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Scion 2nd Edition Gen Con 2016 Poster

Scion 2nd Edition Gen Con 2016 Poster

Scion is a contemporary game game of modern myth and epic heroism. Its first edition was published in 2007, and it quickly gained an enthusiastic following, winning the ENnies Game of the Year award. Originally slated as a simple three-book series, its fervent following merited an expansion beyond those original limits, resulting in a series of books and PDFs released over the next...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $3.06

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Scion Second Edition Poster

Scion Second Edition Poster

Gods Walk The Earth! An amazing montage of the beautiful Scion art by Michael Komarck and Aaron Riley. Originally released at Gen Con 2014 and now available as a 12" x 18" poster. Embrace Your Birthright! Now begins the war against the Titans, elder beings who rage against the human world and its wayward gods. As Scions you command the push and pull of Fate. You...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $3.06

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A Light Extinguished (A Jumpstart for Scion Second Edition)

A Light Extinguished (A Jumpstart for Scion Second Edition)

Someone has killed Bai Amari, the Luminary, a well-respected and beloved Scion of Ra. Who would want such a thing? Who could muster enough power to end the immortal life of a demigod? Is this a declaration of war? Who is behind this terrible tragedy?  The Gods and their children feel the tremors of Titanic influence behind the mystery of the Luminary’s killing and have asked key personages (the...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $12.99

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Heroes for the World (Ready Made Characters for Scion Second Edition)

Heroes for the World (Ready Made Characters for Scion Second Edition)

"My mother once told me that nothing in this world moves because you will it to. You must bend yourself to your own will, and through that, you can find that the world moves with you." — Yukiko Kuromizu  This book is for use with Scion: Origin and Scion: Hero. Inside you’ll find:  Six Scion characters with backgrounds, motivations, and both Pre-Visitation and Post-Visitation...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $11.99

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Live By The Blade (A Jumpstart for Scion: Dragon)

Live By The Blade (A Jumpstart for Scion: Dragon)

An agent of Kazim-Azizi has acquired an ancient relic — the Sword of Damocles — and intends to bring it to the History Gorger’s lair and add it to the Dragon’s menu.  A group of Heirs (the player characters) have the skills and talents necessary to steal the weapon back, and keep it in The World a little longer. Kazim-Azizi’s agent is going where even Scions fear to tread: to the island...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $4.99

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Scion: Tales of Heroes - A Scion Anthology

Scion: Tales of Heroes - A Scion Anthology

“A hero is any person really intent onmaking this a better place for all people.” - Maya Angelou Tales of Heroes brings you the stories of Scion, from the streets of London to dusty roads in Terra Incognitae. Sneak into the Underworlds, visit the world’s largest divine convention, and party (or fight) with Maenads and Amazons. This anthology features fifteen stories by talented authors,...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $8.99

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Mythical Denizens (A Collection of Antagonists for Scion Second Edition)

Mythical Denizens (A Collection of Antagonists for Scion Second Edition)

The World Is a Dangerous Place Awakening to a mythic destiny brings a rush of new powers and capabilities, but it can also bring a Hero to the attention of a variety of strange and powerful beings, who seldom regard the arrival of a meddling band with warm wishes and open arms. Some are dyed-in-the-wool villains straight out of folklore, bringing ruin and chaos for their own selfish reasons. Others...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $12.99

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Path To Apotheosis: A Collection of Scion: Demigod Scenarios

Path To Apotheosis: A Collection of Scion: Demigod Scenarios

A Collection of Scion: Demigod Scenarios Scion: Demigod opened the door to a new level of power and peril for Scions — a Path to Apotheosis. Path to Apotheosis is a trio of scenarios for Demigod-level Scions to explore on their road to Godhood. Storyguides can use them as one-off adventures or as the beginning, middle, and end of a Demigod chronicle.  Threads of Fate, Winds...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $9.99

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Scion Live-Action

Scion Live-Action

Scion Live-Action is a live-action roleplaying game (LARP for short) that concerns the creatures and persons of myth and legend and how they interact with the World, a place where all myths are real and all stories have weight. Fate is its own force in the World, and the characters in this book are feeling its first touches upon their souls. Whether mundane or supernatural, Scion Live-Action...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $20.00

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Scion Second Edition Book One: Origin

Scion Second Edition Book One: Origin

You are the child of a God, born to the magic of yesterday and the promise of tomorrow. You live in a World of myth, where every ancient story is true. Your ancient enemies, the Titans, stir in their prison beneath the lands of the dead. Their spawn issues forth from lands of myth, and the specter of war falls across the heavens. In this age of turmoil, you seize your birthrights and feel the call...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $24.95

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Mysteries of the World: The Scion Second Edition Companion

Mysteries of the World: The Scion Second Edition Companion

Though knowledge, wisdom, and the ability to see the unseen are many Scions’ birthrights, the World holds infinite secrets. Gaze deep into Tezcatlipoca’s mirror or the eyes of an avian bringer of omens, and no matter how sagacious you imagine yourself to be, you’ll learn something new — or something older than time. Scion: Mysteries of the World presents optional rules and new pantheons,...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $25.00

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Realms of Magic and Mystery (A Terra Incognita Sourcebook for Scion Second Edition)

Realms of Magic and Mystery (A Terra Incognita Sourcebook for Scion Second Edition)

A Wealth of Terra Incognita to visit Realms of Magic & Mystery expands the setting of Scion Second Edition with details about 28 new Terra Incognita, six new Axes Mundi, and a wealth of additional information about otherworlds and how to use them in your series. Realms of Magic & Mystery requires Scion: Origin and is compatible with all of the other Scion Second...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $32.99

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Scion Second Edition Player's Guide: Saints & Monsters

Scion Second Edition Player's Guide: Saints & Monsters

Discover what lurks in the hidden corners of myth. There is more to The World than the children of the Gods — more than Heroes and Demigods. Legends speak of stranger things; of mortals who challenge the very Gods themselves, or who see Fate’s invisible workings laid bare; of creatures of every kith and kind who still dwell, here and there, alongside humanity; of sorcerers who tamper with things...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $29.99

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Titanomachy (A Collection of Threats for Scion Second Edition)

Titanomachy (A Collection of Threats for Scion Second Edition)

The second war against the Gods fast approaches. Are you prepared? Scion: Titanomachy has everything a Storyguide needs to bring the Second Titanomachy — a phase in the eternal cold war against the Gods — to their Scion Second Edition games. It presents new threats from the Titans to their servants, plus their fell powers and Birthrights — ripe for use as antagonists...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $29.99

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No Gods, No Masters

No Gods, No Masters

If you believe that as children of the Gods you are entitled to rule The World as you know it, you’re in for a rude awakening.  Scion: No Gods, No Masters is a tier-spanning chronicle for the Scion roleplaying game, providing a tale playable with pre-Visitation Scions all the way through to Demigods, and perhaps beyond. Contained within this book, you’ll find:  • An epic three-part...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $28.99

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Scion Second Edition: Once and Future

Scion Second Edition: Once and Future

The Pendragon’s Mantle lies incomplete, an unfinished story waiting for the right Scion to fill the role. Will you complete Arthur’s legend? Or are you doomed to fail, like so many others? Once and Future supplements Origin through Demigod play, discussing the power of Mantles and the threat of failure that leaves behind unfinished legends. Once and...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $34.99

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Scion Second Edition Book Two: Hero

Scion Second Edition Book Two: Hero

The savage Titans have escaped their eternal prisons to wage war against the Gods once more. Their battles in the lands of myth have spilled over into our World. But even the Gods cannot stop their personal rivalries and squabbles long enough to care for the peoples who worship them. Find your destiny and seize your birthright. Scion: Hero details the children of the Gods when they have been touched...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $39.99

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Scion Second Edition Book Three: Demigod

Scion Second Edition Book Three: Demigod

The Gods made your World, and one way or another, they made you. Every God was once mortal. You stand at the threshold of humanity and divinity and cross over into the lands beyond the World. As the Titans rattle their cages, and you confront your own mortality, you live your myth, and you shed your mortality. Win or lose, the people will speak of your Legend forever more. Scion: Demigod presents...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $39.99

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Scion Second Edition: Dragon

Scion Second Edition: Dragon

You have been chosen by a Dragon, gifted with magic and the incredible ability to shape shift into one of their terrible and awesome forms. In a World of myth, yours has been rewritten time and again, and yet Dragons remember all truths. You are an agent in an ancient war, working behind the lines and preparing for a battle for the fate of The World. Discover the Truth. Find yourself. Make your...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $39.99

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Scion: Masks of the Mythos

Scion: Masks of the Mythos

The Mythos is older than humanity, Gods, and Titans, with an unknowable otherness that can shatter them all. This slumbering horror lurks in the shadows, carrying out its alien machinations with little regard for those beneath it until it requires pawns. Those that touch the Mythos are forever altered. The World explodes into full view for them, leaving some shattered, others power-mad, and still...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $39.99

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Scion Second Edition Storyguide Screen [Retail Version]

Scion Second Edition Storyguide Screen [Retail Version]

You are the child of a God, born to the magic of yesterday and the promise of tomorrow. You live in a World of myth, where every ancient story is true. Your ancient enemies, the Titans, stir in their prison beneath the lands of the dead. Their spawn issues forth from lands of myth, and the specter of war falls across the heavens. In this age of turmoil, you seize your birthrights and feel the call...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $0.00

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Scion Second Edition Book Four: God

Scion Second Edition Book Four: God

Welcome to the final stage of your journey. After all this time, your hero becomes a God.  Scion: God brings Scion stories to their final chapter with all-new rules for players and guidance for Storyguides. This completes the trilogy with Scion: Hero and Scion: Demigod. Gods face the impossible balance between a desire to interfere with The World and their duty to protect...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $46.99

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Scion Second Edition Demigod Storyguide Screen [Retail Version]

Scion Second Edition Demigod Storyguide Screen [Retail Version]

The Gods made your World, and one way or another, they made you. Every God was once mortal. You stand at the threshold of humanity and divinity and cross over into the lands beyond the World. The PDF version of the Scion Second Edition Demigod Storyguide Screen includes several charts and rules references to make the Storyteller's role a bit easier at the table. Print...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $0.00

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Scion Second Edition: Dragon Storyguide Screen [Retail Version]

Scion Second Edition: Dragon Storyguide Screen [Retail Version]

You have been chosen by a Dragon, gifted with magic and the incredible ability to shape shift into one of their terrible and awesome forms. In a World of myth, yours has been rewritten time and again, and yet Dragons remember all truths. You are an agent in an ancient war, working behind the lines and preparing for a battle for the fate of The World. The PDF version of the Scion Dragon...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $0.00

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Scion: Masks of the Mythos Storyguide Screen [Retail Version]

Scion: Masks of the Mythos Storyguide Screen [Retail Version]

The Mythos is older than humanity, Gods, and Titans, with an unknowable otherness that can shatter them all. This slumbering horror lurks in the shadows, carrying out its alien machinations with little regard for those beneath it until it requires pawns. The PDF version of the Scion: Masks of the Mythos Screen includes several charts and rules references to make the Storyteller's...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $0.00

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Scion Second Edition: Demigod [Retail Version]

Scion Second Edition: Demigod [Retail Version]

The Gods made your World, and one way or another, they made you. Every God was once mortal. You stand at the threshold of humanity and divinity and cross over into the lands beyond the World. As the Titans rattle their cages, and you confront your own mortality, you live your myth, and you shed your mortality. Win or lose, the people will speak of your Legend forever more. Scion: Demigod presents...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $0.00

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Scion Second Edition: Dragon [Retail Version]

Scion Second Edition: Dragon [Retail Version]

You have been chosen by a Dragon, gifted with magic and the incredible ability to shape shift into one of their terrible and awesome forms. In a World of myth, yours has been rewritten time and again, and yet Dragons remember all truths. You are an agent in an ancient war, working behind the lines and preparing for a battle for the fate of The World. Discover the Truth. Find yourself. Make your...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $0.00

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Scion Second Edition: Hero [Retail Version]

Scion Second Edition: Hero [Retail Version]

The savage Titans have escaped their eternal prisons to wage war against the Gods once more. Their battles in the lands of myth have spilled over into our World. But even the Gods cannot stop their personal rivalries and squabbles long enough to care for the peoples who worship them. Find your destiny and seize your birthright. Scion: Hero details the children of the Gods when they have been touched...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $0.00

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Scion: Masks of the Mythos [Retail Version]

Scion: Masks of the Mythos [Retail Version]

The Mythos is older than humanity, Gods, and Titans, with an unknowable otherness that can shatter them all. This slumbering horror lurks in the shadows, carrying out its alien machinations with little regard for those beneath it until it requires pawns. Those that touch the Mythos are forever altered. The World explodes into full view for them, leaving some shattered, others power-mad, and still...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $0.00

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