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We are back with another Dirty Dozen Battlemaps for use with any modern system. These 12 high quality maps are in 3840 x 2160 resolution for vtt usage. All maps are made with and without a hexgrid overlay to allow you to use your own or add a smaller hex inside for more precise movement. Thank you again for your support and have a great year. ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
A Letter from the Past – A Vaesen Mystery begins with a mysterious package from the Society’s past and ends with the destruction of a village, unless the Society can restore order and right an old crime. The mystery begins at Castle Gyllencreutz and takes place in a small Swedish village far to the north.
The mystery introduces new facets of the Vaesen from the core rulebook and... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
In this mystery set in the Society's headquarters, the player characters awaken to find themselves shrunk down to the size of mice! In order to break this strange curse, they must successfully navigate their headquarters and confront a vaesen king who has gone mad with grief. Can the Society members reverse this transformation before they become trapped at this size forever?
This exciting new mystery... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Academic Awakening is a solo scenario to explore what brought someone to the Society.
A young, ambitious academic is working late in the university library and comes across a book that will make their career. The book, however, is connected with a powerful vaesen who seeks to settle an old score.
The mystery will establish a player character's trauma and dark secret, so it is not... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
I den här modulen hittar du fyra rysliga mysterier till Nordiska väsen – rollspelet. Spela dem som en sammanhängande kampanj under ett år, ett äventyr för varje årstid, eller använd dem där det passar i din pågående kampanj.
En dans med döden – Rollpersonerna reser till Dalarnas böljande kullar för att undersöka märkliga ting... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Byen, der sank er et mysterium til Vaesen baseret på Skandinavisk folklore om byer og kirker, der bliver opslugt.
Mysteriet begynder en nat, hvor Selskabet er på rejse, og de ankommer til en mystisk by. Snart finder de ud af, at der hviler en grum forbandelse over byen, og de vil undervejs stå over for flere fristelser, men også chancen for at redde folk fra en... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This supplement for the Vaesen RPG from Free League Publishing contains setting information for Cornwall in the 19th Century, presented here as Mythic Kernow, a setting for your Vaesen games!
Cornish Vaesen contains three new character archetypes and a wealth of new talents, as well as two new Cornish supernatural creatures drawn from folklore. It also contains Cornish versions... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
A map depicting parts of the ruined Polish city of Częstochowa in the devastated post apocalyptic year 2000 ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
During character creation, players roll for mementos, items that are part of their character that can be recovered even when lost. This supplement has 216 new mementos that can be rolled for. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page backgrounds and images can be disabled to make printing easier. Here are some sample results:
Corkscrew with a handle in the shape of a grinning demonic head
Cross... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Daisy Cutter - A Vaesen Mystery has the Society travel to the small village of Glomme in order to investigate what the church thinks is an evil cult. The Society soon finds a much more complicated situation, where conflicts between revolutionary farmers and the wealthy landowner who runs the town threaten to hurt both villager and vaesen.
The mystery uses classic but underutilized... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Welcome to "Deadzone", a post-apocalyptic supplement for Twilight:2000 4th Edition by Free League. The world as we know it has been forever changed by a mysterious particle known as the Deadlight. This deadly particle lingers in the air, causing mutations and anomalies that twist and distort reality. It's a world where primal terrors and ancient myths have been reawakened, where strange phenomena and... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Det er en stormfuld nat. Regnen pisker ned, og kolde vinde fejer gennem Londons gader. Der lyder et pistolskud i kældrene under et teater. Så følger dæmpede skridt på trægulvet i Rose House, da en mystisk skikkelse bevæger sig mod studerkammeret. Der lyder en voldsom banken på døren, og stearinlysene blafrer med blå flamme. Bag døren venter døden.
Selskabet involveres i en mystisk... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Färdas till sagornas Norden och undersök blodisande mysterier som kommer att pröva era förmågor till det yttersta. Denna bok innehåller fyra fristående mysterier till Nordiska väsen – Rollspelet. Spela dem enskilt eller tillsammans i en längre kampanj.
Havets silver – En prästs dödsfall leder rollpersonerna till Bohusläns skärgård där... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Et brev fra fortiden – Et Vaesen mysterium begynder med, at en mystisk pakke fra Selskabets fortid, og det ender med en landsbys blodige undergang medmindre Selskabet kan genoprette ordenen ved at konfrontere en gammel forbrydelse. Mysteriet begynder ved Slottet Gyllencreutz, og det udspiller sig i en lille svensk landsby højt mod nord.
Mysteriet introducerer nye facetter af kendte... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
I det här Väsen-mysteriet som utspelas år 1899 reser rollpersonerna till Ryssland, till Helsingfors som är huvudstaden till storfurstendömet Finland, för att reda upp ett svårt fall med tragiska historier och oäkta barn... Innehållsvarning: Sorgliga människoöden, prostitution, våld, rusmedel, sinnesrubbning, oskyldiga offer... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Fejden eller Smørfejden på Stevns er et scenarie til Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying Game som præsenterer et nyt monster fra den skandinaviske folklore og sender Selskabets medlemmer på en ny farlig mission!
Bønderne på Stevns er fanget i en blodig fejde om smør! Grådige folk har stjålet fra Elverkongen, og nu tager han sin hævn på grusom maner,... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Forfatteren og havet er et mysterium til Vaesen, som udspiller ved Jyllands vestkyst omkring byen Agger. Det hele begynder med en forfatter, som er forsvundet, og snart vokser mysteriet, som det begynder at få tag i Selskabet, som pludselig befinder sig i en ny og uset fare.
Mysteriet udspiller sig i Jylland, og det er oplagt at bruge Hanstholm - en alternativ base som udgangspunkt,... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Grain and Bones - A Vaesen Mystery about Trolls brings the Society to Denmark on behalf of a nisse as dark forces threatens a local farm community with famine and murder. Cursed with a deadly desire for Troll Gold the farmers are willing take it one step too far. Can the Society stop the tragedy in time?
The Mystery takes place near Ravnholm Estate but... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Finally, it’s here! Take your adventures into the skies with ‘Helicopter.’
This is your comprehensive guide for helicopters, MANPADs and SAMs which compliments the 4th edition of Twilight 2000. Within this guide you will find:
« A complete set of rules for fast, frenzied and furious inclusion of helicopters,
« Critical crash table for when things go awry,
« New pilot archetype,
«... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Kongen og Fyrtårnet er et mysterium til Vaesen, som udspiller sig i de yderste egne af Jylland ved fyrtårnet Hanstholm. Her konfronteres Selskabet med et ældgammelt, rædselsvækkende væsen, og over tre skæbnesvangre nætter kan Danmarks udseende forevigt forandres.
Mysteriet udspiller sig ved Hanstholm - en alternativ base, og det introducerer spillerne for fyrtårnet og giver dem mulighed... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Korn og Knogler - Et Vaesen Mysterium om trolde er et scenarie til Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying Game, som involverer Selskabet i en sag om trolde, møller og forbandet guld.
Det hele begynder med en nisse, hvis gård er i fare. Troldene i mosen maler troldeguld i deres mølle, og guldet fylder de lokale bønder med en sådan grådighed, at de er villige til... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
The members of the Society have received a letter from a desperate young man to fulfil an apparently impossible task. Will they be able to help him?
This Vaesen Mystery revolves around the traditions and folklore surrounding Leap Day, that day that exists only once every four years. When some traditional roles are reversed and not everyone knows how to handle that.
This mystery can be played... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Tässä, vuoteen 1899-sijoittuvassa Vaesen- mysteerissä hahmot matkustavat Venäjälle, Suomen suuriruhtinaskunnan pääkaupunkiin, Helsinkiin selvittämään vaikeaa tapausta, johon liittyy traagisia tarinoita ja aviottomia lapsia... SV: Kurjat ihmiskohtalot, prostituutio, väkivalta, päihteet, mielenterveyden järkkyminen, viattomat uhrit ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
In this Vaesen mystery, set in the year 1899, the player characters travel to Russia and Helsinki, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Finland, to solve a difficult case involving tragic stories and fatherless children…
Content warnings: Miserable fates, prostitution, violence, intoxicants, mental distress, innocent victims, drowning ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This supplement for Vaesen covers optional rules for player characters wanting to use magic found in old tomes or magic items - or for those (un)fortunate enough to learn magic from vaesen.
It includes:
3 new talents
3 different ways of learning magic
3 example items to learn spells from
Examples of risks and consequences of studying and using magic
... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
An ancient tradition in the wilds of Sweden has become problematic, as new-age mysticism messes with old ways and a city slicker huntsman sets his sights on one last expedition. Strange beasts stalk the night and villagers are going missing. Can the investigators resolve the mystery before perhaps they too disappear?
MIDNIGHT HUNT is a self-contained... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
At 93 pages a full setting expansion for Vaesen by Free League. Set in Mythic Japan this expansion offers a full worldbuilding resource for exploring Meiji Japan. In addition to new Archetypes, including shrine maiden, criminal, warrior and entertainer and expanded existing ones, a full life path generator for Meiji Setting Characters and 12 Yokai for your initial use.
A short adventure is also... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Välkommen till ett 1800-talets Norden där myterna är verkliga. Där vindpinade vidder täcks av ändlösa skogar, och ett fåtal städer står likt upplysningens ensliga fyrbåkar – en föraning om den stundande industrialiseringen. På landsbygden härskar fortfarande den gamla tron. Där vet folk vad som döljer sig i mörkret. De vet att dessa varelser måste blidkas. Fruktas.
Nordiska... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Soloregler för det prisbelönade rollspelet Nordiska väsen. ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
The Elf King's Revenge or The Butter Feud - A Vaesen Mystery brings the Society to Denmark in an attempt to end a feud among cursed farmers from spiralling out of control. Shadowy forces and an ancient Vaesen is behind the conflict, and if not careful the investigators may be lost forever.
The adventure explores forgotten beliefs and traditions in Danish folklore... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Within the ruins of a shattered city, a union of American and Soviet soldiers offer a refuge from the cruelties of a world devastated by war, including food, shelter and protection. But there is a price for everything, and in Safe Haven, that price may well be the highest of them all. This is a scenario site for use with the 4th edition of Twilight: 2000 by Free League Publishing. It uses the battle... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Ett uråldrigt mineral har upptäckts i Mytiska Nordens mörka grottor. De kraftfulla gröna stenarna har skyddats i tusentals år av varelser som inte längre finns kvar. Det var aldrig meningen att stenarna skulle hittas – men på grund av mänsklig nyfikenhet och evig girighet påbörjas exploateringen snabbt och hämningslöst, utan hänsyn till risker eller konsekvenser. ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
A cryptic note arrives at Castle Gyllencreutz predicting that another disappearance will soon happen at Lummelunda Caves on Gotland Island. Time is of the essence as the Society uncovers a long history of those with the Sight disappearing on the island. But they aren't the only ones who have taken an interest in this waystation in the Baltic Sea; it seems that the Rosenbergers have been there first.... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Downloaded over 500 times!
Satanic Witchcraft is a 5 page supplement for the Vaesen RPG by Free League Publishing. This document draws upon historical accounts of satanic witchcraft from America and Sweden from the 14th century to present day. Contained within are rules for the new Witch-Finder archetype, a new vaesen called Carrier, eight new enchantments, three new curses,... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
As the Blood Mists recede, an immortal evil returns from the nightmares of antiquity to dominate the world anew. She is Fahrah, Sultana of Etamrah, and by her command the barren desert known as the Iron Wastes grows daily, consuming the Ravenlands whole. Soon nothing will remain but a parched wilderness in which she is the undisputed ruler.
Seraglio of the Scorpion Sultana is a Free League... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Skelflytterne fra Linnamannsland er et scenarie til Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying Game som introducerer et nyt monster fra den skandinaviske folklore og sender Selskabets medlemmer ud på en ny spændende sag!
Jernbanen er ved at komme til landsbyen Linnamannsland, men usete kræfter er på spil, og hver nat saboteres jernbanebyggeriet. Kan karaktererne gennemskue,... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Haunted by nightmares, the Society travels to Halland, Sweden, where a Black Dog threatens the local villagers and a noble family having arrived from abroad to restore an old family estate left in ruin by the previous owner. As the Society becomes involved in the mystery, they soon find themselves the targets of an evil omen.
Sönnerskog's Black Dog is a mystery for Vaesen... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Plaget af mareridt drages Selskabet til Halland, hvor en landsby og adelsfamilie plages af Den sorte hund. En sag, som trækker tråde tilbage til 1700-tallets krige mellem Danmark og Sverige, og som måske involverer den sidste snaphane.
Sönnerskogs sorte hund er et mysterium til Vaesen. Det udspiller sig i en svensk provins, men det trækker tråde ud til et kosmopolitisk... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
A Grey Man appears, children disappear and a young woman claims to be pregnant by her dead fiancé. This starter adventure is designed to be played at conventions in four hours or less, and can be used as a campaign starter, to introduce a group of new characters to one another.
December is a small hamlet to the west of Upsala, which has seen... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
The Author and The Sea is a mystery for Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying Game that takes place in a quiet little fishing village in Western Denmark. An author has gone missing, and as the Society begins its exploration they are slowly drawn into a deeper and more dangerous mystery and soon their own lifes may be at stake as they confront a Vaesen never encountered before.... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
The King and The Lighthouse is a mystery for Vaesen taking place in the outmost parts of Jutland confronting The Society with an ancient Vaesen and ruler of the land. The events take place at Hanstholm Lighthouse on three fateful nights that may change the Denmark forever.
The mystery is a tie-in with Hanstholm - An Alternative Base introducing the players to the location... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
After the Battle of Kalisz, a ragtag squad of survivors pick up a mysterious radio transmission and soon find themselves entangled in a web of spies, traitors, and brutal enemies.
This is a scenario site for use with the 4th edition of Twilight: 2000 by Free League Publishing. It references battle maps from New Battlemaps Volume II by Federico Ferretti. The cover art was created by Michael... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
A Member of the Society receives a letter from an old friend in the small, Finnish village of Koivu in the Lapland region. The priest of Saint Elia Church has been murdered in a most bizarre fashion.
The mystery takes the player characters to the far north to deal with a problem 750 years in the making. The mystery includes a vaesen not available in the core rulebook or the Mythic Britain and Ireland... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Discover the secrets behind The Rosenbergers, a secret organization that can be both an ally and a foe to The Society.
In these pages you will find:
More on the history of the Rosenbergers
3 important characters in a potential Rosenberger campaign
Tweaks on how to play members of the Rosenbergers
Hooks on how to bring Rosenbergers into your Vaesen game
2 new Talents
4 new... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
The Skelflytters or The Fence Ghasts from Linnamannsland - A Vaesen Mystery is an adventure exploring the border between the old and new in a small Swedish village, as a terrible monster haunts the construction site of a railroad, and the villagers are powerless to undo the misdeeds of the past.
The adventure tales a deep dive in Scandinavian folklore and traditions to create a strange... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Renowned artist Tim Roebuck has been murdered in his home town of St. Bees, a quiet fishing town on the Cumbrian Coast. His killer has not been found and now, strange things are afoot in the morning mists.
The Sorrow At St. Bees will take characters to the western edge of England's historic Lake District, where they will investigate a nautical mystery combining art, love, murder, and the unknowable... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
The Town that Drowned is a a mystery for Vaesen - Nordic Horror Roleplaying Game that plays out on a dark and misty night. The mystery draws heavily on Scandinavian folklore and explores a recurring theme of towns and churches sinking into the ground.
One strange night the Society findes themselves in a strange town. A terrible curse lies over the place, and as they explore... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
In the desolate outskirts of a ruined town, a train station serves as the last refuge for a group of survivors struggling to piece together a life from the ruins. But danger looms from ruthless black marketeers and marauders led by a rogue NATO soldier. Will you lend a helping hand, or let the survivors fend for themselves? This is a scenario site for use with the 4th edition of Twilight: 2000... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Harvest is failing, and the livestock is dying from a mysterious plague. The farmers in Klemensker Parish, on the island of Bornholm are in dire straits. Luckily the parish priest is an old friend of the Order, and he has written Gyllencreutz for help. In this mystery the Society is up against a challenge, where each and everyone in a parish will suffer a terrible fate, if deeds of the past at Bear... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Seria Dølgsmål: To seria tajemnic do Vaesen o duchach.
Farma Helum jest nawiedzana przez mroczną siłę. Zdaje się, że nie da się rozwiązać problemu. Coś jest w stodole...
Czy śmierć zawita na farmie, kto okaże się ofiarą a kto katem?
Dølgsmål to seria krótkich Tajemnic o duchach dla Vaesena. Dølgsmål oznacza czyny dokonane w tajemnicy. Jest to staromodne słowo, które jest... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |