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Legions of Tékumel: Mighty of Yán Kór

Legions of Tékumel: Mighty of Yán Kór

This is a digital download of a zip file of the STL files for the Gúrek of the Mighty of Yán Kór, including medium spearman standing, medium spearman advancing, heavy pikeman standing heavy pikeman advancing officer in legion helmet, officer in traditional helmet,  dragon standard medium spear pike, pike head and butt, axe, sword,  medium shield, heavy shield.  The standard and pikehead/butt...   [click here for more]
Legions of Tekumel  $28.00

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Legions of Tékumel: Pé Chói

Legions of Tékumel: Pé Chói

This is a digital download of a zip file of the STL files for the nonhuman Pé Chóir, including unarmored Pé Chói throwing javelin unarmored Pé Phói stabbing with javelin armored Pé Chói throwing javelin armored Pé Phói stabbing with javelin armored Pé Chói officer armored Pé Chói standard bearer armored Pé Chói musician The Pé Chói require assembly by attaching the arms. Size: These...   [click here for more]
Legions of Tekumel  $28.00

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Legions of Tékumel: The Omnipotent Azure Legion

Legions of Tékumel: The Omnipotent Azure Legion

This is a digital download of a zip file of the STL files for the Omnipotent Azure Legion, including spearman standing, spearman advancing, archer shooting,  officer,  standard bearer, and  musician.  Spearmen come in variants with spears in hand and open handed. Shields are separate. Spear head and butt are provided if you want to use a wire spear, instead. Size: These models are scaled to...   [click here for more]
Legions of Tekumel  $24.00

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The Legions of Tékumel: Ahoggyá

The Legions of Tékumel: Ahoggyá

This is a digital download of a zip file of the STL files for armored and unarmored Ahoggyá, including armored Ahoggyá body and legs, unarmored Ahoggyá body and legs three armored arms with weapons one armored arm with shield two armored empty-handed arms  four unarmrored arms with weapons two unarmored empty-handed arms Models require assembly. Size: These models are scaled to match with other...   [click here for more]
Legions of Tekumel  $16.00

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The Legions of Tékumel: Sample Priest of Thúmis

The Legions of Tékumel: Sample Priest of Thúmis

This is a digital download of the STL file for a single version of the Pirest of Thúmis: priest holding out hand  Size: These models are scaled to match with other 28mm miniatures. Legion of Tékumel 3D models are designed for use with resin 3D printers. They are sold as-is. Knowledge of 3D printing and printeres is required by the customer. Printing and technical support is not provided. By purchasing...   [click here for more]
Legions of Tekumel   FREE 

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  Lands of RuneQuest: Dragon Pass