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Nos complace presentar la primera entrega de la colección pionera de aventuras originales diseñadas exclusivamente para la Primera Edición del mejor juego de rol de todos los tiempos.
El Asentamiento Enterrado de Khandar Thung
El Asentamiento Enterrado de Khandar Thung es una aventura de Primera Edición diseñada para un grupo de 3 a 6 jugadores de primer nivel.... [click here for more] |
1st Adventures |

Presentando el nuevo lanzamiento en la colección 1st Adventures, La Maldición del Pantano. Esta es la segunda entrega de una serie innovadora de aventuras, especialmente diseñada para la Primera Edición del juego de rol más querido de todos los tiempos. Prepárate para embarcarte en un viaje inolvidable al corazón de un pantano maldito, lleno de nuevos desafíos, misterios, monstruos... [click here for more] |
1st Adventures |

Descubre los escalofriantes secretos de lo desconocido en la última entrega de la colección 1st Adventures, "La Prisión del Demonio de Hielo". Esta tercera entrega teje una cautivadora historia, elaborada meticulosamente para la Primera Edición del atemporal juego de rol mas exitoso de la historia. Prepárate para una épica travesía a través de ascensos helados, gigantes de hielo... [click here for more] |
1st Adventures |

Presenting the fourth thrilling release in the 1st Adventures series: Sands of Betrayal. This installment delivers an exceptional adventure designed specifically for the First Edition of the iconic role-playing game.
One wrong choice could spell doom for you and your companions in the unforgiving desert. Venture into the heart of an ancient tomb and confront the evil that has lain dormant... [click here for more] |
1st Adventures |

We proudly present a new collection of original adventures exclusively designed using the First Edition of the best role playing game of all times.
The Buried Settlement of Khandar Thung
The Buried Settlement of Khandar Thung is a First Edition adventure designed for a group of 3-6 first level players. Characters can advance... [click here for more] |
1st Adventures |
$6.99 $3.50
![The Buried Settlement of Khandar Thung PDF+Roll20VTT [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/25116/462746-thumb140.png)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
The Buried Settlement of Khandar Thung (1e) Regular price: $5.59 Bundle price: $5.49 Format: PDF
We proudly present a new collection of original adventures exclusively designed using the First Edition of the best role playing game of all times.
The Buried Settlement of Khandar Thung
The Buried... [click here for more] |
1st Adventures |
$13.98 $10.99

Presenting the next exciting release in the 1st Adventures collection, The Curse of the Swamp. This is the second installment of a groundbreaking series of adventures, specially crafted for the First Edition of the most beloved role-playing game of all time. Prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of a cursed swamp, filled with new challenges, mysteries, monsters,... [click here for more] |
1st Adventures |
$6.99 $3.50
![The Curse of the Swamp PDF + Roll20 VTT [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/25116/458698-thumb140.png)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
The Curse of the Swamp (1e) Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $5.49 Format: PDF
Presenting the next exciting release in the 1st Adventures collection, The Curse of the Swamp. This is the second installment of a groundbreaking series of adventures, specially crafted for the First Edition of the most... [click here for more] |
1st Adventures |
$13.98 $10.99
Unveil the chilling secrets of the frosty unknown in the latest release from the 1st Adventures collection, The Prison of the Ice Demon. This third installment weaves an enthralling tale, intricately crafted for the First Edition of the timeless role-playing game. Brace yourselves for an epic journey through icy ascents, frosty giants, and crypts harboring a formidable ice demon.
Adventure... [click here for more] |
1st Adventures |
$6.99 $3.50
![The Prison of the Ice Demon PDF+Roll20 [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/25116/472023-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. The Prison of the Ice Demon (1e) Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $5.49 Format: PDF
Unveil the chilling secrets of the frosty unknown in the latest release from the 1st Adventures collection, The Prison of the Ice Demon. This third installment weaves an enthralling tale, intricately crafted for the First... [click here for more] |
1st Adventures |
$13.98 $10.99

We proudly present a new collection of original adventures exclusively designed using the First Edition of the best role playing game of all times.
The Buried Settlement of Khandar Thung
The Buried Settlement of Khandar Thung is a First Edition adventure designed for a group of 3-6 first level players. Characters can advance to level 3 if... [click here for more] |
1st Adventures |

Presenting the next exciting release in the 1st Adventures collection, The Curse of the Swamp. This is the second installment of a groundbreaking series of adventures, specially crafted for the First Edition of the most beloved role-playing game of all time. Prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of a cursed swamp, filled with new challenges, mysteries, monsters,... [click here for more] |
1st Adventures |

Unveil the chilling secrets of the frosty unknown in the latest release from the 1st Adventures collection, The Prison of the Ice Demon. This third installment weaves an enthralling tale, intricately crafted for the First Edition of the timeless role-playing game. Brace yourselves for an epic journey through icy ascents, frosty giants, and crypts harboring a formidable ice demon.
... [click here for more] |
1st Adventures |