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2 Hour Dungeon Crawl

2 Hour Dungeon Crawl

No smoke, no mirrors, just a great game! What: Dungeon Crawl Scale: 1 figure or counter represents 1 man or creature Your Role: Players lead a party of Adventurers into a dungeon in search of Treasure and Fame. Save the Princess, kill some Monsters or grab some Loot, the choice is yours! Playability: Designed for solo, same side and head to...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Fighter Pilot

5150 Fighter Pilot

BE A FIGHTER PILOT! It's not a job, it's an adventure! “Yeah right, whatever. Okay, listen up kid. I'm not gonna sugar-coat it for you. Being in the Star Navy is hell and being a Fighter Pilot is even worse. You're the first to arrive and the last to leave. What do you really do? Well, let me tell you son…” Simply put, you're a Fighter Pilot trying to stay...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Fringe Space

5150 Fringe Space

5150 Fringe Space 5150 Fringe Space is about living life on the edge. Sometimes that means salvaging space wrecks, hunting space pirates, or hauling cargo and passengers from one world to the next. But it also means carousing in a city, rescuing crewmembers from Alien abductors, and fistfights in a low end bar. 5150 Fringe Space is a RPG Lite game that can also be played as a man to...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Star Navy

5150 Star Navy

"Without the Star Navy there is no Star Army!" "The Star Army motto is “We take the war to the enemy; one planet at a time.” They do a fine job of it but we take them to those planets and we get them back. And unless we do our job they can’t do their job. So listen up Cadet and I’ll tell you how we do it…” In 5150-Star Navy you can command a squadron of ships or a fleet...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Don’t Call Them Bugs! “Listen up newbie! I know what you unwarranted high regard for yourself recruits call our enemy – Bugs. A bug is something very small you see crawling on the ground. Something insignificant that you step on and keep doing whatever you’re doing. I got news for you. That’s not what these things, these Bugs, are. We’re going down into the Tunnels looking for real...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Don’t Call Them Bugs! “Listen up newbie! I know what you unwarranted high regard for yourself recruits call our enemy – Bugs. A bug is something very small you see crawling on the ground. Something insignificant that you step on and keep doing whatever you’re doing. I got news for you. That’s not what these things, these Bugs, are. We’re going down into the Tunnels looking for real...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Don’t Call Them Bugs! “Listen up newbie! I know what you unwarranted high regard for yourself recruits call our enemy – Bugs. A bug is something very small you see crawling on the ground. Something insignificant that you step on and keep doing whatever you’re doing. I got news for you. That’s not what these things, these Bugs, are. We’re going down into the Tunnels looking for real...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150: Hammer & Anvil - Sci-Fi Vehicle Combat The companion book to 5150: Star Army 2nd Tour. Includes 40 full color counters!  What: Vehicle specific wargame/RPG rule Sci-Fi vehicle. combat  Scale: Vehicle combat. 1 model/figure equals 1 vehicle. Your Role: Players can command from one vehicle up to a company of vehicles. Playability: Designed for solo, same side...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150: New Beginning “NEW HOPE CITY, WHERE EVERYONE GETS A SECOND CHANCE.” In 5150: New Beginnings you're thrust into a bustling, living urban environment hundreds of years in the future. Or maybe it's just a place far, far away. In any case, your goal is to take your characters; we call them Stars, as far as they can go. Acquire wealth, fight crime, commit crime, or something in between;...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150: Star Marine

5150: Star Marine

5150: Star Marine "Special People for Special Jobs" “Yeah, yeah, we know all about them. You got the Star Army and you got the Interplanetary Special Services, but sometimes you need something more. Combat in floating space hulks, airless moons, and planets with an atmosphere so nasty you’ll be dead if your suit is breached. That’s what I’m talking...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150: Urban Renewal

5150: Urban Renewal

Welcome to New Hope City 5150 New Beginnings Urban Renewal is our Sci-Fi RPG. Players adventure in and around New Hope City gaining Fame and Fortune while increasing their abilities.  NHC is a complete Blade Runnereque urban environment inhabited by over 50 professions, with humans and aliens alike. The game includes a low bookkeeping complete campaign system to link your adventures and track your...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Adventures with Captain Nemo

Adventures with Captain Nemo

Be the Captain of the Nautilus! Want to be the Captain of a cutting –edge Steam Punk submarine? Well, here’s your chance! Captain Nemo has decided it’s time to retire and he wants to turn his submarine, the Nautilus, over to someone else. That’s where you come in. In Adventures with Captain Nemo you’ll accompany the Captain on a series of Adventures where you can prove your...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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After the End of Days

After the End of Days

END OF DAYS?  “Yeah right. All those wankers predicting the End of Days. End of the world as we know it. Hey, wasn’t that a song? Anyway, when the Apocalypse did come it wasn’t the End of Days. Us smart folks found ways to keep going. With the Government gone it’s not bad actually. Not a lot of people, some small towns. Cities? Yeah, they’re still around, kind of. Just...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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After The Horsemen: Return of the Horsemen

After The Horsemen: Return of the Horsemen

CONQUEST, WAR , AND FAMINE, OH MY! ...And don’t forget Death. Commonly referred to as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, they rode through the land signaling the end of the world. What caused the end game? Who knows? Who cares? The real question is... WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE HORSEMEN? As one of the few people still alive, it’s your goal to survive, no, thrive,...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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All Things Zombie End of Days: Havasu Nights

All Things Zombie End of Days: Havasu Nights

Havasu Nights Zombie Pit Fighting! Gotta Love it! Love them Pit Fighters! Make a bet, win some bucks. Man, I bet I could win some fights. WAIT. WHAT? Oh wait. You don’t know about Zombie Pit Fighting? You know, one on one with the Zed...machete, lop off a head. WELL, WELCOME TO HAVASU NIGHTS... Lake Havasu AZ. It’s a self-contained new Locale for you to live or visit as needed....   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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All Things Zombie: End of Days

All Things Zombie: End of Days

This is it! The final version of the 2005 Origins Award winning Best Miniatures game!  It was the End of Days. Economies were crashing: the Rich got richer, the Poor got poorer. And the Governments were letting us down. No surprise there.    Then came the virus. No, not that one; the last one. This one was different. People still died from it except this time they came back....   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $19.95

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All Things Zombie: End of Days Counters and Battle Boards

All Things Zombie: End of Days Counters and Battle Boards

All Things Zombie: End of Days Counters and Battle Boards Inside you’ll find: 70 color counters and 3 color Battle Boards   Perfect for All Things Zombie or any game you need counters for! It’s the End of Days. Are you ready for it? ...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $1.95

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All Things Zombie: Evolution

All Things Zombie: Evolution

Evolve or Die! All Things Zombie won the Origins Award for Best Miniatures Game in 2005. From then until now, gamers have changed and All Things Zombie has changed with them. Want a game where all you do is run around the table and kill Zombies? If you do, then All Things Zombie – Evolution is not for you. Think of all the great and not so great...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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All Things Zombie: High Rise to Hell

All Things Zombie: High Rise to Hell

Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies Oh My! Since Day One you've stayed in the City. After the Army left, you stayed. After the broadcasts stopped, you stayed. You stayed and fought the Zeds. You stayed and fought the misguided souls that stood in your way. But now you've heard about the "black Hummers". About the nighttime raiders that roll around the City taking what and who they want, and you've...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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All Things Zombie: The Big I

All Things Zombie: The Big I

The Big I They called it the Big I* before the End, and they’ll call it the Big I after the End. Not the predicted End of Days; they survived that; but the real End of Days whenever that really happens. Which way to go? You’re standing at the Big I not sure which way to go. North are the Aliens – Area 51 and all that. East – That’s Zombies, Zombies, Zombies. West is where...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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And a Bottle of Rum

And a Bottle of Rum

z“Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest - -“ Everyone likes Pirates…okay, maybe not everyone but, if you’re reading this, I bet you do! So how do you like your Pirates? What? Let me explain. Your Pirates, Your Way! In “And a Bottle of Rum” we do both. Created by Ed Teixeira and the crew at Two Hour Wargames, we start you off learning the mechanics of the game. Build your crew,...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Colonial Adventures

Colonial Adventures

Zanzibar! Just saying the word makes you think of far off places and high adventure. Okay, maybe not so much if you're a Poor Bloody Infantryman but for an Officer and a Gentleman the Age of Imperialism (1850 - 1914) was the best of times. Zanzibar! A time where young men could garner fame and fortune in dark and dangerous lands. A time where heroes could be made in a day. And a time...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Colonial Lemuria

Colonial Lemuria

Colonial Lemuria is a source book containing material for use with Larger than Life - Directors' Cut, Mission St. Mary, or Adventures in the Lost Lands. Colonial Lemuria What is Lemuria? Lemuria - land of adventure. Old when Eden was young, it is a land of secrets both ancient and new. It beckons travelers, both experienced and new. Lost...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Dark Hold Adventures: Lost Lambs - Quick Adventure

Dark Hold Adventures: Lost Lambs - Quick Adventure

A party of foolish merchants have left tradetown and gone missing. Their guild wants them found. A Dark Hold Quick Adventure by Andrew Lucas. Dark Hold Goblin Adventures is a Savage Worlds compatible sourcebook allowing players and game masters to run a campaign revolving around low level goblin characters. Dark Hold Goblin Adventures is dedicated to the small grovelling races which scratch out an...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis   FREE 

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Dark Hold Adventures: Night of the Brined Melons

Dark Hold Adventures: Night of the Brined Melons

A Winter festival in the Dark Hold is about to Heat up! A Dark Hold Quick Adventure by Andrew Lucas. Dark Hold Goblin Adventures is a Savage Worlds compatible sourcebook allowing players and game masters to run a campaign revolving around low level goblin characters. Dark Hold Goblin Adventures is dedicated to the small grovelling races which scratch out an existence in the dark catacombs through...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis   FREE 

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Dark Hold Goblin Adventures

Dark Hold Goblin Adventures

Fantasy games are filled with the magnificent exploits of mighty wizards, powerful warriors and god-fearing knights in armor. Ours isn’t… Dark Hold Goblin Adventures is dedicated to the small grovelling races which scratch out an existence in the dark catacombs through which other heroes stride like unto gods. Can you survive as one of a lost culture of Goblins living in the abandoned...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Dark Hold Goblin Adventures: All For Snotberry Wine for 5th Edition

Dark Hold Goblin Adventures: All For Snotberry Wine for 5th Edition

Dark Hold Goblin Adventures: All For Snotberry Wine  for 5th Edition. The Snotberry Festival is not to be missed! But it requires snotberry wine. So, what are the goblins to do when somebody steals an entire cart full of snotberry wine...that human traders have already partially paid for. Obviously, we need to find the brew. Your...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Dark Hold Goblin Adventures: All For Snotberry Wine for Savage Worlds

Dark Hold Goblin Adventures: All For Snotberry Wine for Savage Worlds

Dark Hold Goblin Adventures: All For Snotberry Wine  for Savage Worlds. The Snotberry Festival is not to be missed! But it requires snotberry wine. So, what are the goblins to do when somebody steals an entire cart full of snotberry wine...that human traders have already partially paid for. Obviously, we need to find the brew. Your...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Dark Hold Goblin Adventures: Lair of the Cerebeast

Dark Hold Goblin Adventures: Lair of the Cerebeast

When a couple of goblin kids come out of the deep tunnels squealing about monsters, Chief Talon Bulbousfoot demands the PCs investigate and deal with the monster. They find, perhaps, more than they bargained for - monsters in plenty and a creature to make the bravest goblin drop their bladder and run! Fantasy games are filled with the magnificent exploits of mighty wizards, powerful warriors...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $6.49

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Dark Hold: Terror from the Black Isles

Dark Hold: Terror from the Black Isles

Terror from the Black Isles Terror from the Black Isles is the third in the Dark Hold: Goblin Adventures series from Rebel Minis and written by Andrew J. Lucas. It follows the same general format as our previous releases, expanding upon the world information provided in the main world book (Dark Hold: Goblin Adventures) but emphasizing the adventure plot. The Adventure contains...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Deadly Dreams

Deadly Dreams

DARE TO DREAM IT TAKES ON A WHOLE NEW MEANING! Welcome to Deadly Dreams, the first supplement to Lovecraft's Revenge, and gateway to the Dreamlands. The Dreamlands is a world in of itself, created by countless dreamers over millennia. Within this realm, you'll find reality takes a back seat, offering new and unexpected possibilities.  Inside, you’ll find: · ...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Fortunes Won and Lost

Fortunes Won and Lost

FORTUNES WON AND LOST Fortunes Won and Lost allows you to adventure during the Age of Imperialism.* Explore the dark recesses of a steamy jungle. Lead a raid against enemy tribesmen. March in relief of a surrounded outpost. You can do this and more with Fortunes Won and Lost. Why limit yourself to playing only historical games? This is a great period to make up your own countries and...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Free Ports

Free Ports

All Ashore That's Going Ashore! Free Ports is our first supplement for And a Bottle of Rum, our Pirate RPG. In Free Ports we give you not one, but two complete towns to adventure in. • Puerto Libre - Yes, the Spanish control Puerto Libre, but there's still plenty of opportunity to make a profit. • New Market - An open town where anything goes, New Market is the perfect...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Future Tales

Future Tales

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE!   The Future is space ships, robots, laser guns, and much more. It’s about journeying to countless worlds and encountering all sorts of alien life. It’s about adventures of all shapes and stories of all kinds. And these stories are all yours for the telling! Future Tales puts you in your very own Science Fiction story. Explore a variety of planets; from...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Future Tales: Missions of Tomorrow

Future Tales: Missions of Tomorrow

MISSIONS OF TOMORROW Your Story continues. In Future Tales, we showed you how to build your own Pulp Era Science Fiction Stories. Now, with Missions of Tomorrow, the first supplement to Future Tales, we give you more tools to make your Stories even better.  And what about the Cyborgs? Missions of Tomorrow expands Future...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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High Moon – Dead Reckoning

High Moon – Dead Reckoning

High Moon – Dead Reckoning   It’s a stand-alone game that brings the world of Horror to the Old West, but if you want, you can play it as a straight up Western game. In High Moon – Dead Reckoning you’ll find rules for a variety of supernatural creatures as well as natural ones. What: Wild West Horror playable with any figures. Scale: 1 figure or counter represents 1 man or...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Joust: Heroes of the Lists

Joust: Heroes of the Lists

Joust: Heroes of the Lists gives you everything you need to put together exciting jousting tournaments. It can be played with miniatures or with counters. The game itself can be played solo against the game mechanics, cooperatively or competitively, head to head against your friends. As a Knight you can compete in Jousts for wealth and fame and work your way up the international Tournament...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Larger Than Life: Directors Cut

Larger Than Life: Directors Cut

Hard Boiled or Scrambled? It’s a game about the Pulps. That means Lost Worlds, intrepid Archaeologists, Cliffhangers, and more. The setting may be exotic, the villains particularly villainous, but in truth, it’s all about the Story. Whether it’s finding treasure, saving someone, or thwarting the villain, it all boils down to the Story. Larger Than Life – Directors Cut, can be...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Legends Of Araby

Legends Of Araby

Three Wishes! Legends of Araby is a stand-alone game that is fully compatible with Warrior Heroes – Legends, 2 Hour Dungeon Crawl, and even Larger Than Life – the Director’s Cut.                 Now you can journey through the legendary land of Barylistan. Barylistan is a place of Magic where you can seek Fame and Fortune. Battle Bandits, free a Genie, or rescue the Princess;...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Lovecraft's Revenge

Lovecraft's Revenge

ARE YOU READY TO PLAY A GAME? How about a game that’ll scare you right out of your skin, a game right from the grave? How about a game that pits you against powers not of this world? Powers that watch from the shadows then slither towards you, from the darkest corners of your perception. THAT'S NOT FAIR! You're right. Lovecraft's Revenge isn't fair. It puts you right into your own Story by horror...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Mighty Armies Fantasy

Mighty Armies Fantasy

Welcome to Mighty Armies, the game of clashing hordes, hollow defeats and resounding victories! You will have the chance to build and paint a great force, then march against the armies of your opponents to prove who is the greater general. The rules behind Mighty Armies are very simple and you will find you are playing in no time. Based on 15mm miniatures, players pick an army and enter the battle...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Mission St. Mary

Mission St. Mary

WELCOME TO NOBELONGGA! Want to buy an Artifact? Lemuria – old when Eden was young, this primal land of adventure beckons you. Ancient kingdoms and European powers vie for control of the land and its peoples. Lemuria is a lush land, yet unforgivingly harsh at times, filled with riches beyond belief. Opportunities for Fame and Fortune present itself at every turn; but will...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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New Market Round

New Market Round

The Cardinal Will See You The Cardinal has summoned you and two of your friends. He says he has a "small favor" to ask of you. A friend of his "requires help and is in need of your particular skills". The Cardinal gives you a Letter of Introduction and bids you to "make haste". And that's how you find yourself on the road to New Market. New...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Nuts!: Hell on Earth (Holle auf Erden)

Nuts!: Hell on Earth (Holle auf Erden)

World War Two... The "Big One:, what's not to like? Big tanks, rat-a-tat-tat machine guns, pin up art on airplanes. Oh yeah, what's better than that? Zombies! You know, the walking dead, 'brains', scary things that go bump in the dark. What is it about Zombies? Yeah, what's better than that? How about a WW2 game with Zombies? Now you're talking! Welcome to HOLLE AUF ERDEN or HOE. What you have...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $4.95

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Rally Round The King

Rally Round The King

"Typical fantasy game," you say? "We say no!" Welcome to the world of Rally Round the King (RRtK). Populated by Heroes and Demons and everything in between, Rally Round the King takes you to the mythical land of Talomir. It's a land where dozens of Nations vie for dominance and we've created it just for you. Like other games we've provided you with...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Red Sand Black Moon: Fantasy Gladiatorial Combat

Red Sand Black Moon: Fantasy Gladiatorial Combat

The Gladiators of Ancient Rome sometimes, but not always, fought to the death for the amusement of the crowd. If a Gladiator fought well he could appeal for mercy in the hope that his performance had earned him a reprieve. NOT SO IN THE WORLD OF TALOMIR. Talomir, the fantasy world of Warrior Heroes and Rally Round the King, offers no such luxury. Gladiatorial combat thrives in Talomir...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Savvy and Steel

Savvy and Steel

One For All... Well, you know the rest. By Savvy and Steel takes the player back to 17th Century Europe. Everyone’s heard of the Three Musketeers and the Cardinal’s Guard, and yes, By Savvy and Steel will work for that, but we’ve taken it a bit farther. How far? Glad you asked! Instead of tying you into Paris of the Musketeers we let you travel the countryside in a generic country called...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Talomir Tales: Distant Shores Core Rulebook

Talomir Tales: Distant Shores Core Rulebook

The Distant Shores have never looked so good! The City Watch is looking for you and there’s that village Chieftain that thinks he “owes” you one. Add that to the Wizard you kind of cheated out of his cut… well, let’s just say a change of scenery would do you good.   *************************************   Distant Shores is our first Talomir...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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The Beautiful Game

The Beautiful Game

The Beautiful Game allows you to play the action of a top flight Football (soccer) match. Decisions made at the Team Level by the Manager have to backed up by skill and luck on the field by the players. The Beautiful Game is a complete game where you just have to add the dice, the A3 size pitch and cut out counters representing the players will fit on an average coffee table. Step up to using 15mm...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Warrior Heroes - Warbands

Warrior Heroes - Warbands

Warrior Heroes - Warbands Compatible with Warrior Heroes - Legends and Rally Round the King. What: Fantasy Warband combat. Scale: Each 6 to 12 figure unit represents 40 - 60 actual combatants. Your Role: Players start as a Warlord in command of one unit. But if you succeed in battle, you gain fame and more units on your way to becoming King. Playability: Designed for solo,...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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