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Arkham Horror RPG - Core Rulebook

Arkham Horror RPG - Core Rulebook

Beneath the glitz and glamour of the Roaring Twenties lurk terrors older than time and more dangerous than you can imagine. In the heart of 1920s New England, nestled among the rolling hills of the Miskatonic River Valley, lies Arkham, Massachusetts. Caught in the midst of the tides of change and progress, the city struggles to shrug off the myths of its past and step into a shining...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $29.99

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Dawnforge: Core Rulebook

Dawnforge: Core Rulebook

Welcome to an age of legend! The world of DAWNFORGE is a mythic land rich in magic and wonder where great empires clash, intrepid explorers journey beyond wild frontiers, and mighty heroes brave epic dangers. It is a land where familiar and beloved races and archetypes are reaching the pinnacle of their glory and wonder. It is a vast and rich realm where newborn nations...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $9.95

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Genesys - Embers of the Imperium

Genesys - Embers of the Imperium

The Fate of the Galaxy Rests in Your Hands Since the fall of the Lazax Empire, the galaxy has been plagued by thousands of years of chaos, war, and isolation. Now, finally, the once-great civilizations have restored some semblance of their former glory, and have cast covetous eyes on the wider galaxy once more. Each of the major galactic powers has sent representatives to the ancient Imperial capital...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $24.99

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Genesys - Secrets of the Crucible

Genesys - Secrets of the Crucible

In the center of the universe hangs the Crucible, a gigantic artificial world created by the enigmatic Architects and home to countless beings and cultures. Here, impossibly advanced technologies mix with arcane powers to make for a setting unlike any other! Uncovering the secrets of this mysterious world will take all your skills—but the potential rewards are boundless… Explore this world of...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $24.95

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Genesys Core Rulebook

Genesys Core Rulebook

Face down a dragon as a brave knight, hack into a corporate security system as an elite runner, set sail in your airship. Unlimited adventure awaits you in Genesys,  a new roleplaying system designed for a variety of settings and limited only by your imagination. The Genesys experience begins with the Genesys Core Rulebook, which features an explanation of the innovative...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $19.95

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Legend of the Five Rings 3th: Atlas of Rokugan

Legend of the Five Rings 3th: Atlas of Rokugan

For twenty years, the Legend of the Five Rings Collectible Card Game and Roleplaying Game have explored the world of Rokugan. Now, for the first time, the Emerald Empire receives an atlas mapping its lands, castles, and cities, complete with a comprehensive description of Rokugan’s provinces and settlements, along with detailed explorations of its three major cities (Ryoko Owari and the two Imperial...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $24.99

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Legend of the Five Rings 4th Edition

Legend of the Five Rings 4th Edition

Blood. Honor. Steel. Welcome to the 4th Edition of the epic Role-Playing Game Legend of the Five Rings! Join us for the ultimate adventure of fantasy samurai, locked in perpetual battles of honor and glory within the bonds of the Code of Bushido. The Emerald Empire of Rokugan demands much of its samurai: service to one's lord, service to one's Clan, and service to one's Emperor. Bushido's...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $34.99

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Legend of the Five Rings 4th: Strongholds of the Empire

Legend of the Five Rings 4th: Strongholds of the Empire

Across the Emerald Empire, the greatest servants of the Emperor make their homes in ancient castles, elaborate courts, impregnable fortresses, venerable dojo, and majestic palaces. Some exist in the wilds of the Empire, while others mark the center of great, sprawling cities. Some are centers of trade and artistry, while others exist far from any other sign of civilization. And yet, despite their many...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $19.99

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Legend of the Five Rings RPG Beta Rulebook

Legend of the Five Rings RPG Beta Rulebook

In the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Open Beta, players take on the role of individual samurai whose honor and loyalty will be put to the test. These samurai serve their lords as warriors, courtiers, priests, or monks and embark on adventures filled with drama, suspense, humor, romance, and horror. All the while, they must grapple with their human emotions and choose...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio   FREE 

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Legend of the Five Rings: Premium Character LOG

Legend of the Five Rings: Premium Character LOG

EDGE Studio   FREE 

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  A hundred years have passed since the shadow fell.  As the Third Age came to an end, the fallen god Izrador triumphed over the free nations of Aryth. The corrupt lieutenants of the Shadow in the North, the Night Kings, rule with an iron fist over ruined cities and broken kingdoms. Twisted, incorporeal spirits hunt down the last true masters of...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $34.95 $5.00

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MIDNIGHT – L’héritage Des Ténèbres

MIDNIGHT – L’héritage Des Ténèbres

Un siècle s’est écoulé depuis que l’Ombre s’est abattue. Il y a cent ans, les forces des ténèbres ont déferlé du nord. Elles ont écrasé les cités libres des humains, repoussé les elfes jusqu’au cœur des forêts et assiégé les nains dans leurs forteresses des montagnes. À présent, les lieutenants corrompus d’un dieu sombre contrôlent d’une main de fer les...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $25.00

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Midnight: 2nd Edition Core Rulebook

Midnight: 2nd Edition Core Rulebook

The classic setting returns! FFG reprints and re-envisions the lands under the Shadow in this 2nd Edition of the award-winning world of Midnight. Midnight is an original d20 setting that pits the players against overwhelming forces of evil in a desperate fight for survival and freedom. There is only one god in Midnight, and it is the dark lord Izrador, the Shadow in the North. For centuries his...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $9.95

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The End of the World: Alien Invasion

The End of the World: Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion The End of the World Roleplaying Line Earth has come under attack from extraterrestrial lifeforms! Mars may attack our civilization with a devastating invasion, or the aliens that live far beneath our oceans may enact a plan to flood the entire world. You may discover that your neighbors have been secretly replaced by alien copies, or that Earth is ruled by an Illuminati society of...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $19.95

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Adventures in Rokugan

Adventures in Rokugan

In the land of Rokugan, the Emerald Empire has lasted a for a thousand years. Generations of past heroes have staved off crises and catastrophes that threatened to bring the Emerald Empire low, becoming legends of Rokugan. Now the task falls to you. Whether you are the scion of an esteemed samurai line, a farmer with ambitions, a wanderer who simply wants a quiet life, or an outsider who...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $29.99

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Adventures in Rokugan - Tomb of Iuchiban

Adventures in Rokugan - Tomb of Iuchiban

Hear the call, find the tomb. Achieve greatness, or die in the pursuit of your desires…       For centuries, the powerful and seemingly eternal sorcerer of blood and names, Iuchiban, has manipulated the hearts and minds of countless mortals, twisting and corrupting them to better suit his grand machinations. For those who have...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $29.99

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Fireborn: Player's Handbook

Fireborn: Player's Handbook

Players simultaneously roleplay in the modern and mythic ages. In the mythic age, dragons reign supreme and sorcerers make pacts with dark beings, threatening the world with their power-mad schemes. The present day is a dark and ominous time, poisoned by mystery and the occult. Magic has returned, and every secret power is out to control it. The common man is caught in the middle of countless power...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $4.95

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L’Appel de Cthulhu - Les Abominations de Petersen

L’Appel de Cthulhu - Les Abominations de Petersen

Cinq récits épiques d’horreur moderne Une collection de cinq scénarios modernes et cauchemardesques pour le jeu de rôle L’Appel de Cthulhu.   Rassemblée depuis les quatre coins de l’éternité, cette effroyable anthologie réunit pour la toute première fois des scénarios inédits de Sandy Petersen, créateur du jeu de rôle L’Appel de Cthulhu. Chaque...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $24.79

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Midnight: Hand of Shadow

Midnight: Hand of Shadow

Embrace the darkness of Midnight with this supplement for the award-winning campaign world. Midnight usually puts the players in the role of desperate freedom fighters waging war against overwhelming forces of evil. Hand of Shadow at last gives them the power to become that which their characters have hated and feared for so long…minions of the dark god! Whether they play devoted legates, barbaric...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $6.95

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Against the Shadow

Against the Shadow

The orcs swarm like a plague over half the continent. Mage-hunting legates and their demonic pets track down the last vestiges of magic in the land. The dark god Izrador broods and watches the world through his black mirrors. The forces are overwhelming, your enemies are dark and twisted, and you will surely perish if you resist. But you fight. You are the northborn ancestral bladebearer. You are...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $21.95

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Fireborn: Gamemaster's Handbook

Fireborn: Gamemaster's Handbook

The Fireborn Game Master's Handbook contains all the rules and advice you need to run your own Fireborn campaign. This book gives you the tools to show your players epic adventure in the mythic age or subject them to dark mysteries in modern London. It contains setting information for London, as well as details on four epochs from the mythic age, as well as advice on how to run a Fireborn...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $4.95

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L'Anneau Unique JdR : Récits des Terres Solitaires

L'Anneau Unique JdR : Récits des Terres Solitaires

Et maintenant on avait pénétré loin à l’intérieur des Terres Solitaires, où on ne voyait plus personne, où il n’y avait plus d’auberges et où les routes devenaient franchement mauvaises. Non loin devant eux s’élevaient, de plus en plus haut, de mornes collines, couvertes d’arbres noirs. Certaines étaient couronnées de vieux...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $24.79

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Fireborn: The Fire Within

Fireborn: The Fire Within

You’ve died a thousand times to keep the secret safe, but this time could be the last. In order to stop the end, you’ve got to remember who you were in the beginning... and you can only do that by finding the fire within. The Fire Within is the official introductory adventure for the Fireborn world. FFG’s flagship RPG of 2004 uses an all-new, dynamic non-d20...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $4.95

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Midnight: Minions of the Shadow

Midnight: Minions of the Shadow

In the Aruun Jungle, children turn against their parents and the plants and bodiless spirits haunt ancient ruins. In the havens of the Miransil and the clanholds of the dwarves, not all are as they seem. In the barren Northlands, the earth and sky alike hunger for human blood. And in the strongholds of the Shadow, new and terrible foes are bred from foul rituals and dark magics. Welcome to Eredane,...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $6.95

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Midnight: City of Shadow

Midnight: City of Shadow

As the Third Age came to a bloody close, one of the first victims of the brutal march of the Shadow's armies across Eredane was the city of Highwall. Since the First Age, the city and its Scholar's Academy stood as a beacon of hope and enlightenment in a darkening world. That shining beacon was shattered seemingly overnight as the fury of the Shadow in the North descended on the world. Now, a hundred...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $6.95

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Midnight: Sorcery and Shadow

Midnight: Sorcery and Shadow

The dark lord Izrador has conquered Eredane, retaining his power by outlawing all weapons except those in the hands of his servants. And the most powerful weapon of all is magic. As wise spellcasters or brave warriors with ancestral weapons of power, the heroes of MIDNIGHT all rely on magic to survive. This sourcebook is appropriate for players looking for new spells, magic items, power nexuses, charms,...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $6.95

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Midnight: Under the Shadow

Midnight: Under the Shadow

Sanctuary in the World of Shadow! In the midst of Izrador's tyranny and death, one rough-and-tumble port city beats the dark lord at his own game: Baden’s Bluff, the center of an underground resistance for all foes of evil. In Midnight more than in any other world, a place of sanctuary is needed to continue the fight. This sourcebook for Baden’s Bluff is appropriate...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $6.95

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Legend of the Five Rings: 3rd Edition Revised

Legend of the Five Rings: 3rd Edition Revised

ENnie Nominee Best Art, Interior Best Production Values Return to Rokugan, where honor is a force more powerful than steel. For one thousand years, the Empire of Rokugan has stood as a bastion of nobility, honor, and virtue. These lands are ruled by the samurai, powerful heroes who carry the katana and wakizashi as their badge of rank. Eight Great Clans vie with one another for supremacy...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $14.95

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Midnight: Forge of Shadow

Midnight: Forge of Shadow

A sourcebook for Steel Hill, the dark lord’s foundry and armory. The dark lord Izrador has conquered the free lands of Eredane with merciless magic and savage steel. At the heart of his army is a dark forge where slaves and sorcerers labor day and night to equip the orcish hordes with weapons, armor and equipment. It is called Steel Hill, and it is the Forge of Shadow. Despite...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $6.95

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Legend of the Five Rings Player's Guide (2nd Edition)

Legend of the Five Rings Player's Guide (2nd Edition)

Return to the Age of Heroes. The L5R 2nd Edition RPG offers a completely revised book encompassing the culture, history, and background of the Emerald Empire. The Player’s Guide contains character creation and game play mechanics, and suggestions for building your own samurai or shugenja. This book is completely revised, containing a comprehensive treatment of the Way of the Clans and Winter Court...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $14.95

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ROKUGAN (The Legend Of The Five Rings RPG d20 System Companion): The award-winning Legend of the Five Rings setting in the enormously-popular d20 System! This 224-page hardcover supplement picks up where Oriental Adventures leaves off, going ever deeper into the world of the Emerald Empire. Rokugan is completely compatible with the Dungeons and Dragons, 3rd Edition, and the d20 System, including...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $14.95

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Inquisition: Genesys Medieval Dark Fantasy Setting

Inquisition: Genesys Medieval Dark Fantasy Setting

Inquisition is a dark low-fantasy setting that puts the players in a world where the main religious organization is conducting a witch hunt. This is not your typical fantasy setting: there are no elves, dwarves, goblins, dragons, wizards, nor clerics. Inquisition is about people oppressed by their lords and the Church, trying to make a living while avoiding being branded as heretics....   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $9.95

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Legend of the Five Rings (1st edition)

Legend of the Five Rings (1st edition)

The Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game is a role-playing game originally written by John Wick and published by Alderac Entertainment Group, under license from Five Rings Publishing Group, in 1997. The game uses the Legend of the Five Rings setting, and primarily the nation of Rokugan which is based on feudal Japan with influences from other East Asian cultures. Like most role-playing...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $14.95

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Steel and Shadow

Steel and Shadow

A sourcebook for warriors in the world of shadow FFG continues its support of the award-winning world of Midnight in this second setting supplement for any who bear arms. The dark lord Izrador has conquered Eredane, and one of the ways he ensures that the people remain subjugated is to ban the possession of weapons. The people of Eredane have proud warrior heritages, however,...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $14.95 $7.00

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Heart of Shadow

Heart of Shadow

Evil, villainy, and the corruption of the Shadow. For the past century, the dark god Izrador has ruled with terrible brutality over Erenland. But in the frozen north, the Shadow has held sway for millennia, corrupting all that it touches. The dark god, reborn from his own grave, drains all sterngth and vitality from the land, granting it in turn to his chosen servants. Yet there...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $14.95

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Midnight: Star and Shadow

Midnight: Star and Shadow

The South under the Shadow The Sarcosans united the humans of Eredane into a single great nation that befriended all the fey, but their way was rife with intrigue. Their culture became fertile ground in which the Shadow planted seeds of corruption and dissent. While the other races fought against the coming of the Last Age, most Sarcosan towns simply surrendered to the dark god’s...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $6.95

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Midnight: Hammer and Shadow

Midnight: Hammer and Shadow

The dwarves of Eredane were once a proud and prosperous race, trading freely among the fey and men of the lowlands and delving ever deeper in their mountain holdfasts for ore, gems, and the most coveted material of all, mithral. They were Aryth’s first and foremost craftsmen. Now their only craft is war. The dwarves have fought more valiantly than any other race against the Shadow, and they have...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $6.95

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Midnight: Legends of Shadow

Midnight: Legends of Shadow

Destruction. Death. War. Magic. The Night Kings are more than simply Izrador’s lieutenants and tools. They are avatars of his darkest aspects, and they are the unwelcome demigods of Eredane. Opposing them all is one being, Aradil, the Witch Queen. Both more and less than mortal, she is a monarch of life, light, passion, and defiance. She alone stands like a mighty tree against the tides of darkness....   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $14.00 $9.00

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Midnight: Crown of Shadow - third edition

Midnight: Crown of Shadow - third edition

No one race or culture has the might to stand against Izrador and his foul legates. The dwarves are valiant, but caged in their mountains. The elves are skilled, but have neither the numbers nor the resources to fight off the orc hordes forever. Yet there are some few who would join their knowledge and skills, the better to fight the Shadow that has fallen over both peoples. And those few are hunted....   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $6.95

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100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth

100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth

Characters may at some point ask around for information, and this supplement has 100 things for them to hear when doing so. Whether or not what they hear is true is up to the GameMaster. These rumours can be used as background colour and as potential adventure hooks. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page backgrounds and images can be disabled to make printing easier. Here are some sample results:...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $1.99

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100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth II

100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth II

Characters may at some point ask around for information, and this supplement has 100 things for them to hear when doing so. Whether or not what they hear is true is up to the GameMaster. These rumours can be used as background colour and as potential adventure hooks. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page backgrounds and images can be disabled to make printing easier. Here are some sample results:...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $1.99

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100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth III

100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth III

Characters may at some point ask around for information, and this supplement has 100 things for them to hear when doing so. Whether or not what they hear is true is up to the GameMaster. These rumours can be used as background colour and as potential adventure hooks. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page backgrounds and images can be disabled to make printing easier. Here are some sample results:...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $1.99

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100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth IV

100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth IV

Characters may at some point ask around for information, and this supplement has 100 things for them to hear when doing so. Whether or not what they hear is true is up to the GameMaster. These rumours can be used as background colour and as potential adventure hooks. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page backgrounds and images can be disabled to make printing easier. Lagart, home to the High...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $1.99

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100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth V

100 Hooks and Rumours for Terrinoth V

Characters may at some point ask around for information, and this supplement has 100 things for them to hear when doing so. Whether or not what they hear is true is up to the GameMaster. These rumours can be used as background colour and as potential adventure hooks. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page backgrounds and images can be disabled to make printing easier. The Singhara god of war...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $1.99

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100 Hooks and Rumours for the Crucible

100 Hooks and Rumours for the Crucible

Characters may at some point ask around for information, and this supplement has 100 things for them to hear when doing so. Whether or not what they hear is true is up to the GameMaster. These rumours can be used as background colour and as potential adventure hooks. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page backgrounds and images can be disabled to make printing easier. Here are some sample results:...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $1.99

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100 Knick-knacks for Terrinoth

100 Knick-knacks for Terrinoth

This is a collection of minor items, related or appropriate to Terrinoth, that could be found in the possession of NPCs, or perhaps given to a PC when they are created. None have any definite value or meaning, unless the GameMaster decides otherwise, though some might have minor, but useless, powers. They can be used as oddities to spark ideas or could be something to be investigated further. This...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $1.25

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100 Knick-knacks for Terrinoth II

100 Knick-knacks for Terrinoth II

This is a collection of minor items, related or appropriate to Terrinoth, that could be found in the possession of NPCs, or perhaps given to a PC when they are created. None have any definite value or meaning, unless the GameMaster decides otherwise, though some might have minor, but useless, powers. They can be used as oddities to spark ideas or could be something to be investigated further. This...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $1.25

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A Wintry Death - Adventure for Genesys RPG

A Wintry Death - Adventure for Genesys RPG

Our stores were empty and game was scarce. We pushed out further and further to find anything to fill our bellies. My family was starving and I knew it would not be long before the end. I hope I am not too late. A Wintry Death is a compilation of 5 encounter scenarios for Genesys set in a terrible fantasy winter that should take groups 2-4 hours to complete each. These are excellent scenarios...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $3.99

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A Witch's Desire - Adventure for Genesys RPG

A Witch's Desire - Adventure for Genesys RPG

The Debt Comes Due Will it cost you everything? Your hamlet has somehow survived the unnatural winter. It is a boon against all the tragedy in the world, and you live in relative comfort. But is the price too high? The Witch of the Wilds once again calls on you to complete a task. What does she want this time? Is it a bauble? Is it a dangerous trek? Soon you will find the truth and either perish at...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  $4.99

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Additional Genesys Foundry Graphic Assets

Additional Genesys Foundry Graphic Assets

Additional graphic elements for Core rulebook, Shadow of the Beanstalk, and Realms of Terrinoth styling such as stat blocks that were not included in the base template offered by FFG. These graphics are available in Adobe Photoshop and PNG formats, and some are available in Adobe Illustrator format. Includes InDesign files with object styles for Read Aloud text in RoT and SotB and sidebar for RoT....   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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