Space Ships 3 is the next in Will Walker's line of beloved space terrain. 50+ STL 3d printable files are included in this Core Set, including everything you need to make a magnificent space ship or station. This is one of our patron supported sets. Over 500 additional models available to our patrons. You can find a link to the Patreon included in the Readme.
● Layer... [click here for more]
Do you paint your 3D-printed terrain? If so, do you ever get paint on your hands from picking up a tile that's not quite dry? Or smudge one place while twisting the piece at an odd angle to get your brush at another place?
Never again. This comfortable grip snaps to the bottom of DragonbiteTM-compatible tiles, letting you paint the entire thing, odd angles and all, no muss no fuss. And if... [click here for more]