Tune in, turn out, drop what you're doing
Known Frequencies is a lo-fi in-universe zine made for Mothership. Written from the perspective of a future ham radio society, issue 1 details various transmissions that can be received in space, including a cosmic shipping forecast, a Lynchian radio drama and a frequency that immobilises security systems.
This zine was made for Mothership's Voices... [click here for more]
Moving through the static...
Known Frequencies is a lo-fi in-universe zine made for Mothership. Written from the perspective of a future ham radio society, issue 2 details various transmissions that can be received in space, including a lonely hearts line, a missing child bounty broadcast and the baffled communications of a colonel fighting a war that ended long ago.
This zine contains... [click here for more]
Sleeping In A Drowning Stone is the official soundtrack for solo Mothership adventure Thousand Empty Light.
The music is composed and produced by Gus BC.
Accompanying the soundtrack is a bonus module for Thousand Empty Light that presents an additional location detailed in the notes of a saturation diver stationed in the tunnel. This 10 page PDF comes with the music and is adapted... [click here for more]
Thought space was full of horror? Try being trapped 70 metres underwater. On your own. In the dark.
THOUSAND EMPTY LIGHT is a psychedelic-xerox adventure zine that brings solo play to Mothership RPG. Written throughout as an in-game corporate document, the zine takes the core game’s rules and builds a procedure for playing single handedly. It is a 40 page survival horror adventure,... [click here for more]