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Corporate Survival

Corporate Survival

Dark Stone Conglomerates is holding their annual corporate retreat at the Xola Healing Dome on the Kleopatra (216) asteroid colony and All of You Have Been Invited! Come relax at the Essence Medspa & Wellness Center, enjoy 9 holes at the McGavin Memorial Magneto Golf Course, or take in a show or clear your mind at the Sarasvati meditation/concert...   [click here for more]
Scott Garriott  $3.00

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The Gasping Light

The Gasping Light

Your team has been hired as auxiliary crew for a Darkstone Conglomerates research pod. The pod is currently researching the anomalous point of light on the edge of known space, the Radiant Nexus. An alien station made of glass surrounds the Nexus which a sect of strange monks inhabits. All those who wish to enter the station must wear "Blind Suits" by religious decree. Blind Suits block all perception...   [click here for more]
Scott Garriott  $5.00

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The Ship Who Swallowed a Spider

The Ship Who Swallowed a Spider

You receive a distress signal from an advanced research ship, the Reliant. A group of mercenaries, led by the ruthless Spyder, have taken hostages on the bridge. The on-board AI, ROSE is here to assist you as long as you save her creator DR. Mills. Can you Survive the deadly high stakes hostage situation? Can you Save the hostages? Can you Solve the mystery of what is really going on?  The Ship Who...   [click here for more]
Scott Garriott  $3.00

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  Worlds of Pulp: Wild West Horse Opera