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200 Pickpocket Items and More

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200 Pickpocket Items and More!

Herein you will find a table of 200 items that can be snatched when a player picks a pocket, cuts a purse, or loots a corpse. 

Each item has a brief description and a monetary value. The items are frequently unusual, mostly useless, sometimes humorous and occasionally mysterious, such as the golden nose ring that always smells like bacon, a flying handkerchief, or a bracelet made of ever-living vines. The table can also be used to give trinkets to players or to determine items found among dead foes after a fight.

You can roll across the entire table of 200 unique items, or roll on a subset of 100 items that are specific to the type of NPC being pilfered,
from lowlifes to the very wealthy. That way, the value of the item matches the fortunes, or lack thereof, of the target.

As a bonus, also included are 15 new magic items designed around the theme of both the execution and prevention of pickpocketing,
like the arrow of stealing and the robe of paranoia. And meet 5 new creatures and pets, such as the pilfering mantis and the tiny tame shrieker

This supplement is 5e compatible. It can also be used in your solo fantasy RPGs and the ideas here can be used in any fantasy setting.

Here's a look inside:

200 Pickpocket Items sample pages

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File Last Updated:
June 12, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on December 07, 2023.
Michael Augusteijn
Publisher Average Rating