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Additional graphic elements for Core rulebook, Shadow of the Beanstalk, and Realms of Terrinoth styling such as stat blocks that were not included in the base template offered by FFG. These graphics are available in Adobe Photoshop and PNG formats, and some are available in Adobe Illustrator format. Includes InDesign files with object styles for Read Aloud text in RoT and SotB and sidebar for RoT.... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
This character sheet is for the Awakened Age superhuman setting for the Genesys RPG. When printing, be sure not to print page 5 unless you really just like legal text. Notes on use of Form Fill Dice Calc version: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not update when a characteristic is changed, but rather after clicking off of that number. Also, when printing,... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
The Book of Online Sourced Triumphs is a Genesys community project with the goal of creating content that relates to a specific theme. The theme for this issue is "Mutation".
Inside you'll find:
1 new Archetype/Species
3 new Talents
2 new Weapons, including 1 new Item Quality
3 new Adversaries
Genesys Core Rulebook and either Genesys Dice or the Genesys Dice App are required to use this product.... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
The Book of Online Sourced Triumphs is a Genesys community project with the goal of creating content that relates to a specific theme. The theme for this issue is "Modern Magic".
Inside you'll find:
1 new Archetype/Species
6 new Talents
1 new Weapon, including 2 new Item Qualities, and 5 new pieces of Gear
5 new Adversaries
Genesys Core Rulebook and either Genesys Dice or the Genesys Dice App are... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
The Book of Online Sourced Triumphs is a Genesys community project with the goal of creating content that relates to a specific theme. The theme for this issue is "Deep Dive".
Inside you'll find:
15 new pieces of equipment, including 1 vehicle, which will aid you in underwater expeditions
5 new adversaries appropriate for deep sea adventures
2 articles with GM advice for running underwater encounters
and... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
BOOST, or the Book Of Online Sourced Triumphs, is a regular magazine created by and for the Genesys community. Organized and operated through the Genesys Discord server, each issue of BOOST focuses on a topic or theme chosen by the community. Once the topic is voted for and selected, anyone and everyone is free to submit entries based on the chosen topic. No entry is denied!
BOOST #4: Steampunk explores... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
BOOST, or the Book Of Online Sourced Triumphs, is a regular magazine created by and for the Genesys community. Organized and operated through the Genesys Discord server, each issue of BOOST focuses on a topic or theme chosen by the community. Once the topic is voted for and selected, anyone and everyone is free to submit entries based on the chosen topic. No entry is denied!
BOOST #5: Weird West explores... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
BOOST, or the Book Of Online Sourced Triumphs, is a regular magazine created by and for the Genesys community. Organized and operated through the Genesys Discord server, each issue of BOOST focuses on a topic or theme chosen by the community. Once the topic is voted for and selected, anyone and everyone is free to submit entries based on the chosen topic. No entry is denied!
BOOST #6: Space Fantasy... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
The Book of Online Sourced Triumphs is a Genesys community project with the goal of creating content that relates to a specific theme. The theme for this issue is "Modular Encounters".
Inside you'll find:
7 encounters/short adventures, with instructions on how to modify them to suit other settings.
Genesys Core Rulebook and either Genesys Dice or the Genesys Dice App are required to use this product.... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
BOOST, or the Book Of Online Sourced Triumphs, is a regular magazine created by and for the Genesys community. Organized and operated through the Genesys Discord server, each issue of BOOST focuses on a topic or theme chosen by the community. Once the topic is voted for and selected, anyone and everyone is free to submit entries based on the chosen topic. No entry is denied!
BOOST #8: Environments... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
BOOST, or the Book Of Online Sourced Triumphs, is a regular magazine created by and for the Genesys community. Organized and operated through the Genesys Discord server, each issue of BOOST focuses on a topic or theme chosen by the community. Once the topic is voted for and selected, anyone and everyone is free to submit entries based on the chosen topic. No entry is denied!
BOOST #9: Motivational... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
While much of the heraldry of Terrinoth is present in other games based in the setting, there were previously no heraldry images for authors to use as art elements.
This collection is offered free to the Genesys community for use, either personal or professional use for products for the Foundry. The heraldry is sourced from Runebound for the Free Cities, and from RuneWars for Waiqar's symbol and for... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
A location guide to Greyrock a location in the Cloudlands setting for Genesys. You will need a copy of the Genesys Core Rulebook and Genesys Custom Dice to play. The guide contains a map of Greyrock and a map of it's largest settlement Midthar. It also contains decriptions of locations on Greyrock and in Midthar. There are also two local adversaries included. ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
The Genesys Character sheet for the Twilight Imperium setting, Embers of the Imperium, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Includes Naaz-Rokha sheet.
Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not update when a characteristic is changed, but rather after clicking off of that number. Also, when printing, be sure not to print page 5 unless you really... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
Version 2.0 of the Story Spanner Expanded Archetypes module.
Three new archetypes (The Disciple, The Gymnast, The Rascal) to fill out the options for human only settings and designed together to complement the official archetypes in the Genesys Core Rulebook (Average Human, The Laborer, The Intellectual, The Aristocrat).
Four new unique abilities---one for each official archetype---to add variety... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
What if the world of fantasy was like our world? What if heroes were simply those with the best P.R.? The quest to be rich, powerful and well-known starts here.
A genesys setting with rules additions. Not a beautiful book, but one that will give you hours of fun!
Genesys Core Rulebook and either Genesys Dice or the Genesys Dice App are required to use this product. ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
The generic Genesys Character sheet, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Most graphics are vector, meaning it maintains image quality at high resolutions, keeping the quality high and the file size small. Only the Foundry logo and the dice pool images are raster.
Now includes a version with editable skill names.
Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
La feuille de personnage générique pour Genesys, interactive avec des calculs des réserves de dés. La plupart des éléments graphiques sont vectoriels, ce qui signifie qu'ils maintiennent la qualité de l'image à des résolutions élevées en maintenant une bonne qualité et une taille de fichier réduite. Seul le logo Foundry et les images des réserves de dés sont en raster. Remarques sur... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
A free collection of artwork designed specifically for the Android setting in the Genesys Foundry program. See the program’s content guidelines for details on using these images. ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
A free collection of artwork designed specifically for the Fantasy setting in the Genesys Foundry program. See the program’s content guidelines for details on using these images. ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
These files are designed to help you create new Genesys Foundry products using the graphic design elements used in the FFG books. These also include instructions for using these elements and sample pdf files. The following and more are included: • InDesign and PDF Files with Art Element Links and Fonts • Stat Blocks (including new NPC Power Level blocks) • ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
A free collection of artwork designed specifically for the KeyForge setting in the Genesys Foundry program. See the program’s content guidelines for details on using these images. ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
A free collection of artwork designed specifically for the Sci-Fi setting in the Genesys Foundry program. See the program’s content guidelines for details on using these images. ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
A free collection of artwork designed specifically for the Terrinoth setting in the Genesys Foundry program. See the program’s content guidelines for details on using these images. ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
A free collection of formatting and writing aids for the Genesys Foundry program. It includes guidance on talent templating, heading and body style usage, NPC profile construction, skill check formatting, and more—all designed to help you create works as part of the Genesys Foundry! ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Karty postaci do systemu Genesys dla settingu Krainy Terrinoth. Do wyboru wersja klasyczna oraz z miejscem do wpisania własnych umiejętności. ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
„K2: Bez powrotu” to przygoda typu slasher/survival horror napisana pod Kostkowy System Narracyjny gry fabularnej GENESYS.
Scenariusz rozgrywa się na początku XXI w. zimą. Gracze wcielają się w członków chińskiej wyprawy naukowej na K2. Są w drodze od wielu dni. Dopisują im dobre nastroje, bo jak dotychczas wszystko idzie zgodnie z planem. Dotychczas…
Przygoda „K2: Bez powrotu”... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Zanurz się w odmętach półświatka Bramy Mrozu W Krainach Terrinoth rozpętała się wojna. Opętani przez demony barbarzyńcy Uthuk Y’llan opuścili Mroczne Ziemie Ru. Najeźdźcy zmiażdżyli rzucone na nich siły i zmusili armie baronii do ucieczki. Daleko na północy Wolne Miasto zwane Bramą Mrozu zalała fala uchodźców gnanych pogłoskami o zbliżającej się zagładzie. Utrzymanie... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
W tej przygodzie postacie graczy tropią śmiertelnie groźną Elizę Farrow i próbują pokrzyżować jej niecne plany. Podróżują z samotnego gospodarstwa, miejsca ostatniej zbrodni Farrow, do mrocznego miasta Nerekhall. Będą musieli uporać się tam z nieufnymi mieszkańcami i ciągłym zagrożeniem zrodzonym ze złych magicznych eksperymentów sprzed wielu lat. W pościgu za Farrow PG trafią... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Dawno temu galaktyką władało wielkie Imperium Lazaxów. Ich trwające przez tysiące lat panowanie było erą pokoju i harmonijnej współpracy między tysiącami gatunków. Jednak żadne imperium nie może istnieć wiecznie. Wojny, które rozpętały się po upadku Lazaxów, na milenia strzaskały kosmiczną cywilizację. Teraz galaktyka odradza się z trudem, a dziesiątki potężnych nacji... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Karty postaci oraz uniwersum do systemu Genesys. W przypadku kart postaci do wyboru wersja klasyczna oraz z miejscem do wpisania własnych umiejętności. ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Heroes 1 is an art pack that is free to use for Foundry authors to have hero illustrations for their products. Full permission is granted for use in Foundry products by the artists, Chris Markham and Mike Nadeau.
This collection includes the heroes listed in the Honorable Heroes supplement (of pre-gen characters), as well as Corbin from the Dangerous Dragons supplement.
For these illustrations,... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Heroes 2 is an art pack that is free to use for Foundry authors to have hero illustrations for their products. Full permission is granted for use in Foundry products by the artists, Chris Markham and Mike Nadeau.
This collection includes the heroes previously provided by FFG as official pregenerated characters: Alys Raine, Syndrael, Leoric of the Book, Thaiden Mistspeak, and 2 characters from... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
A quick and dirty rule and setting guide that sets up the default campaign assumptions for the Infinities Rising character cards.
Genesys Core Rulebook and either Genesys Dice or the Genesys Dice App are required to use this product.
Check out more from Psychogenesis Games on Itch.io at psychogenesis-games.itch.io ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
This character sheet is for the Inquisition dark fantasy setting for the Genesys RPG. Notes on use of Form Fill Dice Calc version: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not update when a characteristic is changed, but rather after clicking off of that number and then clicking it again. Please only use Adobe Acrobat to use this file. Other PDF clients have shown... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the past! Let it be your future.
Lake Dwellers brings your campaign to the time of tribes and bronze. You are part of a small tribe, whose identity and development will be shaped by your hands. Not only will you face human enemies, but also the supernatural. More importantly Lake Dwellers will challenge you with aspects of survival and societal evolution.
This supplement... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
For over a decade role-players have come to the Emerald Empire of Rokugan to learn the true meaning of honor and glory. Now it is your turn to take up your katana in the name of you clan. This adventure contains everything you need to get started. A Quick-Start adventure for the new fourth edition of L5R. ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
In the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Open Beta, players take on the role of individual samurai whose honor and loyalty will be put to the test. These samurai serve their lords as warriors, courtiers, priests, or monks and embark on adventures filled with drama, suspense, humor, romance, and horror. All the while, they must grapple with their human emotions and choose... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
For over a decade role-players have come to the Emerald Empire of Rokugan to learn the true meaning of honor and glory. Now it is your turn to take up your katana in the name of your Clan. The minor daimyo Doji Haruki has always craved more power and prestige among those who possess true influence in the Imperial Court. Now, on the eve of his greatest and most promising court, mere hours before... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
EDGE Studio |
This digital version of the technique cards found in the Second City Boxed Set for the Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game, 4th Edition includes 142 cards. These handy reference cards allow players to utilize the five techniques of each of the Core Rulebook basic schools in their home games. Note that these files contain crop lines and printer's marks. ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
L'aventure vous attend dans les basfonds malfamés de Passegivre !
La guerre fait rage dans les Royaumes de Terrinoth. Les immondes Uthuk Y’llan ont envahi les Terres Sombres de Ru, brisé les défenses dressées sur leur passage et mis les armées des baronnies en fuite. Les réfugiés ont envahi Passegivre, la Cité Libre située à l’extrême nord, où circulent ces derniers temps des rumeurs... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
One map of the Great Cavern of Hell and another map of The City of Dis. These maps are intended to be used with The Devils You Know Campiagn Setting for Genesys RPG. Details about many of the maps locations can be found there. ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
When the shadows fall, your adventures begin!
One minute you were resting peacefully in a small town far from the Shadow’s occupation. The next, you were captured, thrown into chains, and marched off to certain death.
Escape is only the beginning. By the time this adventure is over, you’ll have the chance to rescue your friends from slavery, or even strike a... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Monsters 1 is an art pack that is free to use for Foundry authors to have monster illustrations for their products. Full permission is granted for use in Foundry products by the artists, Chris Markham and Mike Nadeau.
For these illustrations, painted miniatures were used along with other art techniques to provide images canon to the setting of Terrinoth, without using licensed FFG and Edge art images.... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Monsters 2 is an art pack that is free to use for Foundry authors to have monster illustrations for their products. Full permission is granted for use in Foundry products by the artists, Chris Markham and Mike Nadeau.
For these illustrations, painted miniatures were used along with other art techniques to provide images canon to the setting of Terrinoth, without using licensed FFG and Edge art images.... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
The Genesys Character sheet for the Realsm of Terrinoth setting, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Most graphics are vector, meaning it maintains image quality at high resolutions, keeping the quality high and the file size small. Only the Foundry logo and the dice pool images are raster.
Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not update when... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
As requested! Here is a free fillable character sheet for the Salvage Setting by Jerrad Matthew. Take a closer look and purchase this Scifi Junkpunk Setting for the Genesys system here:
Salvage: Genesys Sci-Fi Junkpunk Setting... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
The Genesys Character sheet for the Keyforge setting, Secrets of the Crucible, form fillable with dice pool calculations.
Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not update when a characteristic is changed, but rather after clicking off of that number. Also, when printing, be sure not to print page 5 unless you really just like legal text. Please only... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
The Genesys Character sheet for the Android setting, Shadow of the Beanstalk, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Most graphics are vector, meaning it maintains image quality at high resolutions, keeping the quality high and the file size small. Only the Foundry logo and the dice pool images are raster.
Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want