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Endless Seas Quickstart Rules

Endless Seas Quickstart Rules

Endess Seas is set in a world that resembles the historical “golden age of piracy”, infused with mystical powers and phenomena. Experience adventures as in Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island, myths like in some of the most famous Pirate-themed Hollywood franchises and uncover insidious intrigues like in Alexandre Dumas’ Three Musketeers. Think of Endless Seas as a classic,...   [click here for more]
Modiphius  Pay What You Want

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Mermaids of the Depths

Mermaids of the Depths

Mermaids of the Depths is a transhumanist, post-apocalyptic TTRPG where the Players take on the role of aquatic-dwelling cyborgs known as Divers. Your goal is to dive into the depths of the globe-spanning ocean to discover lost artifacts, priceless technology, and forbidden knowledge from the time before the apocalyptic event known as the Deathfall. (Cosmic) horror, carefully crafted mechanics,...   [click here for more]
Modiphius  Pay What You Want

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Titanic Triumph (Quickstart)

Titanic Triumph (Quickstart)

Titanic Triumph is a 2d20-based Superhero system designed to accommodate high action, pulp heroism/villainy, and narrative-focused, cinematic play while also enabling players to create nearly any superpowered individual they can think of! This is a Quickstart guide, meaning it is a basic primer for the system meant to give player and game master alike a chance to sample the...   [click here for more]
Modiphius  Pay What You Want

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  CthulhuTech: The Shadow War Quick-Start Rules (V2)