In the year 68AD, after Emperor Nero’s suicide and disgrace, the Roman Empire is torn apart by civil war. Those who would be emperor have withdrawn the legions under their command to fight each other, leaving the defences of the borders and provinces of the Empire dramatically weakened.
The people are particularly agitated near the River Rhine. A large force of Batavians gathers, the few remaining... [click here for more]
Welcome to the world of the Dungeon done D100 style.
Ease yourself and your players into the opportunities that OpenQuest provides.
Inside this book, you will find the following.
OpenQuest for Dungeoneers explains the differences between D20 and D100 games.
Twelve Stock non-player characters for use as retainers and opposition.
Twenty-six traps to make the characters’ lives tricky.
Four new Underworld... [click here for more]
This 88-page companion book is what happened next since the main rulebook came out in 2014, a collection of the two released adventures and articles that have come about due to fans questions about the game and setting.
Finding Your Way in the River of Heaven (page 4). This article is a short-cut to understanding the default setting, or rather two settings that co-exist side by side in the... [click here for more]
OpenQuest is an easy-to-play, straightforward, fantasy roleplaying game that uses the tried and tested D100 dice mechanic.
OpenQuest lets you play fantastic death-defying adventurers in search of fame and fortune.
Every step of the way you’ll be supported by these easy-to-understand rules based upon over forty years of the tried and tested D100 mechanic.
Easy to Learn. The rules have... [click here for more]