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Aether (Tephra Expansion)

Aether (Tephra Expansion)

Aether - a small particle in the air that allows light to travel though it - is a wonderful source of energy when gathered together. But it's much more than that: with our new Aether crafting supplement, you can build Aether Resonators (engines that gather aether) and use them to shape super-heated aether into all sorts of weaponry. From aetherial blades to aether-based rifles, this crafting system...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $1.99

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Delsya: Community-Built Local for Tephra

Delsya: Community-Built Local for Tephra

Delsya: A Community-Created Location Off the western coast of Evangless, part of the Qui archipelago, lies the 30-mile-long island of Delsya. Abandoned Evanglessian reasearch compounds, pirate coves, ayodin societies, and gnomish cities can all be explored on this island of adventure! Delsya was created as community collaboration project and has been released as a free location supplement...   [click here for more]
Parlor   FREE 

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Simulacrons - a new race of automaton adventurers

Simulacrons - a new race of automaton adventurers

Simulacrons - a new race of automaton adventurers! You no longer must suffer playing a steampunk adventurer made up of flesh and bones. Gone are the days of having to worry about grafting prosthetics onto your body or fear that an enemy might craft a bio-zapper and start messing with your anatomy. Today, you start playing a simulacron. Simulacrons are a new playable race for Tephra:...   [click here for more]
Parlor   FREE 

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Tephra: the Rapid-Fire Guide

Tephra: the Rapid-Fire Guide

Tephra: the Steampunk RPG is now available to all players, for free, with our Rapid-Fire Guide.  The Rapid-Fire Guide is 78 pages, including all of the rules you need to play, a full character creation walkthrough, 5 sample characters, our full line-up of character sheets, and an adventure to get you started. It has everything you need to get playing fast! And when you've finished whetting your...   [click here for more]
Parlor   FREE 

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Tephra: the Steampunk RPG

Tephra: the Steampunk RPG

Long requested, now available: the Tephra Playing Guide in PDF! Tephra: the Steampunk RPG needs only a single book to be played: your Playing Guide. This 288-page book is gorgeous, with the award-winning Clockwork Roleplaying System and a ton of lore and art that makes Tephra a fan-favorite setting. This book includes everything you need to play, from our rapid-fire...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $9.99

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A Big Misunderstanding (Tephra Adventure)

A Big Misunderstanding (Tephra Adventure)

Two adventurers are walking the streets at night, each going about their own business. As they pass, the buildings around them explode as a hulking villain emerges. The adventurers are faced with two options: flee for their lives, or die fighting! You should buy this adventure if you fit into either of the following two categories: You want to run up to 8 adventures for two 1st-level. This adventure...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $1.99

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From Boot Hill (Tephra Adventure)

From Boot Hill (Tephra Adventure)

Death is just one of life's great experiments. Towns occasionally go dark on the frontier. Tech fails them, bandits strike them, and sometimes they just dry up when everyone decides they don’t want to hang out in the middle of nowhere any longer. Most investigations turn up a perfectly normal explanation. This is not one of those cases. From Boot Hill...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $3.99

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Mansion Mayhem (Tephra Adventure)

Mansion Mayhem (Tephra Adventure)

Berwick Manor is a small estate recently outfitted with a mechanical staff that can take care of the residents’ every need. Something has gone awry, however, and the party must now fight their way through a horde of homicidal metal wait-staff as they search for the origin of this robotic revolution. Is it class warfare, a defect in their model, or something more sinister? All will be revealed as...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $1.99

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Retroscape: Decopunk RPG

Retroscape: Decopunk RPG

Swing into the decopunk SciFi setting of Retroscape! Retroscape is an an electroswing-inspired RPG designed for escalating combat, exciting decisions, and heart-racing action. After the third great war, technology became seen as the cause of humanity’s downfall, and the survivors created a prohibition around the world against the pursuit of science. Within the city of Delphi, however, technology...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $6.99

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Tephra: The Narrator's Accomplice

Tephra: The Narrator's Accomplice

If you enjoy playing in a steampunk world, then you're going to love this. Tephra: the Narrator's Accomplice is the GM's ultimate tool for creating a mind-blowing steampunk adventure. Traps, monsters, hazards, terrain, relics, and more will keep your saga fresh for years. This is what's in it: Terrifying Monsters: 137 monsters and automatons, aliens and animals,...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $9.99

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Tephra: The Salvager Menace

Tephra: The Salvager Menace

Invading from inside Evangless, the salvagers are autonomous invaders, leaking out of Solari and waging a war against its host. Built to create the perfect society, they have decided to do exactly that: and humans have no place in that vision.  This PDF expansion brings to you 23 pages on the salvager territory, 4 new salvager generals, and tons of great adventure hooks to throw them into your Tephra...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $0.99

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The Golden Bandit & other Rangston Adventures (Tephra Adventure)

The Golden Bandit & other Rangston Adventures (Tephra Adventure)

This adventure pack for Tephra: the Steampunk RPG comes with a fully developed Weird West town jam-packed with awesome material that Narrators can use to mesmerize players into an immersion-induced coma! This book comes with a complete adventure, setting, and a brand new crafting system. We even threw in our Rapid-Fire Guide, so if you've never played Tephra before, worry not! We've...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $3.99

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The Maniacal Machinations of a Madman (3-part Tephra Saga)

The Maniacal Machinations of a Madman (3-part Tephra Saga)

What starts as a few adventurers answering a distress beacon in a small town quickly escalates into a full- adrenaline saga. You’ll take your adventurers against the 9th Brigade, a well-armed private military company, and a floating automaton factory bent on demolishing the city of Tiasma. The Maniacal Machinations of a Madman is a 3-part adventure saga that encourages exploration, clever thinking,...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $4.99

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Volcanic: Legends - Free Fantasy RPG

Volcanic: Legends - Free Fantasy RPG

Take a risk, become a legend! Gather your friends and fellow adventurers, don your armor, and take a seat at the gaming table. Volcanic: Legends is an RPG designed for brisk combat, exciting decisions, and heart-racing action. We have designed a complete RPG toolset for you to jump straight into a fantasy narrative. Create the fantasy saga of your dreams. Volcanic: Legends is a fantasy RPG showcasing...   [click here for more]
Parlor  Pay What You Want

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Kickstarter Adversary Book (Tephra Expansion)

Kickstarter Adversary Book (Tephra Expansion)

In January 2012, Cracked Monocle began a kickstarter to publish its steampunk roleplaying game, Tephra, which had been in playtesting for over four years. All they needed was a thousand dollars to cover some basic publishing costs and get their book set up at a print-on-demand company. Little did they know how far their kickstarter would take them. One month later, Tephra had raised almost $23,000....   [click here for more]
Parlor  $7.99

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Pets & Predators (Tephra Expansion)

Pets & Predators (Tephra Expansion)

We know what you’re thinking. Ever since you picked up Tephra: the Steampunk RPG, you’ve had one aching thought: “How can I bio-engineer a flesh-tearing chimpanzee with venomous fangs and ride it into battle?” We are proud to announce that your wait is over. This book will provide you the answer to that pressing question and many like it. You will have everything you need...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $3.99

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Valdru: the Breathing Earth (Tephra Expansion)

Valdru: the Breathing Earth (Tephra Expansion)

Welcome to Valdru, a land with layers of intrigue, science, and wonder waiting to be uncovered. Nomadic clans travel the dangerous forests on the surface, but below the earth is where life thrives. Long ago, the gnomes of Valdru buried themselves underground. Dwelling within secret stronghold cities and using advanced bio-flux, the gnomish towns grew until an entire nation was hidden beneath the very...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $4.99

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Explosives! (Tephra Expansion)

Explosives! (Tephra Expansion)

No adventure is complete without destroying a few buildings, burning an airship to a crisp, and blasting your way through a couple doors. In fact, with the proper application of explosives, what can’t you do? Open up Explosives, a 32 page supplement to the science skill in which not only are you going to get more explosive augments than you’ll ever need, you’ll find new ways to...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $3.99

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The Armsmith Extra (Tephra Expansion)

The Armsmith Extra (Tephra Expansion)

Armsmith might have been awesome before, but why don't we just make it a little more awesome... by introducing Munition crafting, shield forging, and turret building! Filled with 16 specialties and 57 augments, this is sure to become a mainstay for your party's crafter... and, unfortunately, for your enemy's crafter as well! This PDF is an expansion to Tephra: the Steampunk RPG....   [click here for more]
Parlor  $2.49

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3-Guns & the Big Steal (Tephra Adventure)

3-Guns & the Big Steal (Tephra Adventure)

The adventurers arrive in town just in time to stop a robbery-in-progress, as 3-Guns Charlie and his gang are busting into the Trust Bank. This is a simple adventure designed to introduce new players to Tephra: the Steampunk RPG. The adventure PDF includes several fights and maps that you can print from home. More information on Tephra: the Steampunk RPG can be found at Cracked Monocle's...   [click here for more]
Parlor   FREE 

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Jack's Bait & Boat Tours (Tephra Adventure)

Jack's Bait & Boat Tours (Tephra Adventure)

Jack's Bait & Boat Tours is a quick adventure filled with angry people, angry sharks, and angry shark-people. Jump on into the boat, take the tour, and meet some great people along the way!  Jack's Bait & Boat Tours is a free adventure for a group of first level adventurers, designed to introduce you to sharks. Really. More information on Tephra: the Steampunk RPG can be found at our webpage,...   [click here for more]
Parlor   FREE 

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Living Liquids (Tephra Alchemy Expansion)

Living Liquids (Tephra Alchemy Expansion)

Alchemists have learned to brew life into their vials, bringing you a new craft known as Living Liquids. With living liquids, you can bring vicious viscous creatures to the battlefield that will fight, electrocute, and grapple your enemies. You'll be able to morph living liquids into weapons, use them as firearm ammunition, or cover your body in liquid armor. This PDF is an expansion to Tephra:...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $2.49

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Mementos (Tephra Luck Expansion)

Mementos (Tephra Luck Expansion)

Everybody's got a lucky item. For some people, it's a lucky coin. For others, it's an old engagement ring they keep on a chain. And for some, it's the bullet that barely missed their heart. These items have significance to the individual, and that significance weaves the item with the person's luck. Some people see the importance these items play, and they learn to manipulate people's luck. They call...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $1.99

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Tephra Character Sheets (and more!)

Tephra Character Sheets (and more!)

Everyone needs a character sheet!  That's why we've decided to just give them away. That's right: while many other RPG companies make you pay for character sheets, we just give them away!  For example, go check out the character sheet for the RPG, Quacks & Quagmires (you probably know it as "Q&Q"). They sell their character sheet in a $29.99 bundle!  That's right,...   [click here for more]
Parlor   FREE 

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Tephra: Expansions! [BUNDLE]

Tephra: Expansions! [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Aether (Tephra Expansion) Regular price: $1.99 Bundle price: $1.41 Format: Watermarked PDF Aether - a small particle in the air that allows light to travel though it - is a wonderful source of energy when gathered together. But it's much more than that: with our new Aether crafting supplement, you can build...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $54.61 $38.50

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Tephra: Narrator Screen

Tephra: Narrator Screen

The brand new, super fantastic Tephra Narrator Screen! ...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $2.99

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Tephra: the Steampunk RPG [BUNDLE]

Tephra: the Steampunk RPG [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Aether (Tephra Expansion) Regular price: $1.99 Bundle price: $1.51 Format: Watermarked PDF Aether - a small particle in the air that allows light to travel though it - is a wonderful source of energy when gathered together. But it's much more than that: with our new Aether crafting supplement, you can build...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $62.61 $47.01

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The Airship Graveyard (Tephra Adventure)

The Airship Graveyard (Tephra Adventure)

The Airship Graveyard is full of retired and gutted dirigibles, airships, and ironbirds... but that's what everyone expected to find there. The bio-mutated mercenaries, enormous electrified snake, and mad scientist who's moved into the junkyard: well, they were a little bit more of a surprise. This is a straight-forward adventure for first level adventurers for Tephra: the Steampunk RPG....   [click here for more]
Parlor  $1.99

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The Great Airship Robbery (Tephra Adventure)

The Great Airship Robbery (Tephra Adventure)

The lost Dragoons of the 7th created flying mechanical mounts, and they’ve been some of the most successful highwaymen since the war’s end because of it. Now the Intrepid is their mark, and the adventurers are going to have to step in, get their hands dirty, and fight off these bandits in the open skies over Tephra. It’s going to be a crazy ride, that’s for sure. The...   [click here for more]
Parlor  $3.99

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  Paths to Adventure Master Map Bundle [BUNDLE]