Want to create adventures your players will love?
You can learn to write good adventures and The Adventure Creation Handbook will show you how. Maybe you're searching for an original idea. Or maybe you've just looking for a way to take that exciting climatic battle you see in your head and put it into a form your players will enjoy. Wherever you are in the adventure creation process,... [click here for more]
This special bundle product contains the following titles.The Adventure Creation HandbookRegular price: $5.00 Bundle price: $3.75 Format: Watermarked PDF Want to create adventures your players will love?
You can learn to write good adventures and The Adventure Creation Handbook will show you how. Maybe you're searching for an original idea. Or... [click here for more]
Have Player Troubles?
GMs–what’s the most important part of your game? It’s your players. Without your players, you don’t have a game. Yet, it’s your players that often cause you the most grief.
Have you ever had players who
arrive on time to every game, but spend the entire session reading a book?
try to monopolize your attention?
complain that other people aren’t playing their characters... [click here for more]