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Chaosium was founded by visionary game designer Greg Stafford in 1975. For more than forty years, Chaosium has captivated gamers, readers and mythic adventurers worldwide. Its award-winning roleplaying games, boardgames and fiction have been acclaimed as some of the most engaging and innovative of all time.
简介:你们是一群钓鱼爱好者,而且你们是一群已经一个月没有钓上来一条鱼的钓鱼佬。你们觉得这一定是风水问题,所以你们决定换个地方钓鱼。你们鱼友群的老王这天老在群里炫耀“你们怎么知道我钓上来十斤七两的大青鱼?”在你们强行逼迫下,对方透露了他的钓鱼地点。... [click here for more]