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Sacrifice: An Incense & Iron RPG - Branded EditionClick to magnify
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Sacrifice: An Incense & Iron RPG - Branded Edition

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You were betrayed. Marked for sacrifice. Branded. But they didn’t count on your determination and will to live. Or perhaps it was just pure rage. That terrible night, when your world was turned upside down, you discovered who you really are. Regardless of the reason or how, you survived. But now, you are being hunted. Terrible creatures, demons and spirits of the dead, torment your nights, and the Inquisition, the very same institution you once swore to dedicate your life to, has branded you as a heretic, a demon fiend. You travel alone, because you know that wherever you go, death will follow. But you march on, perhaps seeking revenge, or to make the world a bit less dark. One thing is clear: anyone in your way, be it a demonic Apostle or agents of the Holy See, will soon learn how strong your will to live is.

Sacrifice is a Role-Playing Game that uses a familiar set of D20-based rules and procedures. In it, you play as a Branded, a character that has been marked for demonic sacrifice. Somehow, you escaped the sinister ritual alive, but you are now chased both by demons and the all-powerful Inquisition.

As a Branded, you are no ordinary mortal. You have escaped certain death, and while the forces of evil are powerful, as is the Holy Church and its Inquisition, so is your will to live. Your determination and resilience in the face of certain death sets you apart from the common man, nothing else. What some deem supernatural abilities you know well is just a combination of experience, determination, and sometimes, pure luck. Or is it?

In Sacrifice, you explore the devastated No Man’s Land, a large swath of land between the Kingdom of Pavaria and the Cadaennor Dominion that has fallen into chaos due to the ongoing conflict between the two countries. You’re far from alone here, though: soldiers from both factions, commoners, mercenary bands, inquisitors, heretics, bandits, beasts, and demons all walk this land, some of them even making a home out of it. Will you find what you search for here?

Sacrifice Features:

  • An OSR D20 ruleset easily compatible with other retroclones.
  • A classless character creation system, complete with skills, feats and much more.
  • As a Branded, your character is above average, capable of dealing with many opponents at once and surviving what would be certain death for others. This makes Sacrifice ideal for 1-on-1 play (one GM, one PC), although standard group play is of course possible, and even solo, thanks to the full set of GM-less rules and procedures included.
  • Interesting and rich combat, with critical hit and fumble tables, morale rules, exciting Combat Maneuvers, dueling, and more.
  • A feudal, human-centric ruthless world with no magic but full of demonic evil and corrupted institutions, centered around No Man’s Land, a setting strongly influenced by Kentaro Miura’s Berserk, complete with gear lists, bestiary, and a gazetteer.
  • Detailed travel and hex-based exploration rules, with encounter tables that change depending on the current hex’s situation: is there a battle going on? Is it a war-torn, devastated place? Is it one of the few untouched corners left in No Man’s Land? Or perhaps you found a pocket of civilization? All these affect what you can expect to find in a hex.
  • This Branded Edition brings together the content from the core rules, plus the Companion expansion, the new Tomb Robber starting occupation, as well as many fixes and small changes, none of which affect gameplay or compatibility with the previous edition.
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Isaiah H January 10, 2024 1:05 pm UTC
Since the 2nd Zine came out I bought all 3 books in print and really think its a cool game from my limited time with the pdfs already!

I love the art and presentation and as a big fan of Berserk the "little" references are very neat, the combat prosthetic looks like as much over the top fun as it should be!

I have only browsed the rules moderately but was curious if there was a suggested rule hack for changing DL from Armors from the AC style "to hit" target number into a damage reduction mechanic? Its quite possible I missed it in the two zines or even core-book I admit. But also accept the game just might not be designed around that idea at all.

Also any plans for a dedicated bestiary expansion with even more crazy creatures and more Apostles? Making our own Apostles will be very fun, but I am a sucker for Monster Manuals.

Thanks! Will be watching for more books from this line and others.
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Alejo T September 18, 2024 3:41 pm UTC
I'm glad you like the game! I have some new stuff for it in the works for early next year. As for your question, since my goal was to keep it compatible with D&D, especially with AD&D, the core mechanics are the same as in those games, so having armor reduce damage (something I actually prefer) isn't in the game. There are several ways to transform AC into damage reduction, though, so if you take a look around the Internet, you'll find something you like for sure!
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Ciaran B December 14, 2023 7:43 am UTC
Quick question does this contain the companion as well? I am curious as I am going to order the PDFs and Print on demand of the three books that are currently out :-) thanks again.
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Alejo T December 14, 2023 9:00 am UTC
Yes, this is the complete version that includes the Companion, as well as a lot of fixes, adjustments to stats, new art and new content!
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Ciaran B December 14, 2023 9:25 am UTC
Amazing thank you so much for the insanely fast reply thanks again (I also cant wait for the current KS) I am about to run Across a Thousand Dead Planets game for some new people. Love your work thank you.
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Isaiah H November 30, 2023 10:19 am UTC
just a question but what was the incentive to omit magic as a whole? A game so strongly influenced by Berserk but having no magic conflicts my interest. In addition to the bad guys with demonic powers and full on sorcerery in the Manga the hero party traveling with Guts has two full on Mages casting spells with Schierke and eventually Farnese learning. Thats in addition to Serpico basically being an Air themed Sword-Mage with his Wind Blade artifact.

No disrespect at all, just curious about the thought process. As an outsider looking in seems as odd to me as making a Star Wars themed game but saying something like The Force doesnt exist. Which I guess would just be Firefly?

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Alejo T November 30, 2023 12:14 pm UTC
It's a perfectly valid question! Magic certainly does exist, I just preferred it to be this mysterious force usually wielded by the bad guys. And although the game's strongly influenced by Berserk, it's not a 1:1 translation. In any case, I had planned introducing magic since the very beginning, I just didn't want it to be the usual thing. The good news is that I have already finished the magic rules, and they are already available via my Patreon! They will appear in the second issue of Demonic (Sacrifice's official zine), which will be out in January.
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Isaiah H December 01, 2023 7:47 am UTC
hey thanks for the answer. i really appreciate it and the honesty! once the second zine is out i'll for sure be picking up all three books in print!
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william R November 12, 2023 6:13 pm UTC
I feel like i threw my money away when i bought the original and THEN this book comes out. Makes me less inclined to ever think of buying another product by them... hate to throw more money away
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Alejo T November 12, 2023 6:42 pm UTC
Which is why I sent the PDF as a free upgrade to all previous customers and an at-cost PoD code as well. If you didn't receive either please contact me at and we'll sort it out!
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william R November 14, 2023 5:20 am UTC
I hate having issues and meds that affect my memory. It was only when emailing about the issue that I remembered that while I Own the book, I did buy it... I also bought it through AMAZON, which makes me the bad guy here. I sincerely apologize, and I wish my brain worked better. If I could delete my comment, I would. Blackoath games, please accept my apologies. I should have bought it through DTR instead of Amazon. I like your products immensely, which is why I felt the disappointment I did.
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Kelly W October 09, 2023 10:06 pm UTC
does this include solo rules?
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Alejo T October 10, 2023 9:42 am UTC
It does, yes! It has a whole section dedicated to it, several pages long, with tables and oracles.
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Aaron L July 20, 2023 5:00 pm UTC
Did this get the downgrade to the number of encounters that you discussed on the geekgamers youtube thread?
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Alejo T July 20, 2023 5:18 pm UTC
It did, although I suspect some might think encounters are still too large. This is by design, though, since there are plenty of tools at your disposal to either avoid dangerous enemies, or mow your way through groups of easier ones. So far nobody has complained about it so I think the difficulty is in a good place now. As usual though, it's extremely simple to reduce the numbers of opponents on the fly if one considers them too numerous. A Branded character + a sidekick of some sort (like a Commoner) are a perfectly functional combo to face most of the usual dangers.
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Aaron L July 21, 2023 1:04 pm UTC
Cool. I will pick it up. Also interested in Riftbreakers. I don't see much about that.
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Alejo T July 21, 2023 1:05 pm UTC
I'm hoping some reviews will come up soon!
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Nicolai B July 16, 2023 10:49 am UTC
Mmmhhh, Normally I am not a fan of d&d rules BUT! the fact that this game is classless and has many critical stats AND is also influenced by Berserk, makes me sit up and take notice.
I think I will get it through Amazon, is there a possibility to get a discount on the pdf if I buy the whole thing through Amazon?
And do you think this game will get more content in the future, or is it self-contained?
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Alejo T July 16, 2023 11:21 am UTC
Yeah I'm not the biggest D&D fan either but I think that I deviated enough from the formula (while still retaining full compatibility) to make this interesting. If you get the books via Amazon just send me proof of purchase and I'll send you free DTRPG links. And yes, I'm making new content quite regularly, you have the Chronicles Vol I expansion with scenarios, and Demonic, the official zine, both available.
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Nicolai B July 16, 2023 11:33 am UTC
Wow this is so cool, Thanks alot Alejo, i will get the books now, du you have an e-mail for my proof of purchase?
Customer avatar
Alejo T July 16, 2023 11:56 am UTC
No problem, please contact me at
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