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Terminal State QuickStart


Play a new game in the new year! As part of our New Year, New Game sale this digital title has been discounted by up to 40%.


This world is an error. A glitch. It has to be. This can’t be the way life was meant to be. 

It all went wrong somewhere. Probably when we let the hyper-corps take control. Now they control everything we consume. Everything we eat, drink, watch, or buy. They’re even  trying to control how we think. Sooner or later, they’ll finish the job. 

Unless you stop them.


Welcome to Terminal State. In this tabletop roleplaying game QuickStart, you and your friends take on the role of the protagonists of the story. Traversing the mean streets, executive boardrooms, and barren wastelands of a near-future corporate dystopian world. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the ones who change the fate of humanity.

Or, maybe you’ll just earn some credit and blow stuff up!


Most of this information presented in this QuickStart is in a shortened and often more abstract manner than the full rules in the core rulebook. Any rules or information that could be considered vague or open to interpretation are presented that way intentionally. This document is simply an introduction — a teaser — to the near-future, corporate dystopian world of Terminal State.



1.0  The World of 2089....................6-11

2.0  Player Characters...................12-27

3.0  Skills & Talents.........................28-31

4.0  Augments & Gear....................32-35

5.0  Hacking & Apps........................36-41

6.0  Rolling the Dice.........................42-45

7.0  Combat & Damage...................46-57

8.0  Travel & Chases.........................58-61

9.0  Running the Game...................62-65

A1   Dog Days (Adventure)..............66-72


Terminal State is based on the Year Zero Engine (YZE). The rules and setting details presented in the Terminal State QuickStart (TSQS) are presented for you to run the adventure using the pregenerated characters contained within.

This game is not affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by Fria Ligan AB. The Year Zero Engine System Reference Document is used under Fria Ligan AB’s Free Tabletop License.

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Christopher V December 17, 2023 4:42 pm UTC
New files uploaded. Fixing minor typos and properly crediting Lone Archivist for their excellent "Made by Humans" logo.
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Christian H November 05, 2023 8:01 pm UTC
I played a one-shot at a convention, using the pre-generated characters that are included in this bundle.

When I told others about my experience, I used the phrase "Cyberpunk, but with an influence of Mork Borg - remove the Neon of your typical cyberpunk adventure, and make it way grittier."
And sure enough, looking at the author, they also have Mork Borg material under their cover.

The "Year Zero Engine" is a system I haven't played before; It changes the dice you are rolling, which, to me, adds a little crunch, yet feels in line with the harsh world that this game runs in.
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Christopher V November 06, 2023 10:16 pm UTC
It was great having you play it at the convention and thanks for the kind words.

The "neon" is there, but it is kept just at of reach. Reserved for the corps and the elite. The average PC lives far removed from the glitter and glow. Many strive to achieve that goal, others just want to tear it down.
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File Last Updated:
December 14, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on October 23, 2023.