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Alcune notti sono più scure

Alcune notti sono più scure

PREFAZIONELui l’ha chiamata... La sua voce nella notte... Vi prego, riportatemela. Riportatemela, vi scongiuro...”. Lord Dothamer di Anislad prega che l’amorevole figlia sia ricondotta tra le sue stanche braccia. Piange e si dispera, mentre il frusciante lamento dei morti cala dalla montagna e scivola nella notte, fino alle sue vecchie orecchie. I morti lo tormentano....   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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OPD with macabre and dreamlike tints, presented at the One Page Dungeon 4 Play 2022 contest of the Play: Festival del Gioco, which has become part of the Winners' Circle. An adventure set in the desolation of a non-existent place, where the characters will risk getting lost until they are consumed in a slow agony, before being able to save themselves...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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CHARACTERS FOR EVERYONE - A brief guide to play in a simple and fast way

CHARACTERS FOR EVERYONE - A brief guide to play in a simple and fast way

This is a brief module in which I collected few pages of rules to play, as the title says, in a simple and fast way, also based on other adventure modules I put on Drivethrurpg. In this fast booklet you will find: - fast rules; - few classes (my idea was to put in it only specific classes, the ones more particular in my mind, to a more specific characterisation), whit...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Chimeras - Daughters of Sin

Chimeras - Daughters of Sin

A One Page Chimeras Random Generator for all OSR systems, inspired and compatible with Mork Borg. Use this putrid thing to make your game darker and let PCs feel the horror of their Sins, if you want, with the brief and simple Sin System rule here presented. Create abominations, and embrace darkness. She will come...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Codex Venator - Tarocchi

Codex Venator - Tarocchi

I Tarocchi del Codex Venator sono infine tra noi. Cosa vi aspetta in questo PDF? Una lettura in tono con la cupa e fosca ambientazione di gioco, con meccaniche narrative veloci e di semplice approccio per chiunque.  Questi Tarocchi sono ragionati sull'utilizzo del mazzo appositamente creato per giocare in Codex Venator, e comprendono 22 Arcani Maggiori e 56 arcani...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian   FREE 

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Descent into the Chasm

Descent into the Chasm

ONE PAGE DUNGEON playable in a single session or more, with random encounters, treasures and high interaction room to room. Adventure for 3-4 characters of 4°-5° level. This is the sixth OPD of a collection I'm realizing, so... don't miss it and have fun!  PREFACTION Stairs older than time itself go down in the Chasm. No...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Erchai's Madness

Erchai's Madness

Check this one page dungeon and have fun!!! If you like it, you can search for my others creations!!! ...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Fast Adventures Generator

Fast Adventures Generator

When you are out of ideas or have short time before session, just roll few dice and be ready to run the game! In this single page you will find: 1d4 scenery with 1d4 incipit for each one; 1d10 villains to your quest, also for late game; 22 encounters, enemies and possible allies; 1d4 scenery effects to let "live" the scene itself; 1d6 parts of dungeon, ideas for traps and treasures. What more do you...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Fast Adventures Generator 2

Fast Adventures Generator 2

My second Fast Adventures Generator for you all! What is inside? Well, ideas and lot of random tables to: create setting (story, scenery, enemies...) create dungeon step to step (rooms, passages, traps...) give something cool to PCs (treasures/adds to backgrounds) All this and more decorated with the wonderful art of Martina...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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A descent into a cold cave, a stair to nothing, a journey to the Void. Take Flagel and enlight darkness before your hope becomes Desperation. Simpe PCs, simple rules and few random tables: run a fast game aimed to grow to something more grim and dark from time to time, or simply use ideas for your own game. This is just your...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Una discesa in una fredda caverna, una scala verso il nulla, un viaggio nel Vuoto. Prendi Flagel e illumina l'oscurità prima che la tua speranza diventi Disperazione. Semplici PG, regole velocie poche tabelle casuali: inizia rapidamente a giocare e porta il gioco a diventare qualcosa di più cupo e oscuro di volta in volta, o semplicemente usa queste idee...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Generatore Veloce di Avventure 2

Generatore Veloce di Avventure 2

Il mio secondo Generatore Veloce di Avventure per voi tutti! Cosa c'è dentro? Beh, idee e un sacco di tabelle casuali per: creare un'ambientazione (storia, scenario, nemici...) creare dungeon passo passo (stanze, collegamenti, trappole...) dare qualcosa di vario ai PG (tesori, aggiunte/idee per backgrounds) Tutto questo...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Goleminator (Eng)

Goleminator (Eng)

Check out this formidable One Page Dungeon!!! Have you ever desired to enter into a giant Golem, full of drunked Goblin and strange Orcs, to break it from the inside? - Yes? So what are you waiting for?!  - No? So what are you waiting for? And what if I say you that PCs can also pilot this big guy? Come on adventurers!!! ...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Goleminator (Ita)

Goleminator (Ita)

Eccovi un One Page Dungeon a cui diedi vita tempo addietro, ora in fase di riadattamento per Troika! (verranno aggiustate alcune cosine sparse in giro per i testi) Avete mai desiderato di entrare in un Golem gigantesco, pieno di Goblin ubriachi Aggeggiacose e strani Ringhialti, per distruggerlo dall'interno? - Sì? Allora cosa state aspettando?! - No? Allora cosa state aspettando?! E se vi dicessi...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Ilgnark's Tower

Ilgnark's Tower

"A group of Gnolls plagues the lands near the isolated village of Ambar-Luk. It seems that the horrid creatures have found a safe place to dwell: an abandoned tower inside the dark Dead Forest. The Gnoll who rules the band is known as Ilgnark, and the creatures of the surroundings fear his evil witchcraft. Strange rumors have been running in the wind for some...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Immortal Honor

Immortal Honor

"How far are you ready to push yourself, knight, just to get the coveted success?". Immortal Honor is a short adventure module, based on a generic game system that nevertheless well reflects the idea of the module itself: to keep honor alive, despite the evils that will hinder the pace of the characters, so that they deserve the success of the company. The high ideals, the...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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La follia di Erchai

La follia di Erchai

Scarica questo one page dungeon e divertiti, se ti piace dai uno sguardo ai miei altri contenuti!!! ...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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La Torre di Ilgnark

La Torre di Ilgnark

"Un gruppo di Gnoll affligge le terre vicine all’isolato villaggio di Ambar-Luk. Sembra che le orride creature abbiano trovato un luogo sicuro presso cui dimorare: una torre abbandonata all’interno della cupa Foresta Morta. Lo Gnoll che governa la banda è conosciuto come Ilgnark, e le creature dei dintorni temono le sue perfide stregonerie. Da qualche tempo...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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"Din don dan! Din don dan! Ring the bells, better run! The moon rises high in the sky a golden sphere in the dark night. Fear the beast! Fear the man! Now he's comin', now... from Hell!". People of Blackpath are scared. The small village is wrapped by darkness. In the middle of the thick forest, no one can hear them cries for...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Magic Items - 1d100 magic items for (almost) every moment

Magic Items - 1d100 magic items for (almost) every moment

ADVENTURERS OF ALL THE PLANES!!! HERE WE HAVE NOT ONE, NOT TWO, NOT THREE... BUT 1D100 MAGIC ITEMS, EACH ONE MORE AWFUL THAN THE OTHERS!!! ENJOY THIS FUNNY (I hope) COLLECTION OF USELESS THING THAT WILL HURT YOU AND YOUR PARTY MEMBERS!!! Seriously, there are only 1d100 magic items, but nice and funny. Probably you will know better than me on how to use them. ...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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One Page Putrid Dungeon: Rites of Pestilence

One Page Putrid Dungeon: Rites of Pestilence

one page putrid dungeon for all OSR systems inspired and compatible with Mork Borg. In the last week a strange disease began to spread among the people. Groups of desperates went looking for a cure in the hope to get a reward or simply save themselves. You heard rumors about the ruin of a forgotten Abbey, where it is said...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Onore Immortale

Onore Immortale

"Fin dove sei pronto a spingerti, cavaliere, pur di ottener l'agognato successo?". Onore Immortale è un breve modulo d'avventura, basato su un sistema di gioco generico che tuttavia ben ne rispecchia l'idea di fondo: tener vivo il proprio onore, nonostante le malvagità che ostacoleranno il passo dei personaggi, affinché meritino il successo dell'impresa. Gli alti ideali,...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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OPD Collection - The Cycle of the Swords

OPD Collection - The Cycle of the Swords

Finally the collection is closed with those six OPD! The first part of the Cycle of the Swords ends here, but we all know: it only waits for new OPD adventures... In this booklet you will find: a brief introduction to the six adventures and few lines of rules/indications; the adventures and some illustrations (to represent some of the NPCs/PCs involved); Pregen...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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OPD dalle tinte macabre e oniriche, presentato al contest One Page Dungeon 4 Play 2022 del Play: Festival del Gioco di Modena, entrato a far parte del Circolo dei Vincitori. Un'avventura ambientata nella desolazione di un luogo inesistente, dove i personaggi rischieranno di perdersi fino a consumarsi in una lenta agonia, prima di riuscire...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Our Is The Kingdom

Our Is The Kingdom

"The Dragon plagues our lands! Knights: at arms!    Bring me the head of the Beast! Kill the monster!   Let know him that our is the kingdom!”.          - King Arloch the Right -      This is an OPD (One Page Dungeon) for true knights! Demonstrate your...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Pestilentia è un’avventura in solitaria per coloro che hanno giocato nel Codex Venator - Shared Campaign e coloro che vorranno conoscere la sua Follia. Muovendovi tra i capitoli rimarrete confusi, interdetti, in dubbio su quanto appreso o creduto di aver visto. Tutto questo è Pestilentia: la...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Putrid Remains - Buried in the Earth

Putrid Remains - Buried in the Earth

A One Page Putrid Generator of remains, corpses and weird things along PCs path, for all OSR systems, inspired and compatible with Mork Borg. Use this to make darker the journey of PCs, and let them face the horror and the fear of these terrible visions. Use these as ideas if you need, or just roll on both d66 tables!...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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RUMOURS FROM TAVERN - 1d100 phrases, anecdotes and rumours for every eventuality

RUMOURS FROM TAVERN - 1d100 phrases, anecdotes and rumours for every eventuality

"You're eating your dinner, when...". RUMOURS FROM TAVERN contains 1d100 phrases, anecdotes and rumours about the strange things you could listen into a tavern. Because everyone have something to tell, maybe... ...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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"Great treasures are buried in the dungeon! Will you be brave enough to find them, adventurer?!". This is a brief and ironic adventure module, based on no specific game system to let everyone adapt to his own game, thought to be played by low level characters, because... surprise! In the dungeon you will find crazy magic items, nice skeletons...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Some Nights Are Darker

Some Nights Are Darker

PREFACTIONHe called her... His voice in the night... Please, bring her back. Bring her back, I beg you...”. Lord Dothamer of Anislad prays that the loving daughter will be brought back into his tired arms. He cries and despairs, while the rustling lament of the dead falls from the mountain and slips into the night, up to his old ears. The dead torment him. They took...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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The Chronomancer

The Chronomancer

The Chronomancer is waiting for you, again, and again, and again... forever... This is a One Page Dungeon in which you will find: Table of Rooms/Places of the Palace of the Autarch, in which time ceased to flow normally; Table of Time, to indicate years through PCs will pass, regarding Past, Present and...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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The Church of the Howling Autumn

The Church of the Howling Autumn

The first One Page Dungeon adventure of "The Cycle of the Four Churches"  I am writing. In this one, PCs will explore the Church of the Howling Autumn: a desolate place where it is said ancient secrets are hidden, a distant place that many tried to find, a place from where, of course, no one as ever returned... Which...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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The Church of the Screaming Summer

The Church of the Screaming Summer

The third One Page Dungeon adventure of "The Cycle of the Four Churches"  I am writing. In this one, PCs will explore the Church of the Screaming Summer: a desolated place which, it is said, an ancient secret is hidden, a place which took the life of every single one who tried to reach it, a place in where silence is...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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The Church of the Unveiled Spring

The Church of the Unveiled Spring

The second One Page Dungeon adventure of "The Cycle of the Four Churches"  I am writing. In this one, PCs will explore the Church of the Unveiled Spring: a hidden place which, it is said, keeps an ancient truth, a place lost in memories that many tried to find, a place from where, of course, no one as ever returned... Which...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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The Comet and The Rotten Child

The Comet and The Rotten Child

He’s born. His pale corpse crawled out from Her bloody womb. She suffered. She cried. She bleed. At the end, He drank of Her crimson milk. The Comet is falling from the sky. It is question of time: in Her cold and now motionless embrace, the Rotten Child eats the mother’s flesh to ascend”. Christmas is gone, so happy passed holidays to you all! But I and Alessia Sagnotti want to...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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The Death Race - a Mörk Borg Compatible PvP Experience

The Death Race - a Mörk Borg Compatible PvP Experience

Crazy OSR rules, settings and attachments for one or two parties challenging to a deadly race. Compatible with Mörk Borg. In the middle of Sarkash forest the barbarian tribes of Orcs and Goblins have erected a votive altar to Evil and Destruction: THE DEATH RACE! Founded in a half day on kickstarter....   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  $7.35

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The Dream's Tower

The Dream's Tower

ONE PAGE DUNGEON playable in a single session or more, with random encounters, treasures and high interaction room to room. Adventure for 3-4 characters of 3°-4° level. This is the third OPD of a collection I'm realizing, so... don't miss it and have fun! PREFACTION Silence. The same silence since the last one of them fell...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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The Monastery of the Eternal Sin

The Monastery of the Eternal Sin

ONE PAGE DUNGEON playable in a single session or more, with random encounters, treasures and high interaction room to room. Adventure for 3-4 characters of 4°-5° level. This is the fifth OPD of a collection I'm realizing, so... don't miss it and have fun! PREFACTION On top of Mount Arlor rises the monastery of the Eternal...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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The Rockwell Inn

The Rockwell Inn

"Faraway, in the greatest battle in this age of the world, the  forces of the Bleak Warlock were undone, but at a dear cost. Lifes' of  many were lost, and the Emperor themself, hero and hope of the Free  People, fell -for raise never again. In the wake of Worlock's defeat a  mighty storm of snow thunder and hail rose, hammering the fugitives  and...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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The Solitary Manor of King Menedor

The Solitary Manor of King Menedor

ONE PAGE DUNGEON playable in a single session or more, with random encounters, treasures and interaction room to room. This one can be dealt with a more combat-focused approach than the previous ones, and unlike the others here diplomacy can be a valuable help to interact with them once were knights. Adventure for 3-4 characters of 3°-4° level. This is the fourth OPD of...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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The Tombs of the Ancients

The Tombs of the Ancients

ONE PAGE DUNGEON playable in a single session or more, with random encounters, treasures and high interaction room to room. Adventure for 3-4 characters of 2°-3° level. This will be the first of a OPD collection I'm realizing, so... don't miss it and have fun! PREFACTION Agor entered the Tombs of the Ancients, bringing in there...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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The Tower of The Hanged Men

The Tower of The Hanged Men

ONE PAGE DUNGEON playable in a single session or more, with random encounters, treasures and high interaction room to room. Adventure for 3-4 characters of 2°-3° level. This is the second OPD of a collection I'm realizing, so... don't miss it and have fun! PREFACTION The temple of Nodrean is taken… The White Mantles...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Trappole Per Tutti I Gusti

Trappole Per Tutti I Gusti

TRAPPOLE PER TUTTI I GUSTI contiene 1d12 trappole (più qualcuna aggiuntiva) per ognuno dei tre luoghi trattati (senza uno specifico sistema di gioco, così da poterle adattare a piacimento): Sotterranei, Luoghi Boschivi e Luoghi in Rovina (ma si può utilizzare ogni trappola come e dove si desidera). Ogni trappola è descritta dalla voce di uno o più avventurieri, che potrebbero dare anche qualche...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Traps For All Tastes

Traps For All Tastes

TRAPS FOR ALL TASTES contains 1d12 (plus some extra) random traps for every of the three fantasy locations here presented (with no specific roleplay system, so you could play with them as you prefer): Dungeons, Woodland and place in ruin (but you can use every trap for every place you like). Every trap is described by the voice of one or more adventurers, and they could also give you some advice on...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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ONE PAGE DUNGEON TROUBLE WITH JUSTICE is a short space fantasy adventure for three/four PCs. The entire mini-adventure is about their escape from troubles with justice. Have fun! PREFACE PCs are travelling with their spaceship to Neorian orbiting station, hoping to sell Globrons, exotic...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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ONE PAGE DUNGEON The old village chief coughs violently. He wipes his mouth with the sleeve of his tunic, and a bloody patch dirties it. The disease will take other lives. The Cleric you have escorted here died before to discover what was inside the cave, asking you, whit his last forces, to be told by the village chief about. The village chief looks at you. “Aye… It is the...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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VOCI DA TAVERNA - 1d100 frasi, aneddoti o dicerie per ogni evenienza

VOCI DA TAVERNA - 1d100 frasi, aneddoti o dicerie per ogni evenienza

"Stai mangiando la tua cena, quando...". VOCI DA TAVERNA contiene 1d100 frasi, aneddoti e dicerie che potresti ascoltare in una taverna. Perché tutti hanno qualcosa da dire, forse... ...   [click here for more]
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  DRAGONLOCK Ultimate: Dungeon Starter Set