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Doskvol Street Maps - Detailed Maps for Blades in the DarkClick to magnify

Doskvol Street Maps - Detailed Maps for Blades in the Dark


Explore the haunted city of Doskvol as never before with these highly detailed street-by-street maps for Blades in the Dark

This package includes a complete high-resolution map of Doskvol with over a thousand individually named features (streets, parks, canals, caves, and more). Every district from Whitecrown to Dunslough is included, as well as fringe areas like the Lost District and Old North Port.

Map preview


  • A complete high-resolution map of the city in three formats (vector PDF, high-res image, medium-res image)
  • A printable PDF and image of each individual district (at letter-ratio for easy printing)
With creative consultation by Blades in the Dark creator John Harper, these maps build on the established lore of the city, adding further rich detail. They provide a valuable play-aid and springboard for all your heist-planning needs, whether in person or through a virtual tabletop. 

Blades in the Dark™ is a trademark of One Seven Design. The Forged in the Dark Logo is © One Seven Design, and is used with permission.

The purchaser is given permission to use a printing service to create physical copies of these media files. 

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Discussions (15)
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shwas G April 24, 2024 2:23 pm UTC
Can anyone tell how many maps are there in this pack? Is there any extra map than the ones in the book? Thanks!
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Christopher C January 04, 2024 2:50 pm UTC
What I wouldn't give to have a map of U'Duasha from the Special Edition with the same detail and quality as this.
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Jakob S October 16, 2023 7:31 pm UTC
Did anyone try printing this on a fabric map?
(I have made fabric prints for scientific posters, in the past but I am not sure if this would be too small to see properly on fabric.)
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Philip W January 03, 2023 10:12 pm UTC
How MANY sub-maps are there in this collection, and are they all plotted to the same scale?
ARE there scales given on the maps?

I have to say, in addition to being invaluable for "Blades in the Dark", it could make for a fabulous, many-round game of "Beak, Feather & Bone", or to a "Beak, Feather & Bone"-style treatment, only using Doskvol factions instead of those given in "B,F&B"!
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Christopher C January 04, 2024 2:49 pm UTC
Hi there. There are 13 maps, one for each of the districts of the city, all scaled to each other. There is no scale markers on any of the maps, so you have to decide an appropriate scale for yourself.

Hope this helps, even if it's a year and a day after the fact.
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Jacob C September 11, 2022 2:28 am UTC
Anyone know what the dashed lines on the maps mean? fences? underground canals?
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camille D August 25, 2022 12:03 am UTC
Is there any chance we could get a version without text of the big map? I'd like to print it out for my players but there's no reasonable format where all the small text is readable so I'd rather it not be there so I can have a "clean" map or maybe re-label some key area in bigger font myself
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Jacob C September 12, 2022 1:28 am UTC
Hi, the map is in layers in the PDF. You can turn off the name layers
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Ollie W July 18, 2022 10:42 am UTC
Great maps, but I can't find Kellen's (the pub in Charhollow that my crew of vigilantes are defending from anti-Skov violence).
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Bruce L May 26, 2022 3:55 pm UTC
This would make a fantastic fantasy city for any FRPG. I have a collection of FRPG city maps already, otherwise, I would purchase this in a heartbeat. Cheers!
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Steve H May 18, 2021 9:50 pm UTC
I can only spot one mistake: in Silkshore, what I presume is supposed to be "Bridge of Delight" is spelled "Bright of Delight".

It's only a small error, but these maps are so great I feel like they deserve absolute perfection. Any plans to rectify the mistake or are we stuck with them as is?

(Not that anyone's really "stuck" with these maps, they're that good.)
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Ilya B April 09, 2021 4:57 pm UTC
Would it be possible to get a copy of the maps without street names in any form? I am trying to translate the maps into my language.
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Toby G December 18, 2021 2:25 pm UTC
+1. I would also be interested in city maps with no text.
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Joan Ignasi M February 24, 2022 12:20 am UTC, blades in the dark, downloads, player booklet. It's near the end.
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Mark P March 09, 2021 8:59 am UTC
For VTT grid purpose (Foundry), is there a scale?
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Christian S April 20, 2021 9:29 am UTC
1px = 1 meter

I have based that scale on how big the livarithan ships in the harbour are
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Natalia U January 27, 2021 4:27 am UTC
The map marks/lists every district's point of interests except for Kellan's in Charhollow. Am I missing it or did it not make it onto the map?
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Mark B September 29, 2020 7:57 pm UTC
They look good, but why are the loose images in jpeg format? They're all artifacted. Surely png would have been better?
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Harry S June 13, 2020 5:10 pm UTC
Do you have any recommendations for page scale if I import these into roll20?
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Frazer G June 30, 2020 1:23 pm UTC
Just been setting these up myself on Roll20, for the individual districts I'm using a grid of 30w/40h for the vertical ones and the reverse for the horizontal ones. As for the main one I've gone 50w/90h but honestly the bigger the better with that one as it has so much detail.
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Mark P March 09, 2021 9:00 am UTC
What does that work out in metres per grid unit? I'm using Foundry so the settings are different to Roll20, simply a Grid scale that asks for distance and units.
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Justin K April 23, 2020 2:23 pm UTC
Some very detailed maps! These will be a large boon for my game. I like the idea of the high res city maps, but its near impossible to tell which district is which without some careful investigation. I'm not a graphic designer, but it seems like some highlighting/grayscale scheme to better show the borders between districts with a larger font indicating which district is which would go a long way to making it functional from an at-a-glance map in addition to the wonderful street-by-street map it is.

Maybe the intention though is to still use the map included with the game for orienting yourself between the districts? Was glad to see the lost district included as its own district map.
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File Last Updated:
January 07, 2021
This title was added to our catalog on March 30, 2020.