The Supplement You Didn't Know You Needed for the Game You Forgot You Owned!The battle had been the stuff of legends. Man versus fish in the sort of epic struggle that had defined virility since the dawn of time. There had been moments when it seemed as if the fish would get away but Tommy Tanaka dug down deep, gave it a hundred and ten percent, and cheated by blowing his entire... [click here for more]
A brass band plays as hundreds of onlookers crowd the railway platform, eager to catch a glimpse of the Duchess Elisabeth as she departs on her maiden journey along the new Paris-München-Vienna Express Line. This train, the most advanced in the world, will allow travel from one end to the other in a mere two days instead of the normal three! Operated by an advanced Babbage Engine and appointed... [click here for more]
Haunting at Brodick Castle!
A phantom woman haunts the grounds of Brodick Castle in Scotland! No soul can speak as to the origins of the ghostly visitation or as to her intentions but the spectral apparition clearly desires something! Is she a former lover of the Laird? A Faerie trickster taking spiritual form? Or is she an omen of death itself come for some poor resident... [click here for more]