This Chapbook is an extravaganza of forgotten, never told, unheard of, unpublished secrets of Glorantha remembered by Sandy Petersen himself.
A veritable Glorantha Goldmine, it includes the most terrifying Chaos Nest in Glorantha, Pamaltela history, East Isles secrets, the goal of the Empire of Wyrms Friends, more secret Troll Plans, the Black Moon, the Sky Terror, Dragon sexuality and more.... [click here for more]
This Chapbook contains more pure Gloranthan gold by Sandy Petersen. It covers Chaos Dwarves, Waertagi Dragonships, Time Travel, The Outer Atomic Explorers, the secret Dorastor map, the secret of the Kingdom of War, the Broos of the Black Puss and more.
This KRAKEN Chapbook is a Fundraiser for THE KRAKENTHE KRAKEN is a baroque gathering of international gamers and... [click here for more]