Return to the dangerous world of pirates with more material for the first full-length adventure in the world of Gold Piece!
AoFI ( is one of my favourite adventures so far. To celebrate its good reception and to further enhance it, I have created some optional material:
A map of the old navy... [click here for more]
"Le Vrai Savant est Amoureux, Quiconque est sans Amour est Ignorant"
Il y a des éons, les Banu Armadar ont hérité des enseignements d'un prophète qui fut une Puissance des des Cieux: Aramidras. Il enseigna aux plus vaillants de cette dynastie les 8 Arcanes avant de laisser le monde en assumer l'héritage. Vous êtes de ceux-là.
Aujourd'hui, alors que les sectes opposantes ravagent son empire,... [click here for more]
Have you ever thought about publishing your own Tabletop RPG products for your favorite system? I’ll take you through the steps to do just that with the Savage Worlds Adventurer’s Guild (SWAG) program on DriveThruRPG and get you that first sale. This guide provides need-to-know information that will make the process as easy as possible for an absolute beginner. ... [click here for more]
Need a quirky sidekick for your Sleuth Squad adventures? Can't come up with a funny companion? Well, look no further! Clue Critters is a gallery of 20 cartoon Mascots, ready to join your team, give a helping paw and cause some chaos.
From talking dogs to snowmen and blobs of glitter, these characters offer humor and skills. Use them as-is, or let them inspire your own creations.... [click here for more]
Stats for ten Novice characters built using the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rules (SWADE). Ready made to drop into a one-shot, start a fantasy campaign, or use as NPCs.
Names, appearance, genders, backgrounds, and personalities are left to the imagination of the players. ... [click here for more]