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Dungeon & Dice Crypt Cards

Dungeon & Dice Crypt Cards

These cards are printed on a standard sized poker deck. They serve as a full set of randomized dungeon geomorphic tiles that come in handy with world and map generation. Also they come equipped with a full polyhedral set of dice printed just above the geomorphic image so the cards can act as a completely randomized dice roll to help maximize space for small gaming tables and are perfect for those...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $5.00

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McNabb Dungeon Tiles

McNabb Dungeon Tiles

9 Custom print and play modular dungeon tiles you can print onto your favorite medium for all your dungeon building needs. For these tiles and other amazing products like them make sure to check out the user submitted content forums over at ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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0utpost Maps: Fae Manor

0utpost Maps: Fae Manor

Step into a Realm of Magic and Mystery Elevate Your Fantasy Adventures with Our Mystical Map Collection Unleash the Power of the Fae 8 High-Resolution Fae Manor Maps: A treasure trove of fantastical fae manor settings. Gridded and Gridless Versions: Adapt maps to suit your preferred playstyle, whether you prefer...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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0utpost Maps: Forests

0utpost Maps: Forests

100 Enchanting Forest Maps for Tabletop RPGs Immerse Your Players in Verdant Realms Elevate Your Gaming Worlds with Our Expansive Forest Map Collection Unleash the Power of Nature 100 High-Resolution Forest Maps: A treasure trove of diverse forest landscapes, from ancient woodlands to treacherous swamps. Gridded...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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0utpost Maps: Magic Farmhouse

0utpost Maps: Magic Farmhouse

20 Magical Farmhouse Maps for Tabletop RPGs Discover Enchantment in Every Corner Elevate Your Fantasy Adventures with Our Whimsical Map Collection Unleash the Magic Within 20 High-Resolution Farmhouse Maps: A treasure trove of fantastical farmhouse maps. Gridded and Gridless Versions: Adapt maps to suit your preferred playstyle, whether you prefer tactical grid-based combat or freeform exploration. VTT-Ready...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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10,000 Random Room Descriptions [BUNDLE]

10,000 Random Room Descriptions [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Morgalad Fantasy RPG Core Rulebook - Watermarked PDF100 Random Room Descriptions Volume 100 - Watermarked PDF100 Random Room Descriptions Volume 31 - Watermarked PDF100 Random Room Descriptions Volume 32 - Watermarked PDF100 Random Room Descriptions Volume 33 - Watermarked PDF100 Random Room Descriptions Volume 34 - Watermarked PDF100...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $98.60 $24.95

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A Cambion átka (OSW)

A Cambion átka (OSW)

A Vak Kard Fogadóban Emeline Fusedust, egy kamionos mágusról hallani, aki feszültséget okozott a közeli hadviselő csoportok és a közeli kísértetjárta ház elrejtője között. Egy ork harcos, Arthur Springcleaver néven, felkér, hogy emelj átkot. Ezzel helyreállítja a helyi életmódot. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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A maldição do Cambion (OSW)

A maldição do Cambion (OSW)

No Blind Sword Inn você ouve sobre Emeline Fusedust, uma Cambion Magi, que causou tensão entre as facções em guerra próximas e se escondeu na vizinha Haunted House. Um Orc Warrior com o nome de Arthur Springcleaver o contrata para levantar uma maldição. Ao fazer isso, você restaurará o modo de vida local. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Adventure Journal

Adventure Journal

A 200 page journal for every Role Playing Game with note pages, isometric grids, hex grids, and square grid pages. This journal is organized to allow each game session to be chronicled along with adequate room for maps and sketches. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Cambionin kirous (OSW)

Cambionin kirous (OSW)

Blind Sword Inn -hotellissa kuulet Emeline Fusedust, Cambion Magi, joka on aiheuttanut jännitystä läheisten sotien ja piilossa läheisessä Haunted Housessa. Ork Warrior, nimeltään Arthur Springcleaver, palkkaa sinut kirouksen nostamiseen. Näin palautat paikallisen elämäntavan. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Cambions förbannelse (OSW)

Cambions förbannelse (OSW)

:lang="sv">I Blind Sword Inn hör du om Emeline Fusedust, en Cambion Magi, som har orsakat spänningar mellan närliggande stridande fraktioner och gömmer sig i det närliggande Haunted House. En Orc Warrior med namnet Arthur Springcleaver anställer dig för att lyfta en förbannelse. Genom att göra det kommer du att återställa det lokala sättet att leva. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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De mijn van Terrowin (OSW)

De mijn van Terrowin (OSW)

In de Smiling Drake Apothecary hoor je over Terrowin Forestblight, een menselijke strijder, die passerende karavanen en schuilplaatsen in de nabijgelegen mijnen in een hinderlaag heeft gelokt. Een Elf Magi met de naam Borin Voidblight huurt je in om een relikwie van Terrowin te stelen. Door dit te doen, breng je hoop aan iedereen in de stad. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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De vloek van Cambion (OSW)

De vloek van Cambion (OSW)

In de Blind Sword Inn hoor je over Emeline Fusedust, een Cambion Magi, die spanning heeft veroorzaakt tussen nabijgelegen strijdende facties en schuilplaatsen in het nabijgelegen Haunted House. Een Orc Warrior met de naam Arthur Springcleaver huurt je in om een vloek op te heffen. Hierdoor herstelt u de lokale manier van leven. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Der Fluch des Kambions (OSW)

Der Fluch des Kambions (OSW)

Im Blind Sword Inn hören Sie von Emeline Fusedust, einer Cambion Magi, die Spannungen zwischen nahegelegenen Kriegsparteien und Verstecken im nahe gelegenen Haunted House verursacht hat. Ein Ork-Krieger namens Arthur Springcleaver beauftragt Sie, einen Fluch aufzuheben. Auf diese Weise stellen Sie die lokale Lebensweise wieder her. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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El ojo de Ogrymymnon (OSW)

El ojo de Ogrymymnon (OSW)

Los jugadores buscan refugio de una tormenta que se avecina, pero no están solos, abundan las reliquias malvadas, los fanáticos salvajes y los peligros ocultos. Esta aventura ofrece de todo, desde sigilo y combate, hasta acertijos y trampas. “Las incrustaciones cuadradas talladas se agrietan y caen al suelo mientras los cadáveres en descomposición de sus habitantes se arrastran y bloquean la...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $7.95

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Klątwa Cambiona (OSW)

Klątwa Cambiona (OSW)

W Karczmie Ślepego Miecza słyszysz o Emeline Fusedust, Magi z Cambion, która spowodowała napięcie między pobliskimi walczącymi frakcjami i ukrywa się w pobliskim Nawiedzonym Domu. Wojownik orków o imieniu Arthur Springcleaver zatrudnia cię do zniesienia klątwy. W ten sposób przywrócisz lokalny styl życia. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Kopalnia Terrowina (OSW)

Kopalnia Terrowina (OSW)

W Aptekarzu Uśmiechniętego Smoka słyszysz o Terrowin Forestblight, ludzkim wojowniku, który zaatakował przechodzące karawany i ukrył się w pobliskich kopalniach. Elfi Magi imieniem Borin Voidblight zatrudniają cię do kradzieży relikwii Terrowina. W ten sposób przyniesiesz nadzieję wszystkim w mieście. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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La maldición de Cambion_ aventura de una página (OSW)

La maldición de Cambion_ aventura de una página (OSW)

En Blind Sword Inn oís hablar de Emeline Fusedust, una Cambion Magi, que ha provocado tensión entre facciones en guerra cercanas y se esconde en la cercana Casa Encantada. Un guerrero orco con el nombre de Arthur Springcleaver te contrata para levantar una maldición. Al hacerlo, restaurará el estilo de vida local. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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La maledizione di Cambion (OSW)

La maledizione di Cambion (OSW)

Al Blind Sword Inn si sente parlare di Emeline Fusedust, una Cambion Magi, che ha causato tensioni tra le fazioni in guerra vicine e si nasconde nella vicina Haunted House. Un Orco Guerriero di nome Arthur Springcleaver ti assume per sollevare una maledizione. In questo modo ripristinerai lo stile di vita locale. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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La mina de Terrowin (OSW)

La mina de Terrowin (OSW)

En el Boticario del Draco Sonriente, escuchas sobre Terrowin Forestblight, un guerrero humano, que ha tendido una emboscada a las caravanas que pasaban y se esconde en las minas cercanas. Un Elf Magi llamado Borin Voidblight te contrata para robar una reliquia de Terrowin. Al hacerlo, traerá esperanza a todos en la ciudad. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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McNabb Black&White Forest Tiles

McNabb Black&White Forest Tiles

9 Custom black&white print and play modular forest tiles you can print onto your favorite medium for all your wilderness building needs. For these tiles and other amazing products like them make sure to check out the user submitted content forums over at ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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McNabb Dungeon Cards

McNabb Dungeon Cards

McNabb Games  $4.95

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McNabb Forest Tiles

McNabb Forest Tiles

9 Custom print and play modular forest tiles you can print onto your favorite medium for all your wilderness building needs. For these tiles and other amazing products like them make sure to check out the user submitted content forums over at ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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MGR Stockart - Saltmouth Isles

MGR Stockart - Saltmouth Isles

Royalty free stockart of an island map. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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MGR Terrain System

MGR Terrain System

Laser Engraved House Files 3d Printed Dungeon/City walls Other terrain pieces. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Mina de terrowin (OSW)

Mina de terrowin (OSW)

No Boticário de Drake Sorridente, você ouve sobre Terrowin Forestblight, um guerreiro humano, que emboscou caravanas que passavam e se escondeu nas minas próximas. Um Elfo Magi chamado Borin Voidblight o contrata para roubar uma relíquia de Terrowin. Ao fazer isso, você trará esperança para todos na cidade. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Mine de Terrowin (OSW)

Mine de Terrowin (OSW)

Dans l'Apothicaire de Drake souriant, vous entendez parler de Terrowin Forestblight, un guerrier humain, qui a tendu une embuscade à des caravanes et se cache dans les mines voisines. Un Elf Magi du nom de Borin Voidblight vous engage pour voler une relique à Terrowin. Ce faisant, vous apporterez de l'espoir à tout le monde en ville. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Miniera di Terrowin (OSW)

Miniera di Terrowin (OSW)

In Smiling Drake Apothecary si sente parlare di Terrowin Forestblight, un guerriero umano, che ha teso un'imboscata alle carovane di passaggio e si è nascosto nelle vicine miniere. Un Elf Magi di nome Borin Voidblight ti assume per rubare una reliquia a Terrowin. In questo modo porterai speranza a tutti in città. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Morgalad Character Sheet

Morgalad Character Sheet

New detailed character sheets for Morgalad Fantasy RPG. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  Pay What You Want

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NSS003 The Crown of Dreams Magic Item Supplement

NSS003 The Crown of Dreams Magic Item Supplement

New Supplement Saturday introduces new places items or tools useful to help add more flair to your game. This product may contain assets that were procedurally generated with the aid of creative software(s) powered by machine learning. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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NSS004 Arvandor in the Realm of Eryndor Setting Supplement

NSS004 Arvandor in the Realm of Eryndor Setting Supplement

New Supplement Saturday introduces new places items or tools useful to help add more flair to your game. This product may contain assets that were procedurally generated with the aid of creative software(s) powered by machine learning. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Oko Ogrymymnona  (OSW)

Oko Ogrymymnona (OSW)

 Gracze szukają schronienia przed nadchodzącą burzą, ale nie są sami, nikczemne relikwie, dzikich fanatyków i ukrytych niebezpieczeństw jest mnóstwo. Ta przygoda oferuje wszystko, od skradania się i walki po zagadki i pułapki.          „Rzeźbione kwadratowe inkrustacje pękają i spadają na ziemię, gdy gnijące zwłoki ich mieszkańców czołgają się i blokują ci wyjście....   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $7.95

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Orb of Evergrowth (NSS1)

Orb of Evergrowth (NSS1)

New Supplement Saturday introduces new places items or tools useful to help add more flair to your game. This product may contain assets that were procedurally generated with the aid of creative software(s) powered by machine learning. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Swindlestag's Dirge (OSW)

Swindlestag's Dirge (OSW)

In the Crying Cauldron Alchemist you hear about Carac Dirgeeye, an evil corrupted Human Priest, who has put the village into grave danger and hides in a nearby Dungeon. A Hauflin Priest by the name of Helena Stagwind hires you to bring back the head of Carac. By doing so you will be forever in their thanks. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Terrowin bányája (OSW)

Terrowin bányája (OSW)

A Mosolygó Drake Patikusban Terrowin Forestblightról, egy emberi harcosról hallani, aki elhaladó lakókocsikat lesújt be és bujkál a közeli aknákban. Egy Elf Magi Borin Voidblight néven felbérel, hogy ellopjon egy ereklyét Terrowintól. Ezzel reményt fog hozni mindenkinek a városban ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Terrowin's Mine (OSW)

Terrowin's Mine (OSW)

In the Smiling Drake Apothecary you hear about Terrowin Forestblight, a Human Warrior, who has ambushed passing caravans and hides in the nearby Mines. A Elf Magi by the name of Borin Voidblight hires you to steal a relic from Terrowin. By doing so you will bring hope to everyone in town. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Terrowinin kaivos (OSW)

Terrowinin kaivos (OSW)

Hymyilevässä Drake-apteekissa kuulet Terrowin Forestblightista, ihmissotilasta, joka on väijyttänyt ohi kulkevia asuntovaunuja ja piiloutunut läheisiin kaivoksiin. Tonttu Magi nimeltä Borin Voidblight palkkaa sinut varastamaan pyhäinjäännöksen Terrowinilta. Tekemällä niin saat toivoa kaikille kaupungin asukkaille. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Terrowins gruva (OSW)

Terrowins gruva (OSW)

I Smiling Drake Apothecary hör du om Terrowin Forestblight, en mänsklig krigare, som har bakhållet passerande husvagnar och gömmer sig i de närliggande gruvorna. En Elf Magi med namnet Borin Voidblight anställer dig för att stjäla en relik från Terrowin. Genom att göra det kommer du att ge hopp till alla i stan. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Terrowins Mine (OSW)

Terrowins Mine (OSW)

In der Smiling Drake Apothecary hören Sie von Terrowin Forestblight, einem menschlichen Krieger, der vorbeifahrende Wohnwagen überfallen und sich in den nahe gelegenen Minen versteckt hat. Ein Elfenmagier namens Borin Voidblight beauftragt Sie, Terrowin ein Relikt zu stehlen. Auf diese Weise bringen Sie allen in der Stadt Hoffnung. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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The Cambion's Curse (OSW)

The Cambion's Curse (OSW)

In the Blind Sword Inn you hear about Emeline Fusedust, a Cambion Magi, who has caused tension between nearby warring factions and hides in the nearby Haunted House. A Orc Warrior by the name of Arthur Springcleaver hires you to Lift a curse. By doing so you will restore the local way of life. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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The Cambion's Curse - Aventure d'une page (OSW)

The Cambion's Curse - Aventure d'une page (OSW)

Dans le Blind Sword Inn, vous entendez parler d'Emeline Fusedust, une Cambion Magi, qui a provoqué des tensions entre les factions en guerre à proximité et se cache dans la maison hantée voisine. Un guerrier orc du nom d'Arthur Springcleaver vous engage pour lever une malédiction. Ce faisant, vous restaurerez le mode de vie local. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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The Cult of Bashrokul (OSW) Morgalad 4D6

The Cult of Bashrokul (OSW) Morgalad 4D6

The players stumble upon a small coastal town that is being terrorized by a powerful demon named Bashrokul and his cult of telepathic wizards. The cult has infiltrated every aspect of the town's society and is using their abilities to control the minds of the townsfolk and gather sacrifices for their dark rituals. The players must expose the spies within the town, free the brainwashed rank-and-file...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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The Eye of Ogry'mym'non (OSW)

The Eye of Ogry'mym'non (OSW)

Players seek refuge from, a coming storm but they are not alone, wicked relics, wild fanatics, and hidden dangers abound. This adventure offers everything from stealth and combat, to puzzles and traps.           “The carved square inlays crack and fall to the ground as the rotting corpses of their inhabitants crawl out and block your exit. Leto throws incense on the campfire which seems...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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The Great Gardener (NSS2)

The Great Gardener (NSS2)

New Supplement Saturday introduces new places items or tools useful to help add more flair to your game. This product may contain assets that were procedurally generated with the aid of creative software(s) powered by machine learning. ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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The Treatment for Tyranny Adventure Module

The Treatment for Tyranny Adventure Module

After the grey scourge ravaged the area rumors of a small village still suffering from the affliction have made their way to town. The adventurers embark to find this village located deep inside the Black Water swamp and try to alleviate their affliction. Upon arrival they are surrounded by a tribe of barbarians who bring them before the master of the town. A self proclaimed holy man who blames...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $9.95

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Проклятие Камбиона (OSW)

Проклятие Камбиона (OSW)

В таверне «Слепой меч» вы услышите об Эмелин Фузедуст, Камбион-Волхве, которая вызвала напряженность между враждующими фракциями и прячется в соседнем Доме с привидениями. Орк-воин по имени Артур Спрингкливер нанимает...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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Шахта Терровина (OSW)

Шахта Терровина (OSW)

В «Улыбающемся аптекаре дракона» вы услышите о Терровине Лесном погоне, человеке-воине, который устроил засаду проезжающим караванам и прячется в близлежащих шахтах. Эльф-маг по имени Борин Погибель Бездны нанимает вас,...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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カンビオンの呪い (OSW)

カンビオンの呪い (OSW)

にブラインドソードインでは、近くの戦う派閥と近くのホーンテッドハウスに隠れているカンビオンマギであるエメリンフューズダストについて耳にします。アーサースプリングクリーバーという名前のオークの戦士があなたを雇って呪いを解きます。そうすることによって、あなたは地元の生活様式を回復するでしょう。...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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テロウィンの鉱山 (OSW)

テロウィンの鉱山 (OSW)

SmilingDrake Apothecaryで、通りすがりのキャラバンを待ち伏せして近くの鉱山に隠れている人間の戦士、TerrowinForestblightについて耳にします。 BorinVoidblightという名前のエルフマギがあなたを雇ってTerrowinから遺物を盗みます。そうすることで、町のみんなに希望をもたらすでしょう。 ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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坎比恩的诅咒 (OSW)

坎比恩的诅咒 (OSW)

:lang="zh-cn">在“盲剑客栈”中,您会听到一个Cambion魔术师Emeline Fusedust的故事,该成员在附近的交战派系和附近的“鬼屋”中造成了生皮之间的紧张关系。一个名叫亚瑟·斯普林克莱弗(Arthur Springcleaver)的兽人战士雇用您解除诅咒。这样,您将恢复当地的生活方式。 ...   [click here for more]
McNabb Games  $4.95

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