in the core book (2nd edition pg. 48) it suggests playing through the three trials on your own [that is where the trials in this book's title comes from]. Anything this solo friendly needs supporting. This book is that support.
The core rules do not give any solo rules. ICRPG... [click here for more] |
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