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BËNTHIC - Scoured Edition

BËNTHIC - Scoured Edition

BËNTHIC is a deep-sea delving TTRPG, based on the rules of Mork Borg. Players control divers, descending an ancient alien trench to uncover the dark secrets that lurk within. This is that game with just the rules, no weird layout and all extra fluff taken out, made before the full version of the game and released for free. This book contains the following content: A Full Translation of the Mork Borg...   [click here for more]
Barreleye Games   FREE 

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Flesh & Stone (A Book of Character Options for 5E)

Flesh & Stone (A Book of Character Options for 5E)

Unearth new options for your characters! Flesh & Stone is a massive book of character options for 5E, every page jam-packed full of all kinds of ways to expand and customize your characters with the power of earth and the corruption of flesh. Split between three chapters, you'll find the following content: 2 new base classes, the hardy Miner and unfathomable...   [click here for more]
Barreleye Games  $9.95

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Pluviam - Rain in the Dying Lands

Pluviam - Rain in the Dying Lands

Pluviam is a 20-page booklet for MORK BORG featuring rules and mechanics revolving around rain. Inside you'll find the following: D8 rainstorms to not get caught in D6 Umbrellas to protect you from aforementioned rain 2 New Classes: the Drenched Merchant and Strapped to Wind Vane Modifications to Morale when rain starts A table for the intensity of a rainstorm 9 monumental storms...   [click here for more]
Barreleye Games  $2.00

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The Fisher Class (5E)

The Fisher Class (5E)

A human feels the boat she stands on rock back and forth. The thing was trying to destroy the ship. Instinctively, she grabs the spear hung on the wall and walks out onto the deck, prepared to stab whatever has latched onto her vessel straight in the heart. The thing’s tentacles, grappling her boat, all originated from the same despicable face. Without a shadow of doubt in her abilities, she leaps...   [click here for more]
Barreleye Games  $4.95

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