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50 Story Prompts and Hooks from Norse Mythos

50 Story Prompts and Hooks from Norse Mythos

Lacking inspiration for game night?  We got you covered!  This PDF contains 50 prompts for Norse and Viking themed games.  Created for The Wyrd of Stromgard but 100% system agnostic, these prompts are heavily inspired by the Eddas and offer a multitude of situations, mythical figures, and legendary quests for your party to take on.  Flexible enough to jump-start an adventure but...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  Pay What You Want

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A Thousand Enemies - A Rabbit Warren Dread Supplement

A Thousand Enemies - A Rabbit Warren Dread Supplement

Inspired by books like Watership Down and Fifteen Rabbits, A Thousand Enemies is a scenario for Dread that has players taking on the roles of intelligent rabbits in a world with endless threats and unrelenting danger.  This complete scenario includes: How to scale danger and intelligence appropriate to rabbits Everpresent threats for rabbits to overcome or outmanuever Generalized...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing   FREE 

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Against Expanses: Adventure Campaign for Dungeon World

Against Expanses: Adventure Campaign for Dungeon World

No one spoke as the ships cut through the southern passes of The Black Band as the familar jutting cliffs and glaciers of Stromgard eased away over the curve of Midgard, the hundred or so boats making their way into the open ocean like so many sharp-beaked birds in flight... Created for The Wyrd of Stromgard setting but compatible with any Dungeon World setting,...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  $1.99

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Blood Eagle's Burden:  Adventure Campaign for Dungeon World

Blood Eagle's Burden: Adventure Campaign for Dungeon World

The shrouded men lay the then-nameless Órn on a flat stone dais and tied his limbs cruelly.  Descending into madness, Órn could not resist them and lay vulnerably on his gaunt stomach while strange herbs were burned and stranger chants were sung into the shadowed woods. But then Órn’s senses fled him entirely at the first touch of a blade to his unforgivably vulnerable flesh. ...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  $1.99

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Dreadful - 3 Campaign Dread Supplemental

Dreadful - 3 Campaign Dread Supplemental

Dreadful is a bundle of three unique games for Dread to give the most fuss-free, intense game night possible.   Each game comes with everything you need to run it "out of the box" but they're also flexible enough to change in any way you can dream up. Each Scenario includes: Setting info Plot synopsis 6 Character Roles + Easy-Print questionnaire sheets Background Info GM Section...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  $1.99

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Dreadful 2: Halloween - 3 Campaign Dread Supplemental

Dreadful 2: Halloween - 3 Campaign Dread Supplemental

Dreadful: Halloween is a bundle of three unique games for Dread to give the most fuss-free, intense game night possible.   Each game comes with everything you need to run it "out of the box" but they're also flexible enough to change in any way you can dream up. Each Scenario includes: Setting info Plot synopsis 6 Character Roles + Easy-Print questionnaire sheets Background Info GM...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  $1.99

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Dreadful 3:Paranoia - 3 Campaign Dread Supplemental

Dreadful 3:Paranoia - 3 Campaign Dread Supplemental

Dreadful: Paranoia is a bundle of three unique games for Dread to give the most fuss-free, intense game night possible.   Each game comes with everything you need to run it "out of the box" but they're also flexible enough to change in any way you can dream up. Each Scenario includes: Setting info Plot synopsis 6 Character Roles + Easy-Print questionnaire sheets Background Info GM...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  $1.99

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Dreadful 4:Coven - 3 Campaign Dread Supplemental

Dreadful 4:Coven - 3 Campaign Dread Supplemental

Dreadful: Coven is a bundle of three unique games for Dread to give the most fuss-free, intense game night possible.   Each game comes with everything you need to run it "out of the box" but they're also flexible enough to change in any way you can dream up. Each Scenario includes: Setting info Plot synopsis 6 Character Roles + Easy-Print questionnaire sheets Background Info GM...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  $1.99

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Feet of the Salish Sea (a Dread supplemental)

Feet of the Salish Sea (a Dread supplemental)

The Feet of the Salish Sea (A Dread Supplemental) The Feet of the Salish Sea is a detailed, play-ready Dread campaign based on the IRL unsolved mystery of the Salish Sea severed feet.  Take a crack at this baffling phenomenon in this complete package that includes: Incident report with details on each foot discovered Roles and character sheets for 3 players but with room for more GM advice 3...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing   FREE 

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Fortuna Mythica

Fortuna Mythica

Fortuna Mythica, orignally created for the 200 Word RPG Challenge, is a fully fledged, cooperative RPG for 1-3 players.  The only thing you need to play is a deck of standard playing cards.  Use the luck of the draw to create mythic heroes and epic obstacles they must face using the Fool's Journey and the lore behind the people ordinary playing cards supposedly represent.  Card texture from all-free-download ...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing   FREE 

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GMs' Night Out

GMs' Night Out

GMs' Night Out is a one-page RPG that explores what it means to roleplay and the position we take on in games that rely on a Dungeon Master or Game Master to facilitate play.   GMs' Night Out breaks down roleplay to its most basic back-and-forth to let GMs run narrative and character interactions without player controlled characters. ...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing   FREE 

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Hunger - A Dread Supplemental

Hunger - A Dread Supplemental

The Hunger (A Dread Supplemental) The Hunger is a ready-to-go, detailed Dread campaign that’s set in 1870s Great Lakes America and features a Wendigo- a scary ghoul from Cree and other regional indigenous legends.  This file includes: Visual/style heavy pdf.  I didn’t design it to be used as a presentation per se, but it looks good enough that you could. Three act based narrative...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing   FREE 

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In the Shadows of Giants: Adventure Campaign for Dungeon World

In the Shadows of Giants: Adventure Campaign for Dungeon World

Torr shook the snow from his jagged, curled horns like an overgrown goat as he slogged his way through the knee-deep drifts of snow... He hadn’t been to Jötunheim in an age, though his plodding steps were steady and if he felt any hesitation, he didn’t show it in his gait.  Skirmishes between Jötnar clans weren't abnormal, per se, but he felt sure this was something more complex than simple...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  $1.99

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Monster Roster I: Desert Denizens

Monster Roster I: Desert Denizens

"A helpful codex of monstrous creatures inspired by the myths of arid lands all over the world" The Monster Roster is a complete and highly detailed manual of 15 unique and interesting monsters for your Dungeon World games.  Each creature was inspired by the real life myths and legends of desert-dwelling peoples the world over including Assyria, Mesopotamia, Mexico, Persia,...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  $1.99

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Monster Roster II: Arctic Anomalies

Monster Roster II: Arctic Anomalies

"A helpful codex of monstrous creatures inspired by the legends of the frozen North" The Monster Roster is a complete and highly detailed manual of 15 unique and interesting monsters for your Dungeon World games.  Each creature was inspired by the real life legends of culture that make their home in the frozen north-  with myths from Inuit, Slavic, Russian, Athabaskan,...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  $1.99

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Monster Roster III: Bog Beasts

Monster Roster III: Bog Beasts

"A helpful codex of monstrous creatures inspired by the legends of Swamps and boglands all over the world" The Monster Roster is a complete and highly detailed manual of 15 unique and interesting monsters for your Dungeon World games.  Each creature was inspired by the real life legends of cultures that make their home in wetlands all over the world-  with myths from Australian...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  $1.99

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Monster Roster IV: Abyssal Abominations

Monster Roster IV: Abyssal Abominations

"A helpful codex of monstrous creatures inspired by the legends of the darkest depths from all over the world" The Monster Roster is a complete and highly detailed manual of 15 unique and interesting monsters for your Dungeon World games.  Each creature featured in Monster Roster is built on the real life myths and lore surrounding the deepest parts of the ocean, as told...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  $1.99

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The Wyrd of Stromgard

The Wyrd of Stromgard

In Norse mythology, saying something out loud was to give it form, meaning, and power.  That's why fate is called a 'wyrd'.  The Wyrd of Stromgard is exactly what it says it is- the power to shape heroic tales amidst chaos, violence, and magic. The Wyrd of Stromgard is an expansion to Dungeon World that comes with playbooks, fully fledged setting, a huge campaign front, and more....   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  $19.99

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The Wyrd of Stromgard - GM Screen & Map

The Wyrd of Stromgard - GM Screen & Map

Round out your Wyrd of Stromgard campaigns with the official GM Screen and Map.  This listing is for high quality, full color, ready-to-print PDF files of both the front and back of the GM Screen and Map for you to print yourself. The GM screen is 3 panels and unfolds to 12"x27" and contains the following information the back side: The GM Principles, Agenda, and when to make a move GM Moves Dungeon...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing   FREE 

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  TRUE-d6 - printed edition