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Western EN: Last Stop White Haven


Caleb had been waiting for the Bandit Queen Eliza Blackstone to make even the tiniest mistake. The Blackstone Gang had terrorized Colorado with a spree of thefts, robberies, beatings, and murder. The trail they followed was crimson, lined with the bodies of the dead. But now, finally, the outlaws had made the mistake he had been waiting for. They had taken the train up to the mining camp of White Haven, situated in a small valley so rugged and remote that the only way to get there was by rail. The train arrives only once a week. Now they are stuck and absolutely clueless that the posse will arrive there on the next train. Caleb felt sorry for the prospectors up there, suddenly set upon by the most brutal gang of outlaws that had ever set foot in these parts. He prayed the posse would administer swift justice and not let any harm come to the innocents of White Haven!

This scenario takes place in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado. It has 6 pre-generated characters, for easy pick up and play, but can be played with your usual characters too, as long as they would consider to join a posse or can be lured to White Haven for any other reason. It can be played in a single session thanks to the helpful pointers for the Game Master, to keep the pace up. It has a lot more to offer if your gaming group has more time to explore the setting and the intrigues here further in this extended version of the Adventure. Game Masters are recommended to read all characters to gain a better understanding for each of the characters, their background and what motivates them during the scenario.

The adventure takes place in the Rocky Mountains, and begins on a train bound for White Haven, during the freezing winter of January 1876. The characters’ focus is to stop the brutal rampage of the Blackstone Gang, who took the previous train to White Haven last week, after their latest assault. A posse has formed in Golden City to hunt them down, including most of the player characters.

The posse is expecting a sleepy little town, but several outlaw outfits has descended on the White Valley to rob the mine. The McKendricks now has the Wolford Mine in their possession, while Coulton and his men have taken over the Law in White Haven and guard the mountain pass to the valley. No one can leave the valley undetected. Meanwhile, the Dobson Clan has sought out the Blackstone Gang to help them attack the Wolford Mine.

A few Pinkertons are out to get the McKendricks for crimes they have committed in the past.

The scenario book is 36 pages long and you have another 24 pages of handouts, including 6 pre-generated characters, 19 Character Cards, 5 Lead Cards, 2 Pinkerton Cards, 4 maps, and 2 Wanted Posters.

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December 10, 2021
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