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How to Game Master like a Fucking Boss

How to Game Master like a Fucking Boss

This is the accumulated wealth of my 30 years playing, designing, and (most importantly) Game Mastering paper & pencil roleplaying games.  I wrote a book that I would want to read, something I could refer back to again and again.  Not every suggestion or recommendation is worth its weight in gold, nor will they be to everyone's taste.  However, I believe there's enough personal wisdom shared...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $10.00

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The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence

The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence

If you like the purple islands, then you'll love my latest work - Cha'alt (link below). _____ This is a weird, science fantasy, gonzo campaign setting and wilderness hex-crawl for old school fantasy roleplaying games.  The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence is a guide for helping you run crazy...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $7.00

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Crimson Dragon Slayer

Crimson Dragon Slayer

Take science-fantasy gonzo, then add 80's sleaze and cheese! This is my own contribution to the OSR / fantasy heartbreaker genere of paper & pencil roleplaying games.  Crimson Dragon Slayer is heavily inspired by the 1980's.  The parts of it that are god-awful are god-awful on purpose (mostly).  Your adventuring party might contain a robot ranger with laser...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $5.00

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Revelry in Torth

Revelry in Torth

Torth is a strange desert world.  Always night, always deadly.  A little bit sword & sorcery, a little bit science-fantasy, and just enough post apocalypse to keep things interesting. Revelry in Torth is my 3rd adventure.  It's got both wilderness and urban encounters.  Just like Liberation of the Demon Slayer and The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence, it contains...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $7.00 $4.00

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The Baleful Sorcerer of Tsathag'kha

The Baleful Sorcerer of Tsathag'kha

What if you want to play a sinister student of the black arts like in a sword-and-sorcery pulp? This is an alternative (and old school, in my opinion) magic-user class for those who want something a little different, influenced by Clark Ashton Smith.  The Baleful Sorcerer of Tsathag'kha is compatible with the original fantasy roleplaying gameand RPGs of such ilk. This is a free product as a "Thank...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Three Swordsmen

Three Swordsmen

Three Swordsmen gives old school fighters a little extra something... but not the entire kitchen sink!  This is old school, after all.  A few interesting perks should be more than enough to keep both players and GMs happy. Enjoy these OSR fighter/warrior alternatives, as well as, Liberation of the Demon Slayer, The Baleful Sorcerer of Tsathag'kha, and upcoming module The Islands of Purple-Haunted...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Player's Handbook Like A Fucking Boss

Player's Handbook Like A Fucking Boss

Have you heard about The Last Alpha Blue Supplement kickstarter?  Only 11 days to go.  Please back it so I can increase the production values! __________ This is a grab-bag of fantasy goodies for use with O5R roleplaying games.  That means everything from Basic D&D, AD&D, all the various retro-clones, systems similar but not identical (like Crimson Dragon Slayer),...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $3.75

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A Green Jewel They Must Possess

A Green Jewel They Must Possess

This short investigative horror scenario takes its name from the early 80s animated film Heavy Metal.  It's an homage to H.P. Lovecraft as is my own investigative horror RPG The Outer Presence. A green glowing sphere has been found in what was Sumeria.  It's both extremely powerful and dangerous.  The investigators have a chance to claim it before others can get...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $3.00

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Cha'alt: Fuchsia Malaise

Cha'alt: Fuchsia Malaise

Badges have gone on sale for July 2025's based tabletop RPG convention VENGER CON IV: Post-Modern Apocalypse in Madison, WI. "Like Cha’alt before it, Cha’alt: Fuchsia Malaise is a sandbox that allows the party the freedom to explore and go wherever they want. There is always something weird and unique around the corner." ~ The Mixed GM "...all...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $20.00 $10.00

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Advanced Crimson Dragon Slayer

Advanced Crimson Dragon Slayer

"D&D in arcade mode!" ~ Prince of Nothing Update: This title has been revised to become the ultimate edition.  It includes Cha'alt Ascended, Crimson Escalation, Cha'alt X-Cards, Gilded Die of Satanis, and 3 variant character sheets!  Print-on-demand softcover coming soon... This is my own heavily house-ruled hack of B/X and 5e, suitable for one-shots, convention games, virtual...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Crimson Dragon Slayer D20 Revised

Crimson Dragon Slayer D20 Revised

JUST UPDATED ON 2/14/24 This is a collection of my own O5R house-rules for D&D.  It's a blend of both old school, 5th edition, and my own special sauce.  For best results, use with my eldritch, gonzo, science-fantasy, post-apocalyptic campaign setting CHA'ALTCrimson Dragon Slayer D20 Revised (I'm just going to call it Crimson Dragon Slayer,...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Dead God Excavation

Dead God Excavation

"This thing is pretty f#cking Lovecraftian!" ~ Abdul Alhazred Dead God Excavation is a short adventure for characters between 1st and 3rd level.  I happen to think it's perfect for kicking off a gonzo, eldritch, science-fantasy campaign.  If you incorporate this into your "session zero"... respect, hoss! This scenario was written for Crimson Dragon Slayer...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $2.50

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Slaves of Tsathoggua

Slaves of Tsathoggua

This is the first stand-alone adventure created specifically for Crimson Dragon Slayer, edition 1.11.  However, it's also compatible with the original Crimson Dragon Slayer and relatively easy to convert to any other fantasy RPG. There's something in that cave... the cave all those villagers are afraid of.  What's inside?  Will the adventurers...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $3.00

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Cha'alt Pre-Generated

Cha'alt Pre-Generated

Haven't experienced the wondrous Cha'alt yet? _________ Cha'alt Pre-Generated is the first product supporting the OSR / 5e megadungeon campaign Cha'alt.  It's a compilation of 27 player-characters who fit into that eldritch, gonzo, science-fantasy, post-apocalyptic world quite...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Play Your Character Like A Fucking Boss

Play Your Character Like A Fucking Boss

Don't let the other guy have all the fun!  It's your game, too.  Roleplaying is a contact sport, so get in there and make it happen!!! There may be a reason why your games aren't as awesome as they could be.  Could be the system, might be the GM, or possibly it's you - the player.  I'm not saying this little self-help guide will turn you into the fucking boss overnight, but it's a start. How...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $3.00

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Adventure Writing Like A Fucking Boss II

Adventure Writing Like A Fucking Boss II

This is the much-anticipated sequel to best seller Adventure Writing Like A Fucking Boss.  Part II has even more advice for the amateur and professional author - secrets which only a select few are even aware.  Or maybe it just seems that way because I keep seeing the same mistakes over and over and over again.  Combined, these volumes provide writers with everything they need...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $3.00

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Old School Renaissance Like A Fucking Boss

Old School Renaissance Like A Fucking Boss

Update: Old School Renaissance Like A Fucking Boss will appear as an appendix in the print version of Cha'alt: Fuchsia Malaise (funding happening now via Kickstarter). _____ I've been playing D&D since 1983.  Thirty-six years of experience gives me a pretty good idea of what is and what isn't old school.  After the old school renaissance emerged...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Crimson Escalation

Crimson Escalation

I've just launched a new Kickstarter for my upcoming book, The Cha'alt Experience: Designing Worlds Like A Fucking Boss.  Check it out! [I decided to make this a freebie because A) it's incredibly important to the development of D&D's combat evolution, and B) this content is already included in Cha'alt: Chartreuse Shadows] Long story short, this kicks ass! ...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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The S'rulyan Vault II

The S'rulyan Vault II

Like the first S'rulyan Vault, this is two extremely high-resolution dungeon maps in both old school blue/white and bloody parchment hue.  The dungeon is huge and contains a variety of cavern and traditional room/corridor areas... along with special icons. In addition to the maps, there's a PDF with advice, random tables, and various aids in creating and GMing your own dungeon.  I've...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $10.00 $6.00

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Advanced Game Mastering Like A Fucking Boss

Advanced Game Mastering Like A Fucking Boss

Game Mastering is a Hell of a drug! So, what is Game Mastering?  Nope, what you're considering here is not an introductory text.  I've been there and done that with How To Game Master Like A Fucking Boss.  No, this is for when you've been GMing for years and already know the basics. Are you missing something in your life?  Advanced Game Mastering Like A Fucking Boss...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $10.00 $8.00

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Obsidian Escalation

Obsidian Escalation

As I did with Crimson Escalation about a year ago, I'm now making Obsidian Escalation free for every DTRPG customer, as I believe it's an important evolution in the O5R design school that seeks to elevate story and player-agency within that "storygame" sphere... without the expectant storygame garbage that usually comes with it. Also, now's the time to grab your weekend...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Stairway of V'dreen

Stairway of V'dreen

Players, you're going to want your GM to run this for you because this module gives you the chance to create your own magic item - near infinite variations! GMs, you're going to want to run this module because there are tables for rolling up bizarre monster combos to ruin the players' day - nearly an infinite variety! I've done a lot fantasy - dungeoncrawl, hexcrawl, weird fantasy,...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $4.00

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Blood Dark Thirst

Blood Dark Thirst

All the bloodsucking, none of the baggage! This is a complete vampire RPG where you get to play demonic bloodsuckers stalking the night, feeding on mortals, and reveling in the dark, pre-apocalyptic cities of the modern era.  Whether you're good, evil, or just out for yourself is completely up to you... but every choice has a price. Blood Dark Thirst uses the VSd6 system,...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $4.00

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Descent into the Candy Crypts

Descent into the Candy Crypts

Fruit of the Doom, let's show those candy sons-of-bitches what for! Descent into the Candy Crypts is the first adventure for the scifi, totally 80's, mildly post-apocalpytic, and self-indulgent sword & sorcery roleplaying game known as Crimson Dragon Slayer.  Sure, the "quasi-clone" system comes with it's own introductory adventure, but in...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $3.00

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La Bas Chartreuse

La Bas Chartreuse

This is neither an adventure nor campaign setting, but a place where Lovecraftian horror happens! There's a monolith and nearby stairway down into the earth.  La Bas Chartreuse contains various scenario seeds with specifics that can be used to flesh things out.  You'll also find several random tables, a couple of which can be used in many, many investigative horror and eldritch...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $2.00

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Adventure Writing Like A Fucking Boss

Adventure Writing Like A Fucking Boss

This thing has gone Platinum... yeah, baby!   If you haven't yet, Cha'alt is worth a look.  Eldritch, gonzo, science-fantasy, post-apocalypse campaign setting + megadungeon: _____ I realized there was a need for a book describing how to write awesome RPG scenarios - adventures that are truly epic. ...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $3.00

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Battle For The Purple Islands

Battle For The Purple Islands

This is pure gonzo-light, science-fantasy, eldritch pulp awesomeness!  O5R compatible (including Crimson Dragon Slayer) scenario pretty much requiring The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence (if you don't already own it, get it - you'll thank me). Within Battle For The Purple Islands, you'll come across cultists, cannibals, talking apes, and other...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $4.00

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Totally Random Tables

Totally Random Tables

A couple years ago, I started coming out with these completely random d6 tables on my Draconic Magazine website/blog. They were fun to do and, because they were only 6 results deep per table, I could come up with wild, funny, thought-provoking, or stupid-on-purpose entries every month or so. Once I had 30 of them collected, I decided that was a good point to self-publish what I had, sharing my gonzo...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $2.00

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Alpha Blue D20

Alpha Blue D20

This is a different kind of Alpha Blue... for starters it's D20; it's also not quite as silly.  Yeah, this version is darker and grittier than the original.  Just as sleazy, though!  Maybe you've played Alpha Blue before, maybe you haven't.  Either way, I'd love to know what you think of this version. I'm hoping to playtest and get feedback on Alpha...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Alpha Blue Campaign Manager

Alpha Blue Campaign Manager

Dirty space opera has never looked so clean... and organized! This is a two-page spread for managing your Alpha Blue campaign.  Obviously, I intended it to be used for sleazy scifi, specifically... however, there's nothing stopping you from using it to keep track of influences, details, NPCs, and locations for any scifi RPG. The second sheet got added moments ago and includes 23...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Taste of Fuchsia Malaise

Taste of Fuchsia Malaise

This two-page interior layout of tables is merely a test for the upcoming Cha'alt: Fuchsia Malaise book.  Visit Venger's old school gaming blog for details, feedback, and ordering information. The PDF is out: ...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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The Outer Presence

The Outer Presence

Want to dig into something chartreuse, slimy, and covered with tentacles?  My latest work, Cha'alt, is right over here: _______ This is both a self-contained, investigative horror RPG and "weird tales" scenario set in 1970's New Guinea.  Funded via Kickstarter with the help of Chris Ayotte, Anthony DiNovo, and...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $10.00 $5.00

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Death Race: Fury Road

Death Race: Fury Road

This started as a small community project and grew into a really strange collection of random tables inspired by the Mad Max movies and that Thundarr the Barbarian episode, "Challenge of the Wizards."  The main table is a d100 collection of weird, gonzo, sci-fi, fantasy, post-apocalyptic encounters that death racers may stumble upon during their race. While I specifically tailored Death Race:...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Crimson Dragon Slayer D20

Crimson Dragon Slayer D20

Crimson Dragon Slayer D20 has just been totally revised.  It now includes its own magic system, along with updated O5R rules for maximum efficiency. Eventually, this will be included in my upcoming book Cha'alt: Fuchsia Malaise. ________ If CDS D20 floats your boat, then check out my latest work - Cha'alt:   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Cha'alt Ascended

Cha'alt Ascended

VENGER CON III: Revenge of the OSR is happening July 19th - 22nd in Madison, WI.  Find info and weekend badges for purchase over at Tabletop Events. ____________ Cha'alt Ascended is special, something I've been thinking about doing for awhile now.  I know some publishers have come out with their own list of "old school feats", but this is mine. ...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Badges now available for July 2025's VENGER CON IV: Post-Modern Apocalypse.  The midwest's most exclusive, based, old-school RPG convention.  Game with Venger Satanis and friends!  __________ Cha'alt is the beast of a book (218 pages) I've been working on for the past year.  It's a ruined world focusing on a couple of introductory...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $20.00 $5.00

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Crimson Dragon Slayer 1.11

Crimson Dragon Slayer 1.11

This little PDF is a re-boot of the Crimson Dragon Slayer RPG.  It takes two steps back and one in a slightly new direction.  Less comedic, gonzo, 80's references and more dark, weird science-fantasy. The rules were written as ultra-light as possible, taking more of an Alpha Blue RPG approach.  I wanted something that could be demonstrated in one hour, a taste...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Encounter Critical: A Science-Fiction Fantasy Role Play Game

Encounter Critical: A Science-Fiction Fantasy Role Play Game

Hi, this is Venger Satanis.  How's it going?  I bought the rights to Encounter Critical from S. John Ross a couple years ago.   The new edition is now available... Encounter Critical III.  Here's a link: If you have suggestions for the next iteration of Encounter...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Shadow-Cha'alt volume one

Shadow-Cha'alt volume one

Whether you're into ShadowDark, or one of the dozens of new OSR / old-school "D&D" rule-sets that've come out over the last few years, this is a memorable and easy-to-run scenario for veterans and novice GMs alike. If this new series, SHADOW-CHA'ALT, is well-received, it'll come out on a monthly release schedule.  It's an opportunity to dial back the sleazy gonzo, making the...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $3.00

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Loathsome Secrets In Amethyst

Loathsome Secrets In Amethyst

This is the latest in a long line of Cha'alt scenarios.  Unlike the vast majority, this one is for higher level (4th and 5th) PCs, but like anything, it can easily be adjusted on-the-fly. I used Midjourney A.I. to create almost every piece of artwork in this PDF. At the end of Loathsome Secrets In Amethyst, you get a massive d100 table for infernalizing an item...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $4.00

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Gilded Die of Satanis

Gilded Die of Satanis

I'm currently Kickstarting a book on creating, attuning, and personalizing your own campaign setting.  It's called The Cha'alt Experience: Designing Worlds Like A Fucking Boss. _______________ If you know me and follow my work and the games I run, you're probably aware that I'm both an OSR guy and someone who finds value in newfangled "story-gaming" innovations. ...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $3.00

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Under Fuchsia Ska'ai

Under Fuchsia Ska'ai

Next month is VENGER CON III: Revenge of the OSR in Madison, WI.  Game with us, hoss! _____________ When I had the idea for a Cha'alt webcomic, I didn't know what to expect or how long such an endeavor would take. Well, it looks fantastic and Under Fuchsia Ska'ai took 9 months to complete.  Jae Tanaka's artwork on this project has unbelievable...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $20.00 $15.00

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Cha'alt X-Cards

Cha'alt X-Cards

Cha'alt X-Cards get the players to actively participate by influencing the GM (not the game directly) according to pre-existing Cha'alt tropes. If you love Cha'alt, then here's a mechanic that brings those Cha'altian vibes to the fore!  What is Cha'alt?  Here's the DTRPG product page for my D&Dish campaign setting:   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Alpha Blue Quickie

Alpha Blue Quickie

This is a little starter kit to get you going; a free sample.  It contains the new and improved character sheet for Alpha Blue - the sleaziest space pulp RPG in the entire galaxy, as well as, a couple hi-rez starships mapped out for virtual use or printable for home use. If you like random tables, fantastic artwork, and space sandbox PG-13, R, NC-17, or even XXX sci-fi action, give...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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His Flesh Becomes My Key

His Flesh Becomes My Key

Warning: there are mature themes and cosmic alienage within... madness may result. This is an eldritch pulp / investigative horror scenario for The Outer Presence roleplaying game, suitable for experienced characters.  It works just as well for the 1970s as it does for 2017.  Converting the adventure to your system of choice should be a snap. Within the scenario, investigators...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $3.00

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Crimson Slayer Micro TTRPG

Crimson Slayer Micro TTRPG

I was asked to create a slimmed-down, ultra-light version of my ever evolving Crimson Dragon Slayer roleplaying game.  This is it. Crimson Slayer Micro TTRPG pairs rules-light efficiency with evocative layout wizardry.  It's what I've been using to run hundreds of Cha'alt one-shots and two long-term campaigns.  This is the version you can take...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Cds [bundle] [BUNDLE]

Cds [bundle] [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. It's 1983 somewhere! Frozen in time, this bundle of gonzo science-fantasy strangeness will satisfy that old school itch... or die trying. Crimson Dragon Slayer Regular price: $7.00 Bundle price: $5.60 Format: Watermarked PDF Take science-fantasy gonzo, then add 80's sleaze and cheese! This is...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $14.00 $11.20

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Sleazy Space Opera [BUNDLE]

Sleazy Space Opera [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Alpha Blue Regular price: $7.00 Bundle price: $8.00 Format: Watermarked PDF [Badges now available for VENGER CON IV: Post-Modern Apocalypse happening in Madison, WI... July 2025!] The moment you realize that after playing Alpha Blue, every game after is somewhat Alpha Blue. That is the mark of a powerful...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $27.00 $22.00

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The S'rulyan Vault

The S'rulyan Vault

Caveat Emptor:  This is not a complete dungeon with keyed rooms, monster stats, and similar information.  The accompanying PDF only contains a few tools so that Game Masters can create their own dungeon, or use what's provided in conjunction with a pre-packaged dungeon. _______ This product is both a PDF and very large, high resolution map files. The PDF contains...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing  $7.00 $5.00

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