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In 25679 AD, the Astral Xenogenetics Collective sent out a cache containing alien specimens from a faraway planet to the closest space station available: Tartarus Station. The station was meant to protect and further study the aliens until a corporate ship would come to pick them up. The aliens, named the Kyorin, were classified as category five aliens in the AXC Alien Threat scale, some of the most...   [click here for more]
Studio Hex  $3.00

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Set in a version of Hell overrun with advanced technology, Hellborn is a game of mercenary actiondiabolical crime, and second chances. In Hellborn, players take on the mantle of Demons, Fallen Angels, and Sinners that have entered the mercenary world and become fearsome freelancers taking on various contracts and jobs to earn money, fame, and power...   [click here for more]
Studio Hex  $25.61 $23.99

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Hellborn - Fillable Character Sheets

Hellborn - Fillable Character Sheets

The character sheets for Hellborn, now in fillable form! ...   [click here for more]
Studio Hex   FREE 

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Hellborn - Free Content and Errata Pack

Hellborn - Free Content and Errata Pack

The Free Content and Errata Pack is an essentiall 10-page document which includes updated rules, entirely new ones, and two new paths meant to replace the Guardian Path: the Doc, a healer/support path, and the Sentinel, a tank class meant to take and deal lots of damage, with brand new art from Helena, one of the big artists for Hellborn's core rulebook. The Free Content and Errata Pack also includes...   [click here for more]
Studio Hex  Pay What You Want

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Hellborn Descended - Quickstart

Hellborn Descended - Quickstart

Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven Hellborn is an infernal TTRPG where you play as demonic mercenaries in a modern Hell, taking on high-stakes jobs with the sole goal of acquiring fortune, fame, and power. Set in a version of Hell that has become a dark reflection of our own broken world, players will navigate a literal hellscape filled with liars and killers, akin to shows like...   [click here for more]
Studio Hex  Pay What You Want

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Midnight Glamours

Midnight Glamours

Midnight Glamours invites players into a world where the furious Fae have placed a curse on mankind, transforming them into beings torn between two worlds. Embrace your curse and unravel unseelie mysteries as you navigate through gripping urban cases or delve into global conspiracies related to the transmundane evils of the Fae.  Each character comes laden with a variety of descriptive phrases,...   [click here for more]
Studio Hex  $5.12

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  The 5e OneNote DM Bible