Enjoy this sneak-peak at the Magus Class for Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds!
It appears in the Advanced Player's Guide 2 which is on Kickstarter now along with the Bestiary 2, Bestiary Card sets (350+ cards), and the second printings of the Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Core Rules, Bestiary 1, Companion, and Advanced Player's Guide... [click here for more]
Enjoy this sneak-peak at the Thanadaemon for Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds!
It appears in the Bestiary 2 which is on Kickstarter now along with the Advanced Player's Guide 2, Bestiary Card sets (350+ cards), and the second printings of the Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Core Rules, Bestiary 1, Companion, and Advanced Player's Guide... [click here for more]