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Mörk Manual Preview, Classic Fantasy for Mörk BorgClick to magnify
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Mörk Manual Preview, Classic Fantasy for Mörk Borg

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This is an excerpt from rk Manual, successfully funded on Kickstarter in June 2023.

Mörk Borg mayhem in a grunge fantasy world. 

rk Manual is a single volume game, including all rules and adversaries needed to get you started. A compendium of classic classes, scrolls, and slightly modified rules to fit classic fantasy gaming in the Mörk Borg system. The world is similar but different. You'll count down the fulfillment of prophecies predicting the return of the Dark Lord while battling his minions to try and prevent that day from arriving. 

It features:

  • SCOUNDRELS, warriors who use any weapon or armor. 
  • CHARLATANS, strong in the use of Scolls but weak otherwise.
  • DOOMSAYERS, priests and false prophets who stole Power from a god. 
  • VAGABONDS, thieves and burglars, nimble fingered and resourceful. 
  • NEW ITEMS, including WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION - magic items that have a mind and will of their own. 
  • PLUS - (PLUS!) If you order today, we'll also include... 6 more classes, plus tons Tons TONS of monsters.
With so many exciting things, what's not to love? Need more information? Taste these steaming morsels!
POWERS, not just for your grandma's scroll casting anymore. Classes integrate the use of daily powers into a wide variety of abilities and actions. They power not one scrolls but all kinds of wonderful abilitis.
CORRUPTION, not just catastrophic but a reworked failure system for Scrolls that's been massaged to be slightly more gentle while still creating interesting in game effects. 
Original-old classes, like the WURMCALLER, and the WARDEN OF GALGEN, both broken-souled but undaunted, serving as emissaries of a higher calling.
This game is full of dark humor and is intended for a mature audience. Reader descretion is advised. No horses were hurt in the making of this game. Really, we do love horses. They're amazing animals even when they're not being eaten as a distraction by Vale Wyvern as you hightail it down the mountain path, streaming tears and silver as you run. 

Mörk Manual is an independent production by Rodney Rickrode and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell.
It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

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Rodney R May 16, 2023 11:26 am UTC
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File Last Updated:
July 12, 2023
This title was added to our catalog on May 16, 2023.