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Dead Man Rising - Adventure for Lost Echoes

Dead Man Rising - Adventure for Lost Echoes

Lost Echoes is a space horror tabletop roleplaying game that you roleplay as a death-sentenced or a thrown-away character who tries to survive in the space.  You can play this game as a classic dungeoncrawl like OSR, or you can play it as a self-exploration game like any PbtA games. Either way, space is dangerous and will drive the characters crazy at some point. If you ever felt like a “wasted...   [click here for more]
Black Dragon Tomes  Pay What You Want

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Dream Heist

Dream Heist

YOUR ADVENTURE, SOMEONE ELSE'S DREAM DREAM HEIST is a game where you take the roles of little creatures and steal people's dreams. Every dream has a hidden crystal called LETHERIUM, and Dream Robbers need them for a specific reason. In their homeland, FAR REALM, the RESTLESS KING awaits for his crystals. The crystals will put him in sleep; otherwise, his growing anger will destroy...   [click here for more]
Black Dragon Tomes  $5.00

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Lost Echoes - Quickstart Demo

Lost Echoes - Quickstart Demo

Lost Echoes is a space horror tabletop roleplaying game that you roleplay as a death-sentenced or a thrown-away character who tries to survive in the space.  You can play this game as a classic dungeoncrawl like OSR, or you can play it as a self-exploration game like any PbtA games. Either way, space is dangerous and will drive the characters crazy at some point. If you ever felt like a “wasted...   [click here for more]
Black Dragon Tomes  $2.00

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  H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness for Beginning Readers