Be a wild Barbarian, a deadly Fighter, a soul-torn Sorcerer or a sword sharp canny Thief, fighting evil tyrants and foul demons in a world rapidly dying and heading towards its final nemesis.
Crypts and Things (C&T) is a Swords and Sorcery Roleplaying game based upon the Old School Rules of the 70s/80s. It also draws upon the British fantasy games and game-books of that period... [click here for more]
Hunters of Alexandria is a roleplaying game in an urban fantasy setting, but one set in the ancient rather than the modern world.
Players take on the role of members of a small monster hunting organisation, the Venatores, in the city of Alexandria, in the year 1AD. The Emperor Augustus rules Rome, and Alexandria has been under direct Roman rule for the last 30 years. Monsters, ghosts,... [click here for more]