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Baroque Space Opera

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Enter a fantastic universe beyond time and space. A universe filled with strange technology, stranger cultures, exotic locations, and incredible danger.

In a distant time, at the far-flung reaches of space...

The known universe is ruled by the immortal Tyrant and his oppressive 149,000 year regime. Genetically-engineered, flesh-and-blood Pharisto gods rule over humanity and alien alike. Biological minds whose intellect approaches that of machines, shape-shifting genetic clones in search of individuality, and atomic-scale clockwork mechanicals given sentience are just some of its denizens.

Enemies within and without plot to bring down the eternal Dominion. Interdimensional invaders lurk beyond space and time, plotting their next incursion. Unfathomable aliens stalk humanity, corrupting and enslaving their victims for strange purposes. Once more, the rebellious machines, betrayers of humanity, threaten to escalate the millennium-old cold war. Meanwhile, the Pharisto houses further their schemes, eyeing the Tyrantine Throne of the golden planet, Baroque, for themselves.

Grab your energy projector and activate your shunt shield. Voidship fleets are moving into position. The pieces are falling into place. Which side will you choose? Will you enforce the will of the Tyrant to ensure the stoic Dominion endures for another hundred millennia, or will you become an Arch Heretic to tear down this suffocating and corrupt regime? The choice is yours.

The Baroqueverse awaits.

Baroque Space Opera is a complete setting for use with Fate Core; it requires a copy of Fate Core to play.

If you are a fan of Dune, The Metabarons, Star Gate, Lexx, Farscape, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, you will enjoy the Baroqueverse.

Pharisto Barge of HeavenSimulacraAural ScarabBooks

What you will find inside:

  • More setting, less rules.
  • A detailed treatise on the Dominion of the Tyrant.
  • The incredible technologies of the Baroqueverse.
  • 63 exotic locations that are packed with plot hooks.
  • Over 20 character archetypes to choose from.
  • Prana psychic powers mechanic.
  • Nanotechnological Dust technology that is indistinguishable from magic.
  • A Wealth mechanic.
  • Navigating the virtual realm that is the Pattern.
  • Beneficial Things mechanic for gear, companions, vehicles, and everythng else.
  • Voidships mechanic for creating starships and using them in your games.
  • Plenty of pre-generated adversaries, voidships, and equipment.
  • A map of the Baroqueverse.

Difference Between Standard and Premium Format

The only difference is that the colours in Premium are just a hint stronger than in Standard. The differences are very subtle and it is very hard to tell the books apart. The paper quality feels the same in both.

Download Resources:


  • Red Dice Diaries reviews Baroque Space Opera:

Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA) Playtest Rules

  • You can find the PbtA playtest rules here:

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Reviews (7)
Discussions (24)
Customer avatar
Philip T February 12, 2023 1:30 pm UTC
"I've been working on, and play-testing, a Powered By The Apocalypse version of the setting for a while now. I'm close to done and will release the play-test rules soon."

That's great news!
I like Fate (Fate Accelerated) and PbtA even more, any progress with that version you can tell us about?
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Mark K February 16, 2023 6:56 pm UTC
Yep. You can find the PbtA playtest rules here:
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Neil S April 04, 2022 6:13 am UTC
Interdimensional invaders lurk beyond space and time are there stats for them
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Mark K December 09, 2022 11:21 pm UTC
Yes, there's stats for the ones mentioned in the book.

Sorry for the late reply, I never got notified about the post.
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Neil S August 03, 2021 4:49 am UTC
does this have an alien generator
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Mark K August 04, 2021 2:36 am UTC
No it does not. Aliens are not that common. There are a couple mentioned, but the setting focuses more around the genetic manipulation of the human form. For completeness, there are no random generators of any kind in BSO.
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Nadav A May 02, 2020 9:23 pm UTC
Can this be played using the new Fate Condensed ( or does it specifically require Fate Core?
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Mark K May 02, 2020 10:18 pm UTC
Absolutely! Fate Condensed is Fate Core in a streamlined book and a couple minor tweaks:
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Nadav A May 04, 2020 12:24 pm UTC
Thank you for your answer.
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John P April 27, 2020 3:30 am UTC
Purchased the wonderful hardback a few years ago. For some reason I don't have the PDF. Perhaps my mistake?
Any way to fix that, being included for the same price?
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Mark K April 27, 2020 3:37 am UTC
For sure! Email me at the address on the Contacts page on the book and I'll send you a link to get the PDF free.
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John P April 27, 2020 10:56 pm UTC
Thanks Mark!
Love this setting. Have you ever considered porting it to another 'generic' RPG system? Would definitely be on board for more.
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Mark K December 22, 2021 5:33 am UTC
I've been working on, and play-testing, a Powered By The Apocalypse version of the setting for a while now. I'm close to done and will release the play-test rules soon.
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John P January 03, 2022 6:47 pm UTC
Great news! Looking forward to it.
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Dani J January 31, 2016 10:32 pm UTC
Hi, I love the rich setting and layout of the book. But there's one thing that's bugging me. On 63p. There's a blank space on green box. Is that intentional or have you simply miss this? Thank you for the amazing work
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Mark K February 01, 2016 5:28 am UTC

Thanks! I'm not aware of any empty green boxes in the book. On pg 63, the box says:

"A common saying and blessing throughout the D ominion is : “The Body
is luminous .” It is used both as a greeting and a parting . Another
common saying is : “The Tyrant repays a thousand fold .” This can be
taken as positive or negative , depending on context ."

Have you tried another PDF reader? The box text is visible both in digital and in print.
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Dani J February 01, 2016 9:42 am UTC
Yup, my bad. I was using Moon pdf reader, and there was no problem when I used adobe reader app. Thanks for the quick reply. You're awesome
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Mark K January 04, 2016 11:35 pm UTC
Discount codes have been sent out to those who purchased the PDF before December 31st, 2015.
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Jason D January 10, 2016 3:57 pm UTC
I have not received a code.
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Mark K January 10, 2016 6:35 pm UTC
Hi Jason. You may have your DRTRPG settings set to prevent publishers from contacting you, or it is in your spam box. Please forward your DRTRPG purchase confirmation email to my email listed on the 2nd page of the PDF and I'll send you the discount codes.
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Jason D January 11, 2016 2:19 pm UTC
My mistake! I purchased it as part of the Bundle of Fate from the Bundle of Holding late last year.
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Jason D January 11, 2016 7:32 pm UTC
Does the Humble Bundle purchase qualify for the purpose of a discount code?
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Mark K January 11, 2016 7:44 pm UTC
Hi Jason. No, the Fate Bundle +3 does not qualify for the pre-purchase of the PDF. The reason for that is that the book in the bundle was very heavily discounted already.
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Jason D January 15, 2016 7:42 am UTC
Fair enough. Just thought I'd check!
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Mark K December 30, 2015 11:28 pm UTC
The book is now available in print! If you have purchased the PDF before or on Dec 30th, 2015, you will receive a discount code to purchase the print hardcover at the equivalent cost of the book + PDF. Apparently I have to wait a few days for the system to allow me to create discount codes. :(
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Nicholas P December 06, 2015 4:12 pm UTC
I want to purchase this, both as a PDF file and as a book. If I purchase the PDF now and the book later, will I be penalized in terms of cost more than if I wait until the PoD is ready?
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Mark K December 06, 2015 8:00 pm UTC
Hi. No, you will not be penalized. Everyone who purchased the PDF will receive a code to purchase the book at a cost equivalent to the book and PDF.

I'm just waiting for the proofs to arrive (they were already shipped) before I can make the print book available.
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Michael S December 30, 2015 1:49 am UTC
How are the proofs looking?
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Mark K December 30, 2015 4:25 pm UTC
They look awesome. The minor updates I made to the final copies were approved today. The print version should be available any moment (hopefully today).
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Mark K November 18, 2015 2:46 am UTC
Baroque Space Opera has been updated in prep for print. It now includes the back cover, a lexicon, and a quick reference section for all the rules in the book. Character and Voidship sheets were also added.
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November 27, 2015 1:47 am UTC
Mark, I think that you need to have a Copy Editor look over the book, as you have a lot of mismatched grammar in what I have read.
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Mark K November 27, 2015 3:51 pm UTC
Bryce, could you be more specific? The book uses Canadian/UK spelling. You can contact me via email it's on the license page in the book.
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Jason D October 21, 2015 12:36 pm UTC
Mark - I notice that you're based in Berlin. So, as it happens, am I!

Any chance you'd be up for running this sometime locally, perhaps at one of Otherland's Thursday night gaming nights, or as part of the Berlin Pen-and-Paper RPG meetups?
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Mark K November 04, 2015 3:23 am UTC

I'm actually based in Toronto, Canada. What made you think I'm in Berlin (curious)?
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Jason D November 17, 2015 7:04 pm UTC
Ah, the DTRPG timestamps are confusing... they put the time for a post and amend it with the location of the user's location, not the poster's. Very strange.
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Dillard R October 15, 2015 2:58 am UTC
Fear Gas Orb- (1 stunt, 1 trouble, 3BP) +Hallucination Gas. -(trouble)Blown away in high wind. 1 zone Area Effect. +1 (Average) Hallucinogenic Gas-- Bronze Rule character. Create Advantage aspect on first turn and each turn targets stay in zone versus Physique. A success Creates Advantage Aspect "The Walls are Melting", or similar. Must Overcome aspect to act normally. Takes only one stress to overcome. You can use the Bronze rule and specify broad skills instead of introducing a different rule set such as FAE. The Bronze Rule pretty much works the same when using broad skills.
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Dillard R October 14, 2015 6:00 am UTC
You use the term story quite a bit. Such as, "taken out to the end of the story." FATE uses Scene, Session, Scenario, and Arc. Do you define story anywhere in the book?
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Mark K October 14, 2015 2:51 pm UTC
Fate Core uses story interchangeably with Scenario and story Arc throughout the book. I don't believe it needs to be defined.
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Dillard R October 15, 2015 12:52 am UTC
Mark I am not trying to be a pest. I have played FATE since the Kickstarter. I have been playing since the first PDF came out. I checked in the FATE Core book before I asked the question (as I have done with all my questions). FATE does use the term story a lot mostly to discuss narrative concepts and in story time. Under Scenes, Sessions, and Scenarios the rules outline how to create a Scenario, which I think you are confusing with the word "story" in Baroque. This becomes even more significant when discussing milestones for advancement. A Minor Milestone is reached at the end of a session. A Significant Milestone is reached at the end of a Scenario (at no time in the book called a story). A Major Milestone is reached at the end of an Arc (defined as several scenarios). There is more flexibility than this and is detailed in chapters "Scenes, Sessions and Scenarios", and in "the Long Game". I want you to be successful. I like this setting, but if you are going to define Story to mean...See more
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Dillard R October 13, 2015 6:07 am UTC
p324 under benefit and trouble aspects you indicate that "if you have multiple free invokes stacked on a single aspect, you may not invoke both at the same time." If you read FATE Core p70 Free Invocations may stack. So I don't know if perhaps you are mixing terminology. If someone uses Create Advantage action they have the potential of adding a further two Free Invocations to the benefit aspect. So are your free invokes more "free uses" that can't be stacked or are they actual Free Invocations which can be stacked according to FATE Core?
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Mark K October 14, 2015 3:13 am UTC
Good question. Beneficial Things are an extra: a rules addition to Fate Core and provide new terminology in the form on Benefit Aspects. Fate Core only lets you use multiple invokes on Create an Advantage Aspects, and not normal aspects, which do not have additional invocations. Benefit Aspects are a bridge between the two types of aspects; they let you have multiple invokes, yet you are not permitted to invoke each more than once per action. This limitation exists for balance reasons. Create an Advantage costs you your action to use, and if you succeed with style, you get 2 invocations. Since you do not need to spend an action and get free invokes on Benefit Aspects, a measure of balance is maintained. If there was no such limit, you could drop bombs on your rolls that could potentially be anywhere between +2 and +6, or more (at no fate or action cost), depending on how many Benefit Aspects you gave your Beneficial Thing. Anyhow, that's the reasoning for said rule. If you don't like it, feel free to make a house...See more
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Dillard R October 14, 2015 6:25 am UTC
Let me repeat this back so I understand. A Benefit Aspect can only be invoked once per action. You can invoke it with a FATE Point or with the attached "free invoke" but you may not stack these types of invocations. You have one "free invoke" per story (see other question about "story").
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Mark K October 14, 2015 2:58 pm UTC
The exact wording is: "The beneficial aspects may be invoked, for free, at least once per session by you; the GM may also invoke the trouble aspect for free, once or twice per session." (pg. 324). The standard Fate Core rules of invoking an aspect once per action still applies, whether that is as a free invoke or with a fate point. You have as many free invokes as the Beneficial Thing was designed with, per session. Some have one, some have more per aspect on them. You can see the pre-generated ones for examples.
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Dillard R October 15, 2015 12:58 am UTC
So in a way it is like the old "Signature Aspect" stunt from Spirit of the Century. It allows you to invoke that aspect once per session just as if you used a Fate Point; without actually using a Fate Point.
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Dillard R October 12, 2015 12:33 am UTC
There doesn't seem to be a plain old human archetype? Can you be a Hereseer without being a pharisto? So I could be an exalted hereseer? Can you be an exalted Amaranthine?
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Mark K October 12, 2015 4:48 am UTC
In the cannon setting, humans and elevated cannot be Hereseers or Pharistos, the social stratification and traditions do not allow for it. That is not to say they can't be in your game. You should fit the setting to your desires, not the other way around. Baroque Space Opera is a toolbox. Take what you like, toss what you don't like. It would be easy to create a vanilla human archetype and their stunts would be along lines of genetic manipulation to fit the environment they were born in (strength from heavy-gravity world, or height on a low gravity planet, even night vision from a dark or underground setting, etc.)
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Dillard R September 24, 2015 1:13 am UTC
Is there a character sheet?
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Mark K September 24, 2015 1:19 am UTC
There will be one, when the print version is completed. The electronic PDF will be updated. It will include the character sheet, voidship sheet, and a Lexicon.
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Mark Kowaliszyn
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