Adventure in Filbar can be found in every nook and cranny including the least likely of places.
-Duke Tamor of Filbar, IR 211 (A quote from the Royal Book of Filbarian History)
Hi, welcome to Adventures in Filbar! We are a small, independent company that makes adventures and settings from our various homebrew campaigns. Our mission is to provide you with inexpensive and enjoyable options for your own campaign. While we certainly invite you to try our campaigns, we have made them general enough to pop into your own campaigns.
Our adventures are primarily written under 1st/2nd edition and 5th edition rules. We have tried to categorize our offerings by lettering as well as color in some cases. With over five hundred offerings, we are confident that you will find something that you enjoy. We would stress to try our free products first to see if you like the style. These would primarily be FT (towns) as well as OP (one page scenarios). Please note that our writing has improved in the ten years we've been around. Older offerings have a decidedly different flavor that more recent ones.
We appreciate your feedback and reviews as we actively seek to improve our products. Feel free to reach out to us at Twitter @FilbarRPG and say hi!
Note some of our artwork is the product of AI but our writing is not.