Here at Wolfhill Entertainment we understand that life gets busy, and running an epic adventure requires a lot of time and planning. Accepting that reality, we are focused on creating value packed pre-written products which “Busy Game Masters” can unleash on their friends or victims, with less than 20 minutes of pre-planning.
Wolfhill Entertainment has listened to your suggestions and will now be providing a “Kid Approved” stamp on all of our family friendly products. These products will continue to be written for audiences of all ages, but will identify content which is kid friendly. So, now when you see the Wolfhill Entertainment Goblin Kid Official Seal of Approval on our product covers you’ll know it’s a great choice for the whole family. Come explore our WEGKOSA! product line
How Wolfhill is "Breaking away from the pack". Making some extra coffee money is always great, but Wolfhill was created as a way to bring positivity back into the world. Wolfhill supports various fundraisers and community initiatives.
The Orange Fox Fundraiser 2019
Proud contributer to the AU Brushfire Relief Charity Bundles 2020
Proud contributer to Cov-19 No Kid Hungry Bundle 2020
Proud contributer to the BLM National Police Accountability Project 2020
The Orange Fox Fundraiser 2020
The Orange Fox Fundraiser 2019
The Sunken Temple of Chloren-Var
Barden Hollow
Ghosts of Mhifteran
Sprucemere Fishing Hamlet
The Forsaken Song of the Sea
Basecamp Tah-ron
The Orange Fox fundraiser 2020
Gnew Binston
Vinlock's Ultimate guide to Freshwater Fishing
Krowcon's Consortium of Cartographers
The Consortium of Cartographers - Guildhall
The Dawn-Razor
Sunken Temple of Chloren-Var Items and Effects Cards
Wolfhill Colouring Book
Belmarsh Laboratory
Minions of Resurrection