Dunromin is a fantasy city like no other! Capital of the Land of the Young, greatest trading empire on the fabulous World of Barnaynia.
The Dunromin University Press publications are designed to be high quality resources for Old School Essentials, OSRIC and pretty much any OSR or similar, with D&D in mind. Even then, they are pretty much compatible with ANY Fantasy Role Playing Game you can roll a dice at.
The Philosophy behind the product range is to produce accessible, well-thought-through, challenging and fun to play supplements and adventures that are EXCELLENT value for money, just have a look at the contents pages in the Previews under each listing to see what you get for your money.
The products are mostly stand alone or can be integrated into an existing campaign or a new one based on Barnaynia itself - the Banana-shaped planet!
The Traveller's Atlas of Dunromin and the Land of the Young (SM00) is a good (and FREE to download) place to start finding out more...