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A Cambion átka (OSW)

A Cambion átka (OSW)

A Vak Kard Fogadóban Emeline Fusedust, egy kamionos mágusról hallani, aki feszültséget okozott a közeli hadviselő csoportok és a közeli kísértetjárta ház elrejtője között. Egy ork harcos, Arthur Springcleaver néven, felkér, hogy emelj átkot. Ezzel helyreállítja a helyi életmódot. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 1

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 1

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  Pay What You Want

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 16 (NFF)

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 16 (NFF)

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 17 (NFF)

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 17 (NFF)

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 2

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 2

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 20

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 20

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 21

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 21

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 22

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 22

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 23

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 23

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 24

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 24

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 25

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 25

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 26

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 26

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 27

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 27

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 28

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 28

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 29

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 29

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 30

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 30

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 31

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 31

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 32

A karakterek nagy könyve (Morgalad) Volume 32

Introduction   Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.   No problem.    Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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Creature Ecologies Lavabear (MM) Magyar

Creature Ecologies Lavabear (MM) Magyar

:lang="hu">A lávamedvék köztudottan nehezen tanulmányozható faj, mivel életük nagy részét lávaágyakban vagy azok körül töltik, és teljesen kifejlett állapotban rendkívül kicsik lehetnek. Ez veszélyessé teszi megfelelő felszerelés nélkül megfigyelésüket. A Creature Ecologies minden száma más-más lényről szól képekkel, oktatási információkkal és viselkedési...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Terrowin bányája (OSW)

Terrowin bányája (OSW)

A Mosolygó Drake Patikusban Terrowin Forestblightról, egy emberi harcosról hallani, aki elhaladó lakókocsikat lesújt be és bujkál a közeli aknákban. Egy Elf Magi Borin Voidblight néven felbérel, hogy ellopjon egy ereklyét Terrowintól. Ezzel reményt fog hozni mindenkinek a városban ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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