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The Mutant Epoch RPG
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Gun Station Gamma

Gun Station Gamma

Missing dig teams. A fabled stronghold. An insidious peril.  Someplace in the dunes, near a dead city of the oldsters, stands Gun Station Gamma, once more emerging from the shifting sands. The intrepid excavators set out to investigate the fabled gun emplacement, having heard rumors of missing dig teams being taken there, of the vile humanoid occupants, of heartless slavers, and a great trove of relic...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $4.99

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Monday Mutant 1: Junko

Monday Mutant 1: Junko

The Junko is a lumbering mutie of the wastes, an eater of men, a user of bait loot, and an unpredictable, ravenous foe. Use with caution, as just one of these brutes can result in a TPK of low-rank excavators, especially if the damn thing gets into melee range with a group. About Monday Mutants Monday Mutants provide game masters with an all-new deviated...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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The Mutant Epoch

The Mutant Epoch

"The Mutant Epoch is about humankind’s attempt to reclaim some semblance of civilization, calling upon its best and boldest to uncover the lost knowledge and power of the old ones."  View A PDF Demo here: The Mutant Epoch™ post-apocalyptic RPG challenges your in-game persona to survive in...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $12.99

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Dog Daze

Dog Daze

Adventure TME-5 for The Mutant Epoch RPG A solo or group play module for The Mutant Epoch RPG From the Back Cover:   Mayhem on the road • A subterranean escape • An epic solitaire saga   You’re on the run in the weeds and wreckage... and you aren’t alone, traveller. You’re being tracked, being surrounded, and likely the...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $11.99

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Monday Mutant 2: Beaked-Slasho

Monday Mutant 2: Beaked-Slasho

A 9 page PDF for The Mutant Epoch RPG Beaked-Slashos are aggressive, swift-moving pack hunters which inhabit nearly every non-aquatic terrain type. Although they have a beak and squawk and call like vultures, they are actually warm-blooded reptiles. They have night vision and can be found on the prowl any time of day. Their leathery, scale-covered hides are grayish brown in...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutant 3: Skayl

Monday Mutant 3: Skayl

A 5 page PDF for The Mutant Epoch RPG Skayls are entirely carnivorous and favor the flesh of fish, rodents and human-based entities, including their mortal enemies, skullocks. Territorial, bad-tempered, and prone to worshiping colossal beasts, mad robots or digital beings, these tough little creatures spend their time hunting, patrolling their lands, and seeking new and...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutant 4: Lump-Devil

Monday Mutant 4: Lump-Devil

A NEW, 7 page Mutant Monster PDF for The Mutant Epoch RPG Solitary, territorial, vengeful and cruel, any village with one of these nearly four meter tall mutant giants around is gonna need help from outsiders - either as heroes to hunt the best down, or else to be stripped down and tied to the offering post. This is our 4th Monday Mutant...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 10: Grumble-Strike

Monday Mutants 10: Grumble-Strike

This is our 10th Monday Mutant of an initial dozen freaks. Included in this PDF is an all-new Reaction Roll table for this unpredictable, role-play heavy new creature. Roll your d100 and add or subtract from previous questions and statements by the Grumble-Strike to find out if it will try and eat your heroes, befriend them, guide them to riches, or betray them. Other tables include a set for the appearance,...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 11: Wriggle-Hack

Monday Mutants 11: Wriggle-Hack

Beware the Wriggle-Hack! This is our 11th Monday Mutant of an initial 12 freaks in this series. These horrific, bear sized ambush hunters use multiple electric shock tentacles to subdue their prey before they drag them off to deposit in a crevice, backroom, or pit for later consumption. This 7 page PDF includes a random table for other unfortunate beings who also find themselves...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 12: Masher

Monday Mutants 12: Masher

Run for your friggin' life! The masher is upon us! This is our 12th Monday Mutant of an initial 12 group freakopedia. These brutes stand nine feet tall, weigh over a thousand pounds, have ballistic skin, adapt their pigmentation to their surroundings, exhibit other random mutations from a rich d20 selection, and live on an all-meat diet with a preference for generic humans....   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 13: Dust Fiend

Monday Mutants 13: Dust Fiend

Here comes double trouble! The dreaded dust fiend is here, and whether it roams the wastes as a wild predator or serves it's bunker dwelling human creators as a patrol beast, it's always a brutal, close-quarters killer. Able to crab walk back and forth or side to side, climb over the roughest terrain or climb up the face of a ruined skyscraper, these powerful muties are...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 5: Piffer

Monday Mutants 5: Piffer

Will they barter or will they swarm you? Either way, always watch your back when dealing with the Piffer! Inhabiting vast, ant-hill like tunnel networks in either the ruins, mutated forests, badlands and tangled swamps, the two-foot tall race of piffers are unpredictable little omnivores. Sometimes they'll trade remarkable, oversized relics to passing dig teams in return for honey, baked...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 6: Grumpy Stomp

Monday Mutants 6: Grumpy Stomp

The Grumpy Stomp is an omnivorous elephant-sized mutant featuring the DNA of horse, hogs, and humans. They wander the steppes and remote flatlands of the post-apocalyptic world in search of plants, carrion and at times – when their normal food is in short supply – other creatures, including people. Domesticated specimens have been raised and trained, with both riding...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 7: Sap-Crawler

Monday Mutants 7: Sap-Crawler

Are your diggers ready to face the dreaded Sap-Crawler? Serving the role of a post-apocalyptic demon or mutie boss encounter, these hideous miscreations often control gangs of mooks. Yet, with their venomous bite, nasty claws, lightning bolt throwing heads and tail slaps, these vile things need little help dealing with impudent diggers. This is our 7th Monday Mutant of a planned 12 creature...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 8: Rubble-Imp

Monday Mutants 8: Rubble-Imp

Mischief and Mayhem await! Rubble-Imps are roughly four feet tall, grayish humanoids with leathery twelve-foot wingspans and a well-deserved reputation for causing considerable mayhem, misery, and discord. When either working alone, in flocks, or as the scouts, spies, and thieves of villainous masters, these nasty things are sure to cause your player characters big trouble, if not a fatal end....   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 9: Spider-Sister

Monday Mutants 9: Spider-Sister

“They came from the ceiling!” Spider-Sisters are ambush hunters of the wastes and ruins and aptly named after both their uncanny ability to climb walls and hang from ceilings, but so too, their venomous bite which causes paralysis. When these things feed on an unlucky excavator, they are conscious as it bleeds them out, able to feel, see, and hear everything as they meet...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants Bestiary

Monday Mutants Bestiary

30 Mutie Monsters to Challenge Every Excavator As a Game Master for The Mutant Epoch, you need more mutie monsters, treasure tables, and a few short adventures to begin the mayhem! As a TME player, you need more challenges, more heroics, and more wicked loot! You’ll find all this, and more, within these pages! While 24 of the creatures in this tome of terrors...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $10.99

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The Mutant Epoch Mega Bundle [BUNDLE]

The Mutant Epoch Mega Bundle [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Gun Station Gamma Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $4.24 Format: PDF Missing dig teams. A fabled stronghold. An insidious peril.  Someplace in the dunes, near a dead city of the oldsters, stands Gun Station Gamma, once more emerging from the shifting sands. The intrepid excavators set out to investigate...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $100.90 $85.76

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The Mutant Epoch RPG Expansion Rules

The Mutant Epoch RPG Expansion Rules

Rank up your post-apocalyptic adventures with all new character types, new skills, pre-game castes, remarkable mutations, cybernetic implants and devastating relic treasures! Add never before seen incredible excavators to your existing ruin exploring dig team, or face these new oddities as vile foes. This book is part two of the Hub Rules, and is a must-have, resource rich...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $19.99

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The Mutant Epoch RPG Quick Start Rules

The Mutant Epoch RPG Quick Start Rules

Dive into post-apocalyptic adventure with the Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules! Gritty, gonzo and fast-paced, The Mutant Epoch RPG uses the Outland System to give life to a vibrant, well-supported game! Jump into a twisted, freak infested world. Welcome to the year 2364 AD. See a 9 page PDF DEMO here!...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts   FREE 

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Beyond Red Crater

Beyond Red Crater

You and your fellow excavators have reunited after six years and returned to the wasteland. Following a tattered map you set out in search of vengeance, glory and mighty relics waiting to be recovered in an ancient facility; a dome beyond Red Crater.  Beyond Red Crater back cover blurb… Six years ago your comrades from the town of <st1:place>Rust Watch</st1:place>...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $7.99

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Bog-Billy: Creatures of the Apocalypse 5

Bog-Billy: Creatures of the Apocalypse 5

Disturb your Post-Apocalyptic RPG game players with the Bog-Billy! Caused by William McAusland, Creator of the Mutant Epoch RPG      Dwelling in the crawl spaces and rubble covered heaps of the Old Ones, live cunning man eaters known as Bog-Billies. Although slow in the open street or swampland trail, they are often much faster than a humanoid excavator who, on his or...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts   FREE 

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Chest Head: Creatures of the Apocalypse 12

Chest Head: Creatures of the Apocalypse 12

Can your dig team drive them off? Standing nearly three meters tall, the brutal, barbaric Chest Head is a carnivorous tribal humanoid. Gathering in small warbands, these mutants appear in both extra mutated and standard forms, with their bright reddish flesh, hideous, lumpy bodies and two heads.  When they arrive near a hapless human community, the resident’s panic and...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts   FREE 

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Monday Mutants 14: Wave Lurker

Monday Mutants 14: Wave Lurker

What’s that in the damn water? That fin! It’s coming toward us!” Like so many beasts of the Epochian new era, the people of this age call the terrifying new creatures by some physical feature or behaviour the mutie beast displays. These are straightforward, no bullshit descriptions, something that the various humanoid strains can relate to other people with few words,...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 15: Arm-Gunn

Monday Mutants 15: Arm-Gunn

From survivors, you’ve heard stories of these brutes. Of their rock spitting lower arms and terrible jaws. You’re aware of their bloodthirsty nature, tendency to form ranks with skullocks, moaners and other savage muties to annihilate entire villages, but nothing prepared you for this. You now stand at the edge of their territory,...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 16: Bog-Devil

Monday Mutants 16: Bog-Devil

Sunset isn’t far off. Your team of excavators is lost in the swamp. You’re worn out, hungry and tired of the bugs, leeches and whatever the hell has been tracking you all friggin’ afternoon. That’s when your point guard spots the ruin opening, and the bone pile that is spread before it. It is the lair of a beast... something that clearly...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 17: Skullgut

Monday Mutants 17: Skullgut

Don’t lose your head! Of all the horrors of the post-apocalyptic, Epochian era, few mutants compare to the malevolence, unpredictability, and nightmarish doings of the dreaded skullgut. These large, bloated things are head hunters in the truest sense, and collect the still living craniums of adventurers and use them both for their own sick pleasure and offensive mental mutations....   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 18: Shokgast

Monday Mutants 18: Shokgast

Do you dare to explore the catacomb hives of these ravenous, shocking mutants? Will your dig team rescue doomed captives and unearth the bizarre collections of junk, souvenirs, or priceless relics that these flesh eaters hoard? Find out by grabbing your copy of Monday Mutants 18, Shokgast, today!   These pack hunters get their name from both their dreaded shock tendrils and...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 19: Weed Demon

Monday Mutants 19: Weed Demon

Famous last words from the wasteland... “Wait, did that little hill there just move? Let’s check it out.” “Um, guys. Was that weed patch there when we entered this street before? And… are those skulls underneath it? Let’s look for loot.” “This junk storm is just gonna get worse. C’mon, boys, let’s take shelter in...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 20: Krutok

Monday Mutants 20: Krutok

With its retinue of mind numb, pack laden humanoid servants in tow, the gruesome, two headed, ‘cruel talking’ krutok crosses the rubble strewn wastes. Some of its drooling, half-witted toys are on their last legs, and need replacing. That’s when it spots the team of worn out excavators as they leave the ruins. After examining the dig team and bickering among...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 21: Noxo

Monday Mutants 21: Noxo

These man eaters are as big as a bull, cunning, quick and equipped with lashing tentacles, frontal stabbing legs and whatever armament the foremost torso wields. Worse, these genetically engineered battle beasts make separate mental or energy attacks from each of their three hideous heads, and if a hunt isn’t going its way, it will unleash a gaseous discharge of noxious, eye and throat burning...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 22: Wyngdeth

Monday Mutants 22: Wyngdeth

Short for ‘winged death’, these rock colored, feral bio-weapons are among the most dreaded newcomers to the Epochian wilderness. Their sharp claws, swiftness, and three neuro-toxin filled tail stingers and make these winged mutants more than a match for most new dig teams. Yet, it is what they do with subdued humans which is their most terrifying feature. Evidence of their cruelty...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 23: Wall Hugger

Monday Mutants 23: Wall Hugger

In The Mutant Epoch era, don’t forget to look up! Wall huggers, also called wallers, are like a cross between a human sloth and a flying squirrel, but often weigh as much as a full grown man. They’re highly territorial, bad tempered omnivores, often covered in moss and mushrooms and spend much of their lives clinging to the sides of ancient buildings, cliffs, bridge girders and...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Monday Mutants 24: Pheedlot

Monday Mutants 24: Pheedlot

Keep plenty of salt handy for these mayhem causing, giant mutant gastropods. Your barter town depends on it!   These giant mutant slugs can appear in four terrifying size categories: the globulant, which is as big as a horse and roams the wasteland in packs, the towering, long legged and cunning fast feeder, the reclusive but always hungry giant bloater, and finally, the...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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One Day Digs 8:: Baby Bupu

One Day Digs 8:: Baby Bupu

A rampaging Rubble Troll A village in crisis A quest for answers undertaken While making their way to a far off ancient metropolis to undertake their next dig, the excavators come across a village in chaos. Their guardian of the inhabitants,  A rubble troll, seems to have gone mad, and ransacks the countryside, ruining the crops, damaging the houses and causing great worry...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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One Day Digs 9:: Wizard of the Wastes

One Day Digs 9:: Wizard of the Wastes

A diabolical wasteland wizard A village enslaved An island fortress and its steel-clad protectors Tuvor, a dusty tribesman, interrupts your dig team's drinking to plead for help. To the north, his people suffer under the heel of an evil wizard who has enslaved them and murdered his wife. He seeks a band of adventure-hungry excavators to rid his land of the wizard's blight. Your...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Excavator Monthly Compendium

Excavator Monthly Compendium

Now you can get all six copies of Excavator Monthly Magazine in one book! Each article, relic, mutant beast, non-player character and other feature has been placed into categories within this hefty tome. Never forget a copy again. Both game masters and players of The Mutant Epoch role playing game can carry all the magazines in one handy book and quickly flip to any resource with ease. ...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $11.99

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Excavator Monthly Magazine Issue 1

Excavator Monthly Magazine Issue 1

Welcome adventurer! This is the first issue of Outland Arts' entirely The Mutant Epoch focused magazine: Excavator Monthly. Included in this inaugural issue are articles on GM rewarded Experience Factors, another on how to handle multiple player characters, a character generation technique: the Double Barrel System, a word on some gaming blogs and podcasts, new relics: liquid flesh and the...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $3.50

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Pitford: Gateway To The Ruins

Pitford: Gateway To The Ruins

Welcome to scenic Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins! This is your last stop before undertaking a dig in the nearby Great Ruins. Why not enjoy some of the fine services offered in this enclosed town? There are brothels, bars, massage parlors, shops, a casino and even a gladiatorial arena, all here for your delight. After all, this may be your last night in this twisted world, why not make it one...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $10.99

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Excavator Monthly Magazine Issue 2

Excavator Monthly Magazine Issue 2

How did things get this way? In this issue we tackle Apocalypse Mythology for your character, along with articles on solo-play gaming, stashing your loot, and much more. Issue two of Excavator Monthly magazine is character focused, yet still has plenty for the Mutant Epoch game master to challenge the players with. Included in this release are more nasty creatures: the Bloat Creeper, Pipe Worm...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $3.50

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16x16" Map:: The Crossroads Region Gazetteer

16x16" Map:: The Crossroads Region Gazetteer

Visit the Crossroads Region It is the year 2364. The Tainted Sea continues to recede, exposing patches of the former megalopolis of Los Angeles. Few areas in the brutal world of The Mutant Epoch are so densely populated nor so embroiled in factional warfare as The Crossroads Region. This 16 x 16”, 200 dpi image shows the 3d hand sculpted map for The Crossroads Region,...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Excavator Monthly Magazine Issue 3

Excavator Monthly Magazine Issue 3

How do your post-apocalyptic heroes know each other? Issue 3 presents a robust article on dozens of possible ways in which characters can meet up prior to the beginning of game play. We also present the Fixed Value Allotment method of character generation, two wicked NPCs, two new relics: Landmine Detection coil and Advanced Grenade Launcher, along with three nasty creatures: The...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $3.50

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Mutant Bestiary One

Mutant Bestiary One

What a freak show! Keep your post-apocalyptic game players on the edge of their seats with 173 all new creatures from Abhorra to Ziagota. Your players are gonna ask “Now what the hell is that!?” Welcome to the much anticipated Mutant Bestiary One! Have your Mutant Epoch players seen it all? Looking for more than the 104 monsters found in the...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $9.99

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The Crossroads Region Gazetteer

The Crossroads Region Gazetteer

Adventure and Exploration Await! Grab your gasmask, your knee pads, crossbow and blade! Suit up into your junk armor and survival packs and get ready to dive into a world of high adventure. Welcome to the Crossroads Region! It is the year 2364. The Tainted Sea continues to recede, exposing patches of the former megalopolis of Los Angeles. Few areas in the...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $16.99

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Back Hatcher: Creatures of the Apocalypse 7

Back Hatcher: Creatures of the Apocalypse 7

What’s that squishy popping sound? Walking anywhere in the wastelands of The Mutant Epoch is always risky, but swamps pose a whole new level of peril. That squishy patch of ground your character just walked onto wasn’t as safe a step as it looked, and with a squeal, a popping noise and the flash of piranha-like teeth, you’re PC just encountered a brood of clingers freshly...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts   FREE 

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Excavator Monthly Magazine Issue 4

Excavator Monthly Magazine Issue 4

What drives your character? Why risk life and limb in the God forsaken ruins and wastelands of The Mutant Epoch? In issue 4 we offer 50 goals and obsessions to motivate your post apocalyptic character, and much more. EM-4 includes articles on how many adversaries a GM should throw at PCs, dice rolling methods to speed up game pace, creating handouts along with links to a heap...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $3.50

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Excavator Monthly Magazine Issue 5

Excavator Monthly Magazine Issue 5

Camping out in the ruins is insane! But sometimes things go awry and your dig team has no choice. If you’re gonna do it, then issue 5 explains how. While the hapless PC’s are having their sleep over in the rubble heaps, why not terrorize them? For the GM, we have an article on introducing horror into your post apocalyptic campaign. In this issue we also present more...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $3.50

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The Flesh Weavers

The Flesh Weavers

The survival of Pitford rests in your hands! A sandstorm batters the enclosed fort, forcing the characters to lay low. Unable to loot the nearby Great Ruins their money is running out fast, and they're getting thirsty as the last two food and water convoys from the city never made it.       Worse, the storm is tearing gaps in the scrap-built fortress....   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $6.99

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Creatures of the Apocalypse Codex

Creatures of the Apocalypse Codex

This mutant manual showcases 20 nasty freaks to keep your players on their toes. Included in this tome are the first 13 deviant adversaries from the free PDF offerings: Sickle Foot, Red Harvester, Spikeback, Junk Mobster, Bog-Billy, Scraplurker, Back Hatcher, Quasi, Spiker, Wailing Jhonny, Tyrannosapien, Chest Head, and Talontessa. Also included is the disturbing Muto-Harpy...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $9.99

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Excavator Monthly Magazine Issue 6

Excavator Monthly Magazine Issue 6

Ever want to play a post-apocalyptic ninja, cowboy, marine, super model or hulking mutant freak? Now you can! Issue 6 covers 20 stereotypes available as player characters. Another special feature in this issue is Tiny Terrors; 12 nasty critters to keep your players on their toes including mutant black widow spiders, jumping wood ticks, saw jawed newts and grass leeches...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  $3.50

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