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ALIEN RPG Core Rulebook

ALIEN RPG Core Rulebook

"The real horror of Ridley Scott’s seminal sci-fi flick Alien has always been the creeping, slithering fear of the unknown. It’s impressive, then, that Free League has been able to craft a tabletop roleplaying game that can conjure up that same pitch-dark dread from the safety of your kitchen table." –Dicebreaker Space is vast, dark, and not your friend. Gamma rays and neutrino bursts...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $24.99

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ALIEN RPG Starter Set

ALIEN RPG Starter Set

The job was routine, the money fair. Then the damn company diverted you to answer a distress call from a ship that disappeared almost 80 years ago—a derelict carrying something bizarre, twisted, and alien. What the ship’s frozen crew brought back with them was bad enough—what they themselves were turning into was a bloody nightmare. Add to that an annoying sensor ghost shadowing you in the...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $19.99

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Blade Runner RPG Core Rulebook

Blade Runner RPG Core Rulebook

This is the BLADE RUNNER Roleplaying Game. A neon noir wonderland that will take your breath away, one way or another. An evocative world of conflicts and contrasts that dares to ask the hard questions and investigate the power of empathy, the poison of fear, and the burden of being human during inhumane times. An iconic and unforgiving playground of endless possibilities that picks you up, slaps...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $24.99

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Coriolis - Det döende skeppet

Coriolis - Det döende skeppet

Isfraktaren Orun II svarar inte på anrop och har ändrat kurs mot ett dödligt meteoritmoln. Det blir rollpersonerna som tilldelas uppdraget att genskjuta det stora fraktskeppet för att ta reda på vad som hänt och åter lotsa det mot Coriolis. Vad är det egentligen som ruvar i isfraktarens inre och var har hänt med besättningen? I det här fullängdsäventyret utforskar rollpersonerna mysteriet...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $9.99

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Coriolis - mörkret mellan stjärnorna

Coriolis - mörkret mellan stjärnorna

”Jag får en signal.” Dalils röst sprakade i komlänken. ”Vi är nära nu.” Navigatören nickade framåt för att visa riktningen. I det gröna skenet från tabulan i hans händer såg han spöklikt blek ut. Radwa nickade tyst åt sina kamrater att röra sig framåt. Med försiktiga steg gick de långsamt mot de märkliga ruinerna som låg utspridda på den mörka månens kalla...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $24.99

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Flodskörden - rollspelet

Flodskörden - rollspelet

Välkommen tillbaka till Slingans värld – inget är som förut. Simon Stålenhags retrofuturistiska bilder fulla av fantastiska maskiner och främmande varelser har hyllats över hela världen. Det prisbelönade rollspelet Ur varselklotet släpptes 2017 och lät dig kliva in i 1980-talet som aldrig var. Nu kan du återvända till Slingan i den här fristående fortsättningen som tar berättelsen...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $24.99

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Mutant År noll: Det sista motståndet

Mutant År noll: Det sista motståndet

Han var sin tids mest jagade man. Nu måste du hitta honom. Någonstans bland ruinerna av forntidens bebyggelse står en hummande maskin i viloläge, opåverkad av världens undergång. Bevarad i resterna av en sedan länge bortglömd befästning vaktar denna förbjudna teknologi hemligheter om den förra civilisationens kollaps. Hemligheter som nu är nyckeln till Arkens överlevnad. Sista...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $7.99

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Mutant: År Noll - Den Grå Döden

Mutant: År Noll - Den Grå Döden

Dörren till laboratoriet gled igen och stängdes med ett pysande ljud. Striden var över och den kortvuxne mannen torkade bort en fläck grönaktig vätska från ansiktet. Skenet från de uråldriga lysremsorna i taket flackade och kastade ett blekt ljus över de fallna gestalterna på golvet framför honom. Mannens två medhjälpare – den ena väldig och mekanisk, den andra skugglik – inväntade...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $11.99

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Mutant: Genlab Alfa

Mutant: Genlab Alfa

Efter den stora katastrofen flydde människan till enklavernas djup. I genetiska laboratorier försökte hon skapa en ny varelse, en blandning av mänskligt och djuriskt DNA, intelligent men tålig noga att uthärda prövningarna i den förödda världen. Undergången kom ikapp människan och enklaverna gick under – men djurmutanternas kamp för frihet har bara börjat… Mutant: Genlab Alfa...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $9.99

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Ur varselklotet - rollspelet

Ur varselklotet - rollspelet

Landskapet var fullt av apparatur och skrot som på ett eller annat sätt hade med anläggningen att göra. Och ständigt närvarande någonstans på Mälaröhorisonten: Bonareaktorns kolossala kyltorn med sina gröna hinderljus. Lade man örat mot urberget hörde man Slingans hjärtslag – spinnandet från Gravitronen, det centrala stycke ingenjörsmagi som var kärnan i Slingans experiment....   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $24.99

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Zonkompendium 6: Det eviga kriget

Zonkompendium 6: Det eviga kriget

Roboten bootar långsamt upp. Känner sina kretsar vakna, system efter system går online. Uppladdning och reparation slutförd. Maskinen kör en snabb scan av sina viktigaste funktioner och konstaterar 73% effekt. Det får duga. Ordern måste slutföras. Roboten drar sitt lasergevär och går i skjutställning över en rostig järnbalk, sargad av fientlig eld. Spanar ut i mörkret, mot de stora...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $7.99

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Symbaroum - Advanced Player's Guide

Symbaroum - Advanced Player's Guide

The chanting of the cultists came drifting with the breeze. Dorael-Ri had tracked them all the way from the settlement of Merel, at the border of Davokar. A small, human child – one of few to survive the massacre – had asked how he dared to travel the woods alone. “In Davokar you are never alone,” he had answered. “Not me, nor you, no one…” Aided...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $14.99

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Symbaroum - Monster Codex

Symbaroum - Monster Codex

The ruin appeared as a mirage when the Blight Mist finally dissolved during our breathless escape. The hunters slowed down behind us – neither the primal blight beast nor the chattering, clawing, corruption oozing swarmers wanted to leave the milky white depths of the fogbank.   We did not stop. Sunken and overgrown, the broken pyramid ahead was nearly devoured by Davokar,...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $17.99

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Symbaroum - Quick Start

Symbaroum - Quick Start

Then, out of the ruins, the Blight Beast came at them, massive and roaring. Its claws scraped the rocky ground, scouring out deep sores oozing pure corruption, leaving drops of black, mercury-like mildew on moss and stones in its wake. “We cannot escape this,” said Fenya. Magdala nodded agreement. “Well then,” Kvarek sighed, “this is where we make our stand,...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Symbaroum - Game Master's Guide

Symbaroum - Game Master's Guide

It was dead silent in the ranks, so breathlessly tense that the creaking of our leather armor felt deafening; just as silent as our Davokar outpost had been for the past three weeks. Even the sellswords that our Lord had hired in an attempt to tip the scales in his favor seem to appreciate the gravity of the situation – they made up the rear of the column, atypically in line,...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $19.98

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Symbaroum - Spelledarens handbok

Symbaroum - Spelledarens handbok

Det var dödstyst i leden, så andlöst spänt att knarret från våra läderrustningar kändes öronbedövande; lika tyst som det sedan tre veckor tillbaka hade varit från posteringen ute i Davokar. Till och med de hyrsvärd som vår Herre hade anställt i ett försök att tippa oddsen till sin fördel verkade förstå allvaret – de avslutade kolonnen, okaraktäristiskt taktfasta,...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $19.98

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The Walking Dead Universe RPG

The Walking Dead Universe RPG

This is The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game. The Walking Dead has always been about characters facing impossible choices in an unforgiving world. With this game, you enter into the world of the dead and must face these choices head on. You can do this at any point in the timeline – encountering familiar faces and locations, or new ones – but the hardest choice will always be the same:...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $24.99

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The Walking Dead Universe RPG | Roll20 VTT

The Walking Dead Universe RPG | Roll20 VTT

Play The Walking Dead Universe RPG Online! In The Walking Dead Universe RPG, you will play as people struggling to survive in a hostile world. Exceptional challenges can appear from anywhere – from the lack of essential supplies, from conflicts brewing within the group, from hidden construction flaws in your safe haven, or from approaching walkers hungering for your flesh. Expect...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $29.99

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Symbaroum Starter Set - Treasure Hunts in Davokar

Symbaroum Starter Set - Treasure Hunts in Davokar

The Ashurani dynasty was as short lived as it was cruel, known for its insights into the light – and the darkness. Key to their power was an artefact known as the Rod of Light and Darkness. Its touch could breathe life into dead things, or steal it away from that which lived. And guess what, the rod’s current whereabouts has been revealed! To students of the Eternal Night, this opportunity...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $9.99

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The Walking Dead Universe RPG Starter Set

The Walking Dead Universe RPG Starter Set

This is the Starter Set for the official The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game. In this game, you will play as people struggling to survive in an unforgiving world. Exceptional challenges can appear from anywhere – from the lack of essential supplies, from conflicts brewing within the group, from hidden construction flaws in your safe haven, or from approaching...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $9.99

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The Walking Dead Universe RPG Starter Set | Roll20 VTT

The Walking Dead Universe RPG Starter Set | Roll20 VTT

This is the Starter Set for the official The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game. Fight the dead, fear the living! THE WALKING DEAD UNIVERSE RPG: STARTER SET - This is the Starter Set for the official The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game. In this game you will play as people struggling to survive in an unforgiving world. Exceptional challenges can appear from anywhere...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $29.99

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Mutant: Elysium

Mutant: Elysium

11/03/2257, 0347. Incident report by Commissar Pandora Kilgore, Patrol Leader Alpha-07, Elysium I. Operation in the Deeps, sector Cinderfalls. Suspected sabotage in mining facility Garpenberg-15. Perpetrator identified and punished. Commissar Warburg and Commissar Fortescue performed adequately. Commissar Morningstar displayed suspicious behavior. Further investigation recommended. Unity between...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $24.99

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Mutant: Mechatron

Mutant: Mechatron

10/07/2153, 0617. All human personnel is to be evacuated immediately from Production Facility Mechatron-7, on direct orders from the Noatun Central Command. Control over Mechatron-7 is to be temporarily transferred to A.I. construct NODOS, to secure continued production. In a huge facility hidden underneath the ocean, an army of robots continues to carry out the final orders of humanity....   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $24.99

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Tales from the Loop RPG Starter Set

Tales from the Loop RPG Starter Set

As the robot thundered across the rye field towards the police van I realized a line had been crossed, and that it had been crossed many hours earlier that day. Maybe it happened when we broke into the warehouse down at Sätuna, when Olof found that strange backpack. Strange that I didn’t realize it then – when Olof slipped his hand into the big glove and the Thing under the tarp came to life....   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $4.99

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Tales from the Loop RPG: Rulebook

Tales from the Loop RPG: Rulebook

Winner of five ENnies in 2017 including Best Game, Best Setting, Best Writing and Product of the Year! The landscape was full of machines and scrap metal connected to the facility in one way or another. Always present on the horizon were the colossal cooling towers, with their green obstruction lights. If you put your ear to the ground, you could hear the heartbeat of...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $24.99

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Tales from the Loop: Our Friends the Machines & Other Mysteries

Tales from the Loop: Our Friends the Machines & Other Mysteries

The first campaign book for the award winning Tales from the Loop RPG, which scooped no less than five ENnies including Best Game, Best Setting, Best Writing, Best Internal Art and Product of the Year in 2017! Toys suddenly developing intelligence. A mystical mummy roaming the beaches. Weird events in the local video store. A mixtape full of mysteries. Four wondrous machines. A...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $14.99

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Tales from the Loop: They Grow Up So Fast

Tales from the Loop: They Grow Up So Fast

Everything changed on that fateful day. Looking back, I know that whatever we did changed our lives forever. The sky ruptured and something strange came through. It was a great adventure that showed us how little we knew about the universe. It was scary and yet magical. I wish we could do it again. In these four adventures, that together forms a campaign spanning...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $14.99

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Things from the Flood RPG: Rulebook

Things from the Flood RPG: Rulebook

Somewhere out there beyond the cordons, beyond the fields and marshes, abandoned machines roamed like stray dogs. They wandered about impatiently, restless in the new wind sweeping through the country. They smelled something in the air, something unfamiliar.   Perhaps, if we had listened closely, we would also have heard it. We...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $24.99

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Coriolis - The Third Horizon Core Book

Coriolis - The Third Horizon Core Book

“I’m getting a signal.” Dalil’s voice crackled over the com. “We’re close.” The navigator gazed into the darkness ahead, his face ghostly pale in the cold glow from the tabula in his hands.   Radwa nodded silently for her comrades to advance, approaching the strange ruins in the moonscape. The only sound they could hear was their own breathing through the air filters,...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $24.99

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Coriolis The Third Horizon - Quickstart

Coriolis The Third Horizon - Quickstart

“I’m getting a signal.” Dalil’s voice crackled over the com. “We’re close.” The navigator gazed into the darkness ahead, his face ghostly pale in the cold glow from the tabula in his hands.   Radwa nodded silently for her comrades to advance, approaching the strange ruins in the moonscape. The only sound they could hear was their own breathing through the air filters,...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing   FREE 

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Forbidden Lands Core Game

Forbidden Lands Core Game

Round the beggar from Varassa all sat in a ring, and by the campfire they sat and heard his song. And about walkers and wolfkin and every terrible thing, and of his fear he sang to them all night long: “There is something beyond the mountains, beyond the howls beyond the mist, there is something behind the veils, behind hearts cold as stone. Hearken,...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $24.99

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Forbidden Lands Quickstart

Forbidden Lands Quickstart

Round the beggar from Varassa all sat in a ring, and by the campfire they sat and heard his song. And about walkers and wolfkin and every terrible thing, and of his fear he sang to them all night long: “There is something beyond the mountains, beyond the howls beyond the mist, there is something behind the veils, behind hearts cold as stone. Hearken,...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing   FREE 

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Forbidden Lands: Raven's Purge

Forbidden Lands: Raven's Purge

It is said that the first six elves of the Forbidden Lands – the ones who planted the trees, drew the furrows of the rivers and gave the animals their home – after completing their mission, had their rubies gathered in the royal crown, Stanengist, the name of which means “The Hanging Stones.” In the crown they rested deservedly, but at the same time, kept watch over their creation and gave...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $17.99

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Symbaroum - Regelbok

Symbaroum - Regelbok

NOTE: THIS PRODUCT IS IN SWEDISH. FOR THE ENGLISH EDITION SEARCH THE STORE FOR "SYMBAROUM - CORE RULEBOOK" Om andra tryckningen: Från och med april 2017 har Symbaroums grundbok blivit uppdaterad i samband med nytryck. Det är fortfarande samma bok, samma regler, samma spel men texten har språkbearbetats och blivit justerad i enlighet med erratan. Dessutom...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $24.99

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Symbaroum - Spelarens handbok

Symbaroum - Spelarens handbok

Spelarens handbok innehåller allt som Symbaroums spelare kan önska, såväl när det gäller skapandet av nya rollpersoner som vid utvecklingen av de redan erfarna. Boken är till bredden fylld med nya släkten, yrken, förmågor, krafter och ritualer, dessutom med massor av ny utrustning som kommer att förändra hur spelet spelas. Tar man dessutom alla nya regelalternativ i beaktande, tillsammans...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $14.99

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Symbaroum - Monsterkodex

Symbaroum - Monsterkodex

NOTE: This product is written in Swedish ___________________________ Ruinen framträdde som en hägring, när styggelsedimmorna äntligen började lätta efter vår andlösa flykt. Bakom oss saktade jägarna in – varken urstyggelsen eller de tjattrande, klösande, korruptionsosande svärmarna tycktes vara beredda att lämna dimbankens...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $17.49

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MUTANT: Year Zero - Starter Booklet

MUTANT: Year Zero - Starter Booklet

She had wandered too far into the Zone. Tula had walked through the dark forest, followed the old rail tracks between crumbling ruins and rusting train wrecks, towards the glimmering silver disks by the horizon. She wanted to reach them so bad.  Become a hero of the Ark. A famous stalker. Now, she would be a dead stalker. If the thirst didn't kill her, zone ghouls or the rot...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing   FREE 

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MUTANT: Year Zero - Roleplaying At The End Of Days

MUTANT: Year Zero - Roleplaying At The End Of Days

We walked among the gaping ruins and rusty car wrecks, monuments to the fall of the Ancients. Naphta had been taken by a Deathworm and the Rot had driven Hugust insane. We had no grub left and there was only rotwater to drink. But we had to keep going. We had to find Eden. We could not return to the Ark empty-handed, the fate of the People rested on our shoulders. Suddenly, Franton, the insect-like...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $24.99

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Alien - The Roleplaying Game | Roll20 VTT

Alien - The Roleplaying Game | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE ROLL20 CONVERSION. YOU CAN ALSO PURCHASE THIS TITLE AND THE PDF VERSION TOGETHER AT A DISCOUNT Overview Space is vast, dark, and not your friend. Gamma rays and neutrino bursts erupt from dying stars to cook you alive, black holes tear you apart, and the void itself boils your blood and seizes your brain. Try to scream and no one can hear you—hold...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $29.99

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Alien - The Roleplaying Game | Roll20 VTT + PDF [BUNDLE]

Alien - The Roleplaying Game | Roll20 VTT + PDF [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. ALIEN RPG Core Rulebook Regular price: $24.99 Bundle price: $24.99 Format: Watermarked PDF "The real horror of Ridley Scott’s seminal sci-fi flick Alien has always been the creeping, slithering fear of the unknown. It’s impressive, then, that Free League has been able to craft a tabletop roleplaying...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $54.98 $43.98

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Alien RPG Starter Bundle | Roll20 VTT

Alien RPG Starter Bundle | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE ROLL20 CONVERSION. YOU CAN ALSO PURCHASE THIS TITLE AND THE PDF VERSIONS TOGETHER AT A DISCOUNT This bundle includes both the ALIEN RPG Starter Set and the Destroyer of Worlds boxed Cinematic scenario, at a discounted price. Full conversions of both items are included. This is the official ALIEN tabletop roleplaying game—a...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $29.99

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Alien RPG Starter Bundle | Roll20 VTT + PDF [BUNDLE]

Alien RPG Starter Bundle | Roll20 VTT + PDF [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. ALIEN RPG Starter Set Regular price: $13.99 Bundle price: $16.00 Format: Watermarked PDF The job was routine, the money fair. Then the damn company diverted you to answer a distress call from a ship that disappeared almost 80 years ago—a derelict carrying something bizarre, twisted, and alien. What the...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $66.97 $53.58

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Alien RPG Starter Set | Roll20 VTT

Alien RPG Starter Set | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE ROLL20 CONVERSION. YOU CAN ALSO PURCHASE THIS TITLE AND THE PDF VERSION TOGETHER AT A DISCOUNT "I can't lie to you about your chances, have my sympathies." Welcome to the year 2183. Something lurks in space and its up to you to survive in spite of it. The ALIEN RPG Starter Set contains everything...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $29.99

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Alien RPG Starter Set | Roll20 VTT + PDF [BUNDLE]

Alien RPG Starter Set | Roll20 VTT + PDF [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. ALIEN RPG Starter Set Regular price: $13.99 Bundle price: $15.99 Format: Watermarked PDF The job was routine, the money fair. Then the damn company diverted you to answer a distress call from a ship that disappeared almost 80 years ago—a derelict carrying something bizarre, twisted, and alien. What the...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $49.98 $39.98

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Blade Runner – The Roleplaying Game Core Package | Roll20 VTT

Blade Runner – The Roleplaying Game Core Package | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE ROLL20 CONVERSION. YOU CAN ALSO PURCHASE THIS TITLE AND THE PDF VERSION TOGETHER AT A DISCOUNT This is the BLADE RUNNER roleplaying game – a neon-noir wonderland that’ll take your breath away. One way or another. An evocative world of conflicts and contrasts that dares to ask the hard questions and investigate the powers of...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $29.99

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Forbidden Hero

Forbidden Hero

Forbidden Hero - Solo Roleplaying in the Forbidden Lands This booklet brings GM-less play to Forbidden Lands This booklet combines two simple game mechanics and some advice on structuring a game for solo play, to give you the option of picking up and playing Forbidden Lands at any time. This book requires you to have both the players handbook and gamemasters guide, as it will direct you to specific...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $4.95

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Free League Solo  [BUNDLE]

Free League Solo [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Alone in the Loop Regular price: $4.95 Bundle price: $2.49 Format: PDF Alone in the Loop Solo Roleplaying Tales from the Loop Tales from the Loop is Free League's rules-light Zero Engine game of coming of age and exploring the 1980s that never was. These add-on rules add solo roleplaying to Tales,...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $19.92 $14.94

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Gryningens beskyddare

Gryningens beskyddare

Läget i Pyrisamfundet är mer desperat än någonsin. Svarta moln hopar sig i alla väderstreck, och Samfundets själva existens är hotad av mörka krafter med rötter ända tillbaka till den Gamla tiden. Men ännu är allt inte förlorat. En liten skara antihjältar i Hindenburgs gränder har ännu chansen att och rädda dagen och slutligen befria Pyrisamfundet från forntidens bojor. Gryningens...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $19.99

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Hindenburg – Min älskade

Hindenburg – Min älskade

Hindenburg – Min älskade är den tredje och avslutande delen i den episka rollspelskampanjen Undergångens arvtagare. I Pyrisamfundets huvudstad dukas upp för en magnifik hyllningsfest när riket på nyårsaftonen fyller 100 år. En spänd förväntan ligger i den kalla vinterluften inför festligheterna, men också en bitande oro. Det ryktas om konspirationer i det fördolda. I Malsjöns inlopp...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $17.99

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Mutant: År Noll Grundspel

Mutant: År Noll Grundspel

ÅRETS ROLLSPEL 2014 enligt speltidningen Fenix läsare Hon ångrade sig så. Tula hade vandrat långt in i Zonen. För långt. Hon hade gått genom skogen, följt den gamla rälsen mellan ruiner och rostiga tågvrak. Mot de glänsande silverskivorna vid horisonten. Hon ville så gärna nå dit. Bli Arkens hjälte. En hyllad zonstrykare. Nu var hon snart en död zonstrykare. Om...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $24.99

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  The Road to Monsterberg, Curse of the Mad Princess