Victoriana – a world of high adventure and intrigue in an age of sorcery and steam!
The year is 1856 and the world roils in the unseen conflict between Order and Entropy. As technology marches forward the Celestial Engine moves ever faster, and all our fates grow more precarious. Now is the time to act decisively and boldly, to seize control of your destiny and impose your will upon the world.
Your... [click here for more]
In this 23 page Penny Dreadful, the adventurers are hired by Sir Travis Duquesne to investigate the strange happenings at a Midlands coal mine. The Devil in the Dark is designed for a group of beginning adventurers (or those with only one or two penny dreadfuls under their belts and corsets) of any investigative Association. The Havering Household, the Selenium, the Spiritual Repose and Willowpin... [click here for more]
It is the year 1867, and it is a time of revolution.
The new science has done more than bring incredible technologies into the homes of everyday people. It has brought with it a new way of looking at the world. A way based on observation and logic that threatens the ancient dogma of Aluminat church teachings.
New political ideas are sweeping across Europe. Bismark 'The Iron Chancellor' is... [click here for more]