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Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard Campaign Setting

Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard Campaign Setting

Welcome to Norrøngard A land beset by undead horrors, marauding trolls, mercurial spirits, and monstrous beasts. In such a danger-fraught and challenging environment, heroes emerge to perform deeds worthy of the skalds, and those who don’t meet an early demise as a troll’s breakfast or a linnorm’s lunch carve out new domains or conquer existing ones. Earn your honor exploring...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $29.99

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Thrones & Bones: Player's Guide to Norrøngard

Thrones & Bones: Player's Guide to Norrøngard

"If you like the feel of D&D 5e from the 2014 rules, you should probably be taking a serious look at Tales of the Valiant, and if you are taking a serious look at Tales of the Valiant, you should be taking a serious look at the Player’s Guide to Norrongard. For a product created early in the life span of a game by a third-party publisher (albeit one that’s worked with the game’s producer...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $9.99

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Thrones & Bones: Sagas of Norrøngard

Thrones & Bones: Sagas of Norrøngard

Welcome to Norrøngard A land beset by undead horrors, marauding trolls, mercurial spirits, and monstrous beasts. In such a danger-fraught and challenging environment, heroes emerge to perform deeds worthy of the skalds, and those who don’t meet an early demise as a troll’s breakfast or a linnorm’s lunch carve out new domains or conquer existing ones. Earn your honor exploring...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $24.99

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Thrones & Bones: Banner of the Bull

Thrones & Bones: Banner of the Bull

A Land in Need of Heroes The Jarl of Bense has a problem. He is responsible for the upkeep of a trelleborg (ring fortress) near the border of Norrøngard. But now communication with the fortress has gone dark. The jarl needs someone to journey to the trelleborg and learn what has happened. Unbeknownst to the people of Norrøngard, a magical artifact known as the Banner of the...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $9.99

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Thrones & Bones: Keeper of the Drowned

Thrones & Bones: Keeper of the Drowned

A Land in Need of Heroes Storms threaten the city of Bense. The sacred statue of the goddess Njunn, the Keeper of the Drowned, has fallen into the sea. Two expeditions sent into the waters of Serpent’s Gulf to recover the statue have failed to return. Njunn’s image, it turns out, has been stolen by merfolk and dragged into their subaquatic caves. Now, the Jarl of Bense seeks heroes...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $7.99

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Thrones & Bones: The Aptrgangr's Challenge

Thrones & Bones: The Aptrgangr's Challenge

Will you brave a dead man's challenge? The Midsummer Feast brings all sorts to the town of Bense, farmers and traders from across Norrøngard and beyond. But this summer, one of the arrivals has come a long way indeed—from beyond the grave.  Skathi the Troll-Breaker was a once-heralded warrior of great renown. Dying in an ignoble fashion, Skathi refuses to accept his fate and...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $6.99

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Thrones & Bones: Tomb of the Frost Giant

Thrones & Bones: Tomb of the Frost Giant

Enter the Tomb of the Frost Giant In the aftermath of a blinding snowstorm, three frost giants beseech aid from daring adventurers willing to brave the ancient tomb of Þrívaldi the Thrice Mighty. The giants seek a legendary weapon once belonging to an ancient champion of the long-vanished frost giant empire. Only by wielding Þrívaldi’s Greataxe can the frost giant leader...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $4.99

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Thrones & Bones: Troll of the Town

Thrones & Bones: Troll of the Town

A Land in Need of Heroes The people of Bense are under threat. Something has been sneaking into the city at night and stealing from its citizens. Tracks in the dirt suggest it can be only one thing—a forest troll. In fact, Hurnukkle the troll has haunted Raven’s Wood near the town of Bense for years, occasionally preying on livestock and travelers near the town. Several ventures...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $7.99

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Thrones & Bones: Vengeance of the Valravn

Thrones & Bones: Vengeance of the Valravn

Can You Run With the Wolves? The Jarl of Sindholm has a problem. People are being slain in the outlying farms and villages north of his city. By the savage bite and claw marks on the victims, the jarl suspects that wolves are to blame. He seeks adventurers to find the creatures responsible and put a stop to their savage attacks. But the jarl is wrong in his assumptions.The danger...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $12.99

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Thrones & Bones: Tales from Stolki's Hall

Thrones & Bones: Tales from Stolki's Hall

Cattle Die.  Kinsfolk Die. Only the Deeds of Heroes Live On. Tales from Stolki's Hall is an anthology of short stories set in Norrøngard, the Norse-inspired land of the Thrones & Bone  roleplaying game and the novel Frostborn by Lou Anders.  The stories from Tales from Stolki's Hall range from the humorous...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $15.99

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Thrones & Bones: Player's Guide to Norrøngard (5th Edition)

Thrones & Bones: Player's Guide to Norrøngard (5th Edition)

Welcome to Norrøngard A land beset by undead horrors, marauding trolls, mercurial spirits, and monstrous beasts. In such a danger-fraught and challenging environment, heroes emerge to perform deeds worthy of the skalds, and those who don’t meet an early demise as a troll’s breakfast or a linnorm’s lunch carve out new domains or conquer existing ones. Earn your honor exploring...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $9.99

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Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard VTT Tokens

Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard VTT Tokens

Welcome to Norrøngard A land beset by undead horrors, marauding trolls, mercurial spirits, and monstrous beasts. In such a danger-fraught and challenging environment, heroes emerge to perform deeds worthy of the skalds, and those who don’t meet an early demise as a troll’s breakfast or a linnorm’s lunch carve out new domains or conquer existing ones. Enhance your RPG experience...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $9.99

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Thrones & Bones: Banner of the Bull VTT Tokens

Thrones & Bones: Banner of the Bull VTT Tokens

The tokens in this pack are designed for use with the materials in Banner of the Bull, an adventure set in the land of Norrøngard from the Thrones & Bones campaign setting.  Enhance your RPG experience with these 27 Character and Creature Tokens drawn from the original illustrations in Banner of the Bull and the Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard 5e campaign setting....   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $3.49

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Thrones & Bones: Keeper of the Drowned VTT Tokens

Thrones & Bones: Keeper of the Drowned VTT Tokens

The tokens in this pack are designed for use with the materials in Keeper of the Drowned, an adventure set in the land of Norrøngard from the Thrones & Bones campaign setting.  Enhance your RPG experience with these 10 Character and Creature Tokens drawn from the original illustrations in Keeper of the Drowned and the Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard 5e campaign setting....   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $1.49

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Thrones & Bones: Tales from Stolki's Hall VTT Tokens

Thrones & Bones: Tales from Stolki's Hall VTT Tokens

The tokens in this pack are designed for use with the materials in Tales from Stolki’s Hall, a short story anthology with an appendix of 5e mechanics set in the land of Norrøngard from the Thrones & Bones campaign setting. Enhance your RPG experience with these 17 Character and Creature Tokens drawn from the original illustrations in Tales from Stolki’s Hall and the Thrones &...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $1.99

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Thrones & Bones: Tomb of the Frost Giant VTT Tokens

Thrones & Bones: Tomb of the Frost Giant VTT Tokens

The tokens in this pack are designed for use with the materials in Tomb of the Frost Giant, an adventure set in the land of Norrøngard from the Thrones & Bones campaign setting.  Enhance your RPG experience with these 11 Character and Creature Tokens drawn from the original illustrations in Tomb of the Frost Giant and the Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard 5e campaign...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $1.49

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Thrones & Bones: Troll of the Town VTT Tokens

Thrones & Bones: Troll of the Town VTT Tokens

The tokens in this pack are designed for use with the materials in Troll of the Town, an adventure set in the land of Norrøngard from the Thrones & Bones campaign setting.  Enhance your RPG experience with these 23 Character, Creature, and Magic Item Tokens drawn from the original illustrations in Troll of the Town and the Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard 5e campaign...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $2.49

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Thrones & Bones: Vengeance of the Valravn VTT Tokens

Thrones & Bones: Vengeance of the Valravn VTT Tokens

The tokens in this pack are designed for use with Vengeance of the Valravn, a stand-alone adventure for characters of 7th level set in the land of Norrøngard from the Thrones & Bones campaign setting.  Enhance your RPG experience with these 27 Character and Creature Tokens drawn from the original illustrations in Vengeance of the Valravn and the Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $3.49

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Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard City Maps

Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard City Maps

Welcome to Norrøngard A land beset by undead horrors, marauding trolls, mercurial spirits, and monstrous beasts. In such a danger-fraught and challenging environment, heroes emerge to perform deeds worthy of the skalds, and those who don’t meet an early demise as a troll’s breakfast or a linnorm’s lunch carve out new domains or conquer existing ones. Featuring the work of...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $9.99

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Norrøngard Digital [BUNDLE]

Norrøngard Digital [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard Campaign Setting Regular price: $17.99 Bundle price: $25.49 Format: PDF Welcome to Norrøngard A land beset by undead horrors, marauding trolls, mercurial spirits, and monstrous beasts. In such a danger-fraught and challenging environment, heroes emerge to perform deeds worthy...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $84.95 $72.21

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Norrøngard Bundle 2 [BUNDLE]

Norrøngard Bundle 2 [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Thrones & Bones: Player's Guide to Norrøngard Regular price: $9.99 Bundle price: $7.99 Format: PDF "If you like the feel of D&D 5e from the 2014 rules, you should probably be taking a serious look at Tales of the Valiant, and if you are taking a serious look at Tales of the Valiant, you should...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $43.43 $34.74

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Thrones & Bones: 5e Character Sheets (Form-Fillable)

Thrones & Bones: 5e Character Sheets (Form-Fillable)

Designed for use with the Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard 5e campaign setting, this 4-page character sheet includes all the necessary 5th Edition options, as well as a space for tracking honor (a Thrones & Bones specific optional rule). The entire character sheet is a form-fillable PDF so you can fill it out and store a copy on digital devices. ...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $2.00

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Thrones & Bones: Amulet of the Wolf

Thrones & Bones: Amulet of the Wolf

The Amulet of the Wolf is a 3D printable STL file for a prop—a player handout of the magic item found in the Vengeance of the Valravn adventure for the Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard campaign setting. The Amulet was designed by Milestone Heroes, who also offer a range of 3D printable terrain made for use with Norrøngard adventures. Two versions of the Amulet of the Wolf STL...   [click here for more]
Lazy Wolf Studios  $2.00

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  Shadowrun: Fire & Frost