Dungeonrama Demo (FREE)
In the town of Dungeonheim, Bucket an experenced member of the Odd Jobs Guild is assigned a task of great importance, something doesn't smell right at the Flatulent Dragon Tavern and the owner wants someone to find out what it is and to do somthing about it. Bucket sets out to investigate...
This is a free demo of Dungeonrama a point, click and choose e-gamebook. ... [click here for more]
This stock art image by K.Rainey, sketchbooksage depicts a lady vampire of the aristocracy of the night.
Black and white line art, 5 inches x 7 inches @ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one pngfile and a pdf file of the license agreement. Stock art can be used both for personal use and commercial... [click here for more]
Monthly Sketchbooksage , A free monthly containing promotional content from sketchbooksage.com and sketchbooksage affilated blog pages. Inside you will find panels from my webcomics Akuma Sake, Badham, Fandum!, Ultimate Wrestle Bout, a link to my photoshop brushes and merchandise. ... [click here for more]
Monthly Sketchbooksage , A free monthly containing promotional content from sketchbooksage.com and sketchbooksage affilated blog pages. Inside you will find panels from my webcomics Akuma Sake, Badham, Fandum!, Ultimate Wrestle Bout, a link to my photoshop brushes and merchandise. ... [click here for more]
-Pre-order Dungeonrama: Keep Of The Flatulent Dragon (available 6 /1 /25 )
In the town of Dungeonheim, Bucket an experenced member of the Odd Jobs Guild is assigned a task of great importance, something doesn't smell right at the Flatulent Dragon Tavern and the owner wants someone to find out what it is and to do somthing about it. Bucket sets out to investigate...
Dungeonrama:... [click here for more]
This stock art image by K.Rainey, sketchbooksage depicts a female vampire quenching their blood thirst.
Black and white line art, 7 inches x 5 inches @ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one pngfile and a pdf file of the licese agreement. Stock art can be used both for personal use and commercial... [click here for more]