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A Society of Unlikely Gentlemen Quickstart

A Society of Unlikely Gentlemen Quickstart

This is the year 1895. Five years ago, the city of Atlantis rose again from the depths of the ocean. At the same time, several portals appeared on Earth and allowed safe passage to Venus and Mars. Scientific marvels pop-up everywhere, four-armed martian ambassadors walk the streets of London while Venusian amazons guide big game hunters through the jungles of their planet. Empires still scheme and...   [click here for more]
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Rats in the Walls (artfree version)

Rats in the Walls (artfree version)

Rats in the Walls is a roleplaying game of cosmic horror, inspired by the writings of H.P Lovecraft (but without using HPL's Mythos). The game system is inspired by classics like Advanced Fighting Fantasy, Traveller and more recent titles like Maze Rats or Into the Odd. The goal was to have a system that is simple enough to run quick one-shot adventures while at...   [click here for more]
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  X-O Manowar Volume 1: By The Sword