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Genesys - Embers of the Imperium

Genesys - Embers of the Imperium

The Fate of the Galaxy Rests in Your Hands Since the fall of the Lazax Empire, the galaxy has been plagued by thousands of years of chaos, war, and isolation. Now, finally, the once-great civilizations have restored some semblance of their former glory, and have cast covetous eyes on the wider galaxy once more. Each of the major galactic powers has sent representatives to the ancient Imperial capital...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $24.99

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Adventures in Rokugan - Tomb of Iuchiban

Adventures in Rokugan - Tomb of Iuchiban

Hear the call, find the tomb. Achieve greatness, or die in the pursuit of your desires…       For centuries, the powerful and seemingly eternal sorcerer of blood and names, Iuchiban, has manipulated the hearts and minds of countless mortals, twisting and corrupting them to better suit his grand machinations. For those who have...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $29.99

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L’Appel de Cthulhu - Les Abominations de Petersen

L’Appel de Cthulhu - Les Abominations de Petersen

Cinq récits épiques d’horreur moderne Une collection de cinq scénarios modernes et cauchemardesques pour le jeu de rôle L’Appel de Cthulhu.   Rassemblée depuis les quatre coins de l’éternité, cette effroyable anthologie réunit pour la toute première fois des scénarios inédits de Sandy Petersen, créateur du jeu de rôle L’Appel de Cthulhu. Chaque...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $26.59

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100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth

100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth

Characters may at some point ask around for information, and this supplement has 100 things for them to hear when doing so. Whether or not what they hear is true is up to the GameMaster. These rumours can be used as background colour and as potential adventure hooks. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page backgrounds and images can be disabled to make printing easier. Here are some sample results:...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $1.99

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100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth II

100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth II

Characters may at some point ask around for information, and this supplement has 100 things for them to hear when doing so. Whether or not what they hear is true is up to the GameMaster. These rumours can be used as background colour and as potential adventure hooks. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page backgrounds and images can be disabled to make printing easier. Here are some sample results:...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $1.99

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100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth III

100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth III

Characters may at some point ask around for information, and this supplement has 100 things for them to hear when doing so. Whether or not what they hear is true is up to the GameMaster. These rumours can be used as background colour and as potential adventure hooks. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page backgrounds and images can be disabled to make printing easier. Here are some sample results:...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $1.99

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100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth IV

100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth IV

Characters may at some point ask around for information, and this supplement has 100 things for them to hear when doing so. Whether or not what they hear is true is up to the GameMaster. These rumours can be used as background colour and as potential adventure hooks. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page backgrounds and images can be disabled to make printing easier. Lagart, home to the High...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $1.99

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100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth V

100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth V

Characters may at some point ask around for information, and this supplement has 100 things for them to hear when doing so. Whether or not what they hear is true is up to the GameMaster. These rumours can be used as background colour and as potential adventure hooks. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page backgrounds and images can be disabled to make printing easier. The Singhara god of war...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $1.99

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100 Knick-knacks for Terrinoth

100 Knick-knacks for Terrinoth

This is a collection of minor items, related or appropriate to Terrinoth, that could be found in the possession of NPCs, or perhaps given to a PC when they are created. None have any definite value or meaning, unless the GameMaster decides otherwise, though some might have minor, but useless, powers. They can be used as oddities to spark ideas or could be something to be investigated further. This...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $1.25

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Adventures in Alchemy II

Adventures in Alchemy II

Adventures in Alchemy II is a followup supplement geared towards GMs and players who want to add a lot of flavor to their Terrinoth campaign when it comes to alchemy ingredients and magical components. This tome offers dozens of new alchemical concoctions which may be useful to adventurers, and new options for alchemy-minded characters! In addition, it offers more alchemical components to...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $3.99

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Adventures in Rokugan - Game Master's Kit

Adventures in Rokugan - Game Master's Kit

The essential reference when running adventures in the Emerald Empire. The once-sleepy life of Twin Blessings Village has been shattered. The local daimyō has callously let his samurai rob and oppress the inhabitants, while ignoring the real threats in the surrounding woodlands. In response, the villagers have begun to arm and train themselves to fight. This, plus elemental spirits...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $13.49

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Anarchy in Dragon City - Genesys

Anarchy in Dragon City - Genesys

Stick it to the corps and build your street cred in Flaming Canyon City. Your team of lancers strikes back at the megacorps and the city’s draconic dictator by stealing from the rich and helping the poor. Lancers can harness the power of magic, upgrade their bodies with cyberware, or use advanced training techniques to get the job done. Grifters, hitters, thieves, and other skill sets are needed...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $14.95

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Anarchy in Dragon City - Genesys Character Sheet

Anarchy in Dragon City - Genesys Character Sheet

This character sheet helps track the progress of your lancer in Anarchy in Dragon City for the Genesys RPG system. Check out the form-fillable version of this sheet. ...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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Anarchy in Dragon City - Genesys Fillable Character Sheet

Anarchy in Dragon City - Genesys Fillable Character Sheet

This form-fillable character sheet helps track the progress of your lancer in Anarchy in Dragon City for the Genesys RPG system. ...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $2.00

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Anarchy in Dragon City - Lullaby

Anarchy in Dragon City - Lullaby

Your contact, Clive, is a mechanic, weapons dealer, and fence who operates out of Flaming Canyon City's Overwatch district. He's looking for some old-world technology for a pet project. He learned that Reclamations, Inc. is about to auction off a duplicate to collectors or scrap it for parts. Clive knows where the auction is taking place, and that’s where you come in. Clive's pet project leads the...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $3.95

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Aventuras en Rokugán

Aventuras en Rokugán

Audaces aventuras en una tierra de acero y heroísmo El Imperio Esmeralda lleva más de mil años asentado en las tierras de Rokugán. Generaciones de héroes pasados han evitado crisis y catástrofes que amenazaron con destruirlo, y con ello se convirtieron en leyendas de Rokugán. Y ahora te toca a ti. Tanto si eres el vástago de un prestigioso linaje de samuráis como si eres...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $25.00

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Aventuras en Rokugán - Kit del Director

Aventuras en Rokugán - Kit del Director

La referencia imprescindible para dirigir aventuras en el Imperio Esmeralda. La otrora tranquila vida de la Aldea de las Bendiciones Gemelas se ha visto interrumpida. El daimyō local ha consentido que sus samuráis roben y opriman a sus habitantes, ignorando las verdaderas amenazas de los bosques circundantes. Por ello, los aldeanos han empezado a armarse y a entrenarse para luchar. Esto,...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $14.95

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Aventures à Rokugan

Aventures à Rokugan

Des aventures épiques, de l’héroïsme et de l’acier Au cours du dernier millénaire, les différentes crises et catastrophes qui menaçaient l’avenir de l’Empire d’Émeraude ont été déjouées par des générations entières de héros dont les louanges sont encore chantées dans tout Rokugan. C’est maintenant à vous qu’incombe cette tâche. Que vous descendiez...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $25.00

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Aventures à Rokugan - Le Kit du Maître de Jeu

Aventures à Rokugan - Le Kit du Maître de Jeu

La référence essentielle pour mener des aventures dans l'Empire d'Emeraude. Au village des Bénédictions jumelles, la vie jadis tranquille des paysans est grandement perturbée. Sans pitié, le daimyō local laisse ses samurai voler et opprimer les habitants. Il ne s’intéresse pas non plus aux menaces bien réelles que recèlent les bois environnants et que redoutent les villageois....   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $14.60

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BOOST #8: Environments Set Pieces & Obstacles

BOOST #8: Environments Set Pieces & Obstacles

BOOST, or the Book Of Online Sourced Triumphs, is a regular magazine created by and for the Genesys community. Organized and operated through the Genesys Discord server, each issue of BOOST focuses on a topic or theme chosen by the community. Once the topic is voted for and selected, anyone and everyone is free to submit entries based on the chosen topic. No entry is denied! BOOST #8: Environments...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio   FREE 

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BOOST #9: Motivational Play

BOOST #9: Motivational Play

BOOST, or the Book Of Online Sourced Triumphs, is a regular magazine created by and for the Genesys community. Organized and operated through the Genesys Discord server, each issue of BOOST focuses on a topic or theme chosen by the community. Once the topic is voted for and selected, anyone and everyone is free to submit entries based on the chosen topic. No entry is denied! BOOST #9: Motivational...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio   FREE 

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Bumps in the Night: Monster Generator for Something Strange Genesys

Bumps in the Night: Monster Generator for Something Strange Genesys

The infinite multiverse gives rise to all manner of creatures, monsters, beasts, and mutants. Now GMs can randomly generate adversaries to frighten and challenge their players. Bumps in the Night takes inspiration from Secrets of the Crucible and the Expanded Player's Guide to give tools that not only give GMs the mechanical details necessary for a monster, but also appropriate narrative flair. It...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $4.95

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Courageous Careers

Courageous Careers

This book introduces six (6) new Careers for the Twilight Imperium: Embers of the Imperium setting!  Like my similar title for the Terrinoth setting, each Career also lists an optional special career ability to make a career more than just a collection of skills. In addition, each career gives a sample Agenda to get the player thinking along the lines of each career.  Bounty Hunter (or Star-Stalker...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $3.99

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Cutlass - Swashbuckling Action for Genesys Roleplaying

Cutlass - Swashbuckling Action for Genesys Roleplaying

Genesys Core Rulebook and either Genesys Dice or the Genesys Dice App are required to use this product. Cutlass contains new backgrounds, archetypes, careers, skills, talents, gear and rules to turn your game of Genesys into one of high seas adventure and swashbuckling action. Cutlass is setting agnostic, and simply offers you the mechanical toolbox to quickly play a game of piracy...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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Dolina Smoczej Śmierci

Dolina Smoczej Śmierci

Wśród szczytów gór, w odległej dolinie baronii Carthage, rozpleniły się nieumarłe istoty. Zdesperowani mieszkańcy Smoczego Gniazda wzywają na pomoc grupę początkujących poszukiwaczy przygód - czyli Postaci Graczy! Czy uda im się dotrzeć do źródła zła i odkryć tajemnicę Doliny Smoczej Śmierci? Przygoda dla początkujących postaci, dla systemu Genesys, osadzona w Krainach Terrinoth....   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $4.99

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Embers of the Imperium Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Calc)

Embers of the Imperium Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Calc)

The Genesys Character sheet for the Twilight Imperium setting, Embers of the Imperium, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Includes Naaz-Rokha sheet. Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not update when a characteristic is changed, but rather after clicking off of that number. Also, when printing, be sure not to print page 5 unless you really...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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Fordale Risa Entrance - Mennara and Realms of Terrinoth Map

Fordale Risa Entrance - Mennara and Realms of Terrinoth Map

Fordale Risa Entrance - Mennara & Realms of Terrinoth RPG Map Welcome to the Fordale Risa Entrance Map for RPG campaigns set in the world of Mennara and the Realms of Terrinoth®. In this purchase you will find a professional aesthetic pdf document that will look perfect as your first role-playing booklet, or an unbeatable companion for your finest collections, which also includes: 1 Original...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $3.00 $2.25

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Genesys Foes on the Fly

Genesys Foes on the Fly

The Ultimate Adversary Resource for Genesys RPG Gamemasters! Attention GMs! It's time to stop rummaging through rulebooks and monster manuals, searching for that perfect stat block of the next adversary in combat! A GM's life is arduous enough! Instead, this supplement only requires the GM to have an idea – a core concept – one that they can evocatively narrate and bring...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $4.99

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Genesys Krainy Terrinoth – Karta postaci

Genesys Krainy Terrinoth – Karta postaci

Karty postaci do systemu Genesys dla settingu Krainy Terrinoth. Do wyboru wersja klasyczna oraz z miejscem do wpisania własnych umiejętności. ...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio   FREE 

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Genesys RPG: K2 – Bez powrotu

Genesys RPG: K2 – Bez powrotu

„K2: Bez powrotu” to przygoda typu slasher/survival horror napisana pod Kostkowy System Narracyjny gry fabularnej GENESYS.  Scenariusz rozgrywa się na początku XXI w. zimą. Gracze wcielają się w członków chińskiej wyprawy naukowej na K2. Są w drodze od wielu dni. Dopisują im dobre nastroje, bo jak dotychczas wszystko idzie zgodnie z planem. Dotychczas… Przygoda „K2: Bez powrotu”...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio   FREE 

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Genesys RPG: Krainy Terrinoth

Genesys RPG: Krainy Terrinoth

Wkrocz do świata starożytnej magii i straszliwych niebezpieczeństw. Przygotuj miecz i księgę zaklęć, a potem ruszaj na spotkanie przygody w fantastycznej krainie Terrinoth! Podręcznik ten, oparty na systemie fabularnym GENESYS, pozwala graczom odkrywać magiczne uniwersum Runebound pełne tragedii i tajemnic. Terrinoth staje w obliczu licznych niebezpieczeństw. Zagrażają...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $33.24

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Genesys RPG: Krainy Terrinoth – Mniejsze zło

Genesys RPG: Krainy Terrinoth – Mniejsze zło

Zanurz się w odmętach półświatka Bramy Mrozu W Krainach Terrinoth rozpętała się wojna. Opętani przez demony barbarzyńcy Uthuk Y’llan opuścili Mroczne Ziemie Ru. Najeźdźcy zmiażdżyli rzucone na nich siły i zmusili armie baronii do ucieczki. Daleko na północy Wolne Miasto zwane Bramą Mrozu zalała fala uchodźców gnanych pogłoskami o zbliżającej się zagładzie. Utrzymanie...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio   FREE 

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Genesys RPG: Krainy Terrinoth – Nawiedzone Miasto

Genesys RPG: Krainy Terrinoth – Nawiedzone Miasto

W tej przygodzie postacie graczy tropią śmiertelnie groźną Elizę Farrow i próbują pokrzyżować jej niecne plany. Podróżują z samotnego gospodarstwa, miejsca ostatniej zbrodni Farrow, do mrocznego miasta Nerekhall. Będą musieli uporać się tam z nieufnymi mieszkańcami i ciągłym zagrożeniem zrodzonym ze złych magicznych eksperymentów sprzed wielu lat. W pościgu za Farrow PG trafią...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio   FREE 

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Genesys RPG: Podręcznik podstawowy

Genesys RPG: Podręcznik podstawowy

Odkryj dynamiczną i niezwykle wciągającą grę fabularną, w której z każdym rzutem kostkami rozwijasz opowiadaną historię! Cieszący się uznaniem krytyków Kostkowy System Narracyjny Genesys umożliwia tworzenie przygód w dowolnym uniwersum: od magicznych światów fantasy, przez współczesne konflikty o wysokiej stawce, aż po odległe w czasie i przestrzeni konfrontacje w obcych światach!...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $29.92

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Genesys RPG: Twilight Imperium – Zgliszcza Potęgi

Genesys RPG: Twilight Imperium – Zgliszcza Potęgi

Dawno temu galaktyką władało wielkie Imperium Lazaxów. Ich trwające przez tysiące lat panowanie było erą pokoju i harmonijnej współpracy między tysiącami gatunków. Jednak żadne imperium nie może istnieć wiecznie. Wojny, które rozpętały się po upadku Lazaxów, na milenia strzaskały kosmiczną cywilizację. Teraz galaktyka odradza się z trudem, a dziesiątki potężnych nacji...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio   FREE 

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Genesys – Karty postaci oraz uniwersum

Genesys – Karty postaci oraz uniwersum

Karty postaci oraz uniwersum do systemu Genesys. W przypadku kart postaci do wyboru wersja klasyczna oraz z miejscem do wpisania własnych umiejętności. ...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio   FREE 

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HERO TIME Character Manual

HERO TIME Character Manual

Tons of new character creation options! 20 new playable species! 4 new classes with three specializations apiece! Compatible with all Genesys settings! The "HERO TIME Character Manual" greatly expands on the character creation process for the Genesys system, providing a significant number of new ways to customize your character even further and make him stand out....   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $9.99

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HERO TIME: Bounty of the Gaping Maw (Free RPG Day 2024)

HERO TIME: Bounty of the Gaping Maw (Free RPG Day 2024)

The lost treasure hidden within the Gaping Maw, a structure shaped like a skull in the middle of the Haldorad Wetlands, has been located at last! Can the heroes survive the traps and monsters within and claim the fabled bounty? Celebrate Free RPG Day 2024 with a brand-new, pay-what-you want Hero Time game! This is an 11-page, one-shot adventure, illustrated in a uniquely gorgeous hand-drawn style....   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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Just Drive! A Ground Vehicle Supplement for Genesys

Just Drive! A Ground Vehicle Supplement for Genesys

Already sped into the fun, fast-paced, rich, narrative world of the Genesys Roleplaying Game? Add velocity to your game with Just Drive! A Ground Vehicle Supplement for Genesys! Developed by Fantasy Flight Games veteran freelancer Keith Ryan Kappel, this vehicle-focused supplement offers new character options for players who specialize in using the driving skill, be it to drive a motorcycle,...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $17.95

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L'Anneau Unique  JdR - Peuples du Pays Sauvage

L'Anneau Unique JdR - Peuples du Pays Sauvage

Peuples du Pays sauvage contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour créer des personnages originaires des terres du Rhovanion pour vos parties sur L'Anneau Unique™. Vous en apprendrez notamment plus sur les Beornides, les Elfes de la Forêt Noire et les Hommes des Bois du Pays Sauvage. Chaque peuple est accompagné d'un texte de présentation,...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $3.31

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L'Anneau Unique - Mode Arpenteur

L'Anneau Unique - Mode Arpenteur

Le mode Arpenteur présente des ajouts et modifications de règles pour vous permettre de jouer des parties de L’Anneau Unique en solo, mais aussi des conseils de jeu et des directives, et une série de tables pour vous inspirer lors de vos pérégrinations solitaires en Terre du Milieu. Vous n'aurez pas besoin de Gardien des Légendes : un joueur peut donc faire entreprendre à son Héros...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $5.53

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L'Anneau Unique JdR - Origines des héros

L'Anneau Unique JdR - Origines des héros

Vous avez du mal à créer votre personnage dans l’Anneau Unique ? Aucun problème ! En quelques jets de dés, ce supplément « Origines des héros » vous guidera pas à pas pour incarner un héros unique. En commençant par la culture héroïque, puis l’historique de votre personnage et même une table d’aléas pour apporter des changements importants à ses caractéristiques fondamentales....   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $3.31

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La Légende des Cinq Anneaux - La Roue du Jugement

La Légende des Cinq Anneaux - La Roue du Jugement

La mort n’est que le commencement Dans le royaume souterrain du Meido, les âmes des défunts attendent leur jugement et leur réincarnation. Emma-Ō, la fortune de la mort, et ses serviteurs infernaux œuvrent sans relâche pour que les roues du cycle karmique tournent à la perfection, mais la situation est loin d’être idyllique dans le royaume de l’attente. Des démons égoïstes...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $5.53

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La Légende des Cinq Anneaux - Le Kit du Maître de Jeu

La Légende des Cinq Anneaux - Le Kit du Maître de Jeu

L’élément indispensable à tout MJ pour le jeu de rôle de La Légende des Cinq Anneaux Le port de la Marée Douce est une cité violente, où règnent le crime et la contrebande gaijin. Ce que peu de gens savent, c’est qu’une secte sacrilège enlève les samouraïs qui résident ici dans le but de les sacrifier à sa magie du sang… à moins qu’un groupe d’enquêteurs...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $14.95

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La Légende des Cinq Anneaux - Le Sang de la Lionne

La Légende des Cinq Anneaux - Le Sang de la Lionne

Retrouvez ou réécrivez l’histoire de la bataille de la Plaine enneigée La bataille de la Plaine enneigée est une amère défaite du Clan du Lion face à ses voisins du nord, le Clan de la Licorne. Un groupe de samouraïs est envoyé pour effectuer des recherches sur cette bataille historique et se pencher sur les comptes rendus officiels. Cependant, étudier le passé n’est jamais...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $5.53

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La Légende des Cinq Anneaux - Les Champs de la Victoire

La Légende des Cinq Anneaux - Les Champs de la Victoire

Le destin de Rokugan se forge sur les champs de bataille Depuis la fondation de l’Empire d’Émeraude et la première guerre, les conflits ont façonné l’histoire, les terres et la société de Rokugan. En temps de paix aussi, les samouraïs des clans majeurs se consacrent aux arts de l’armement et de la guerre, car leurs généraux savent qu’un conflit peut se déclencher à tout...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $28.81

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La Légende des Cinq Anneaux - Les Royaumes Célestes

La Légende des Cinq Anneaux - Les Royaumes Célestes

Découvrez ce qui se cache au-delà du royaume des mortels… Bien avant la chute des Kamis, les Rokugani contemplaient déjà les étoiles et imaginaient ce que leurs sens ne pouvaient percevoir. Les enfants divins du soleil et de la lune, tombés des entrailles de leur père, apprirent ensuite aux mortels que le monde était constitué de « couches » superposées. Dans Les Royaumes...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $28.81

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La Leyenda de los Cinco Anillos - Pantalla del DJ

La Leyenda de los Cinco Anillos - Pantalla del DJ

La referencia esencial para el DJ del juego de rol de La Leyenda de los Cinco Anillos El Muelle de la Marea Lenta es un lugar peligroso, plagado de crimen y contrabando gaijin. Lo que pocos saben es que una blasfema secta de mahō está secuestrando a samuráis locales y confabulando para utilizarlos como sacrificios en un ritual de magia de sangre, y lo logrará a menos que un grupo...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $14.60

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La llamada de Cthulhu - Guía de campo de horrores lovecraftianos de Sandy Petersen

La llamada de Cthulhu - Guía de campo de horrores lovecraftianos de Sandy Petersen

  Un manual de campo para el observador de entidades preternaturales y de seres de más allá del muro del sueño   ¿Formas extrañas en el parque? ¿Ruidos fuertes e inusuales en el sótano? ¿Un temor latente en la cocina? ¿Pesadillas con extrañas aventuras y criaturas estrafalarias?       Identificar los horrores de los Mitos de Cthulhu...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $23.27

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La llamada de Cthulhu - Horrores Innominados

La llamada de Cthulhu - Horrores Innominados

Los Mitos de Cthulhu ofrecen horrores mucho peores que la simple muerte... Aquí no hallarás gules o profundos, ni ninguna otra entidad de los Mitos dotada de nombre. Los horrores que te aguardan son innombrables, pero conforman buena parte de los Mitos. Tus jugadores nunca se han encontrado con nada parecido, y se sentirán incómodos ante lo desconocido. Horrores innominados te proporciona...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $28.25

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