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Chaosium was founded by visionary game designer Greg Stafford in 1975. For more than forty years, Chaosium has captivated gamers, readers and mythic adventurers worldwide. Its award-winning roleplaying games, boardgames and fiction have been acclaimed as some of the most engaging and innovative of all time.
"Yellowbelly Dampmarsh had heard it all before. The jokes, the slanders, the racism. That was all just harmless banter. I mean ducks, no sense of humor! Am I right or am I right? Whether the two braggarts at the bar had seen him squatting in the corner with his bowl of soup or were... [click here for more]
Spending Sacred Time at Redfeather Safe is part of your obligation to kith and kin, but when a distinguished guest arrives unexpectedly things take a strange turn. Rudely woken, interrogated, and then… Well, that is up to Luck, Fate, and the decisions you make...
DuckPac - A Companion to the Durulz Tribe and Ducks of Dragon Pass. Book 3: Redfeather Dreaming is the third... [click here for more]
Australian Role Playing Industry Association Winner 2023 Best Cartography“We leave at dawn and travel on the road from Boldhome to Clearwine!”, a simple statement but one loaded with questions and the possibility of adventure.
What time is dawn? How long will the journey take? Is there even a road to take or will the party have to travel... [click here for more]
Korolan Islands, 1613
Welcome to the third book in the Hero Wars in the East Isles series.
This supplement is a campaign and a sourcebook for the Korolan Islands in the East Islands. A gamemaster should be familiar with the previous volumes, which describe the Korolan Islands and their culture.
Islands of the Lost is a starting point for a campaign in the East Isles and includes four RQG scenarios... [click here for more]
Korolan Islands, 1617
Are you ready for sandbox adventures set in both the Korolan Islands and the larger Sironomandidi Island?
Welcome to the fourth book in a series, Hero Wars in the East Isles. This source and sandbox book includes:
8 RQG mini adventures,
40 adventure seeds,
12 new, fully described cults,
5 new martial... [click here for more]
Take my drum to England, hang it by the shore,And strike it when your powder's running low;If the Dons sight Devon, I'll quit the port ofheaven, and drum them up the channel as wedrummed them long ago.Sir Henry John Newbolt 1862-1938
This scenario is for one to six investigators, played in a single session. Set in August 1946, in... [click here for more]
해피 웨딩 데이!
오늘은 KPC와 PC의 (혹은, 그들의 지인의) 결혼식 당일입니다.
그러나 행복만이 가득했어야 할 결혼식장에서는, 그 누구도 상상하지 못한 끔찍한 음모가 두 사람을 기다리고 있었습니다.
인원: 1인 (다인 개변 가능)
배경: 현대, 결혼식장
관계: 결혼을 앞둔 연인 (혹은, 그들의... [click here for more]