There’s a strange comfort to ambiguity. To stand at the threshold between states of what was and what’s next, to inhabit the places of transition. But you’re never truly alone here. There are things that hunger within the dark places. Strange creatures and mysteries lie in wait and tumbling into the wrong place at the wrong time may put you on the path towards doom.Grab your flashlights... [click here for more]
“It’s The Thing but set in a 90s mall”
What is The Mall?
The Mall is a wet, gooey, practical effects filled TTRPG adventure set in a 199x mall pulled out of time and space. The mall’s denizens are trapped inside with a creature not bound by any one form. It slithers among them now, preparing to assimilate and imitate its victims until no one is... [click here for more]
The safeguards have failed.Red emergency lights flash as you stand in the lobby of the Bureau.The Monolith crumbles at the hands of a catastrophic incursion.Reality itself is at stake. There for different reasons, your group is now the only hope of stopping the encroachment of the Shadow.
The Bureau is... [click here for more]
Interrupting a lonely stretch of highway, nestled between towering pines, lies the Shelterwood Inn. To the weary traveler, its blazing neon sign promises a restful stay … but a deep darkness hangs beneath the glow. On this rainy night the fate of two parties will intertwine, and both will face that darkness: one to survive, the other to control. One Night at the Shelterwood... [click here for more]
This adventure is also included in the core rules for Liminal Horror. This adventure has a cover by Evlyn Moreau (not included in the core rules).
The Plague of Frogs is an adventure/mystery for Liminal Horror that has the players investigate a rash of attacks that have end up being more than random bouts of violence. Can they stop the Plague of Frogs without fracturing their minds & bodies?
TOUCHSTONES:... [click here for more]