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 Hottest Forged in the Dark from Shields Up! Publishing
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Blades in the Dark Heist Deck, Print and Play

Blades in the Dark Heist Deck, Print and Play

Blades in the Dark is a game of scoundrels pulling heists in the haunted city of Duskwall. This print and play deck of cards is designed to help game masters put together a heist on the fly. With 50 obstacles, 40 important people, and 40 treasures, the game master's creativity can be inspired with Duskwall-flavored possibilities. Draw two people cards, a treasure card, and three obstacle cards, then...   [click here for more]
Shields Up! Publishing  $12.00

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Decks in the Dark [BUNDLE]

Decks in the Dark [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Blades in the Dark Heist Deck, Print and Play Regular price: $12.00 Bundle price: $9.00 Format: Print-and-Play PDF Blades in the Dark is a game of scoundrels pulling heists in the haunted city of Duskwall. This print and play deck of cards is designed to help game masters put together a heist on the...   [click here for more]
Shields Up! Publishing  $24.00 $18.00

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Heists in the Dark

Heists in the Dark

Plan heists on the fly! Scoundrels need work, and there are plenty of dangerous opportunities in the shadowed city of Duskwall. Strike a balance as you take inspiration from the people, places, heist types, and complications in the deck but interpret them to fit your players and your game table. These cards have a custom desgin so you can lay them out and see an adventure emerge as they connect. Every...   [click here for more]
Shields Up! Publishing  $12.00

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  Chrono Crisis Part 1: Independence Day (M&M Astonishing Adventures PDF)