A simple dice game of toxophily target practice.
All monies raised from this title during December 2024 will be donated to the Alzheimer's Society. Update 01/01/25: Only 2 patrons out of 68 downloads during December 24 actually donated any money to this cause. So once the site has taken their cut and transfer fees are paid, we will be donating the grand total of $0.20c (£0.16p) to the charity.... [click here for more]
Ever found yourself in need of a quick exit? The Book of Doors is a small selection of hooks for GM's and players alike when you want to fast travel, and enemies are most deffinatly present. ... [click here for more]
Originally written for a short story flash fiction contest, The Cursed letter is a work of mild eldrich horror that can be used as story hook by GM's or simply as a table prop to add flavour to the game. ... [click here for more]